I present to you Miles's inter dimensional waifu!

I present to you Miles's inter dimensional waifu!

What happened to the Gwen in Miles/Peter A's universe?

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Died like she's supposed to

probably never met her

that makes Gwanda her own person and free from dying so Peter can be rebooted from dead uncle to dead girlfriend.

now Miles can have a love triangle B story with Gwen and Peni or some third character native to his universe and Beter can go do dad stuff.

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>What happened to the Gwen in Miles/Peter A's universe?
Dead, obviously.

>hand stuck to hair

Black guys and white girls have so much chemistry

the fact that they're going to be a couple in the sequel makes me not want to see the sequel

You know what I like best about this? Even accounting for both of them being superheroes, Miles dating Gwen comes off as the most chuuni bullshit on his end.

They had good chemistry, I hope the sequel doesn't fuck it up

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You and 30 million other people

Who would you anons pair Miles with? Do you think Peni would be better than Gwen?


another black girl.

Gwen is for (mutliverse time travel young) Peter

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>ugh, c'mon Miles, keep up!

Depends on which universe it's drawing more from.

>Raimi-verse: She's alive and dislikes Peter for the Spider-Man 3 shit
>Ultimate: She got eaten by Carnage and came back as a clone
>616: She got killed by Norman

I'll still see it, but I liked them being friends more than being a couple.

How small is your white dick?

Yeah like the neurochemicals in the insular cortex that activate our disgust response

>what's up, whitey

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But you're white too

Not him but decent enough, how small is your asian dick?

The bulk of superhero pairings like this are shit, what makes miles and Gwen’s even worse is they have the same powers and are honestly the same fucking character, only being a spider person because of guilt over the death of (their) peter. And the fact that that’s true is pretty much why mules is the epitome of Chuunibyou and why his threads are always just shipper shit

People act like black guys getting with white girls is some triumph against racism, but they’re ignoring all the gorgeous black queens

And who are those 30 million?

The people who were fooled into seeing the first one under the pretense that it was a Spider-Man movie, who won't be seeing the sequel now that the jig was up. Also racemixing is deplored pretty much everywhere but the US.

I honestly don’t care about the race mixing, I’m just disgusted that it was used as an attack rather than as a genuine moment for miles to stand on his own as a “unique” character

They should introduce a nice white twink for him in the sequel. He deserves one, and also would showcase the rampant homophobia in the black community from the fans.

>mmmmm, I'm addicted to you, Miles

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You are really overestimating yourself. If anything more people will see the sequel since they originally slept on the first one and it didn't do well in theaters. Now everyone knows it's great.

Only you obnoxious twats have a problem with them being a couple and you are far far from the majority.

Not only are interracial relationships approved of by the overwhelming majority of people, but they’re actually on the rise themselves. People don’t give a fuck up some bullshit made up racist barriers. Not everyone is a fucking Yas Forumstard

You do realize that this pairing was specifically made to ignite racism? Besides this movie was like spider-man 2 so that means that spider-man 3 is next so I hope you’re ready to see to many characters in an over complicated yet retarded plot all about shitting on the last vestiges if the franchise in the name of progress

This really gave me a good chuckle. Take a look in the mirror and come to terms with how astoundingly pitiful you are being my friend.

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Your time's up, wh*te boy, the future is black

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I know you don’t read comics but come on user, we’re easier to control when we’re out against each other and petty shit like this is that exact point. But I understand that you must enjoy spider-man 7 featuring the 5th spiderman who has no original additions to the 60 year old franchise he was made to usurp

Bleak user it’s spelled bleak, I know it’s synonymous, but the distinction is important. Enjoy getting usurped by Pablo (who seems to hate you more than whitey) while working for Chang (who sees you for the accomplishments your people have made and not the money you’ve made for the jews)

Honestly, I should probably leave this thread
As a recovering blacked addict, I can attest that this fetish will seriously fuck you up. It’s really much worse than other fetishes. One of the most powerful and destructive of them all.
It all started when I was browsing /gif/ looking for something to fap to. I came across a thread dedicated to “monsters on human girls” or something like that, mostly sfm. I really liked it, but since it was such a niche genre, I figured, “hey, interracial is the next best thing”.
From there, I pretty much exclusively fapped to blacked shit. Initially, I didn’t think much of it, I just figured this was something really hot to fap to. But then it started to get much darker.
There’s this general on /trash/ called /BLACKED/, and it fucked me up in ways I couldn’t imagine. Tbh, I was already fucked up before I went there, but I think that place accelerated my decline.
I started hating white people, and couldn’t stop imagining every girl I saw getting blacked, including my own sister. I started cross dressing and craving black dick. I created an entire persona with a backstory and everything, then I’d go onto Omegle and talk to black guys about what a slut I was. For about 2 weeks, I genuinely thought I was becoming tranny. I would roll up my bedsheets into the shape of a dick, and then imagine I was deep throating a black guy. I think that’s the point where I realized I was really sick.
Since New Years, I’ve been making an effort to cure my blacked fetish. I’ve had a few relapses along the way, but lately I’ve felt good.
The only problem is that, no matter how much I cut down porn, the THOUGHT, will always be there. That’s the hardest part, removing the THOUGHT, because right now, women getting fucked by black dicks will ALWAYS be hotter than white dicks.
If I can remove that thought, then I will truly be cured. Until then, I guess I’ll be stuck fapping to solo images and cartoons.

What the fuck. I'm so glad I'm not white.

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Maybe just get a black girlfriend?

It’s the beginning of the end and there is no way up.

I kinda hate that I can't think they're cute without it becoming some racebaiting shitposting. Granted I'm A blackanon who was raised in predominantly white suburbs. so really it didn't feel weird to me. I'm less interested in black on white and more into Spider on Spider.

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Possibly never encountered this version of Parker. Maybe she's dead. It's unknown.

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Like bendis himself the (7) writers of the movie didn’t care it’s just about the flash with no substance. Petes just there to die like a bitch and be forgotten and replaced in a day

Is it just me, or are there way more black anons on Yas Forums than other boards?

I think people just don't bring up their race as much on other boards. I lurk on Yas Forums just as much but there's really never any reason to bring up me being black there.

I hope your girlfriend is white

What is it with black people hating black women?

It’s one thing to be ok with interracial relations, but “hoping” for them is a whole other level of sickness, especially if you’re white, which you likely are.
Get help

To answer both your questions I've only dated a black girl up to now. I'm fine with dating pretty much anyone though. I honestly ain't picky about race. She just has to be as much of a loser as me.

Speaking of Lana, She had a nice team up with Miles in Outlawed #1 today. that was nice.

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Why spend 5-10 minutes explaining some minor detail that would have absolutely zero impact on the story? Sounds like unnecessary bloat to nicely streamlined film.

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Why piss off actual fans and PROVE that miles was always meant to be a petty attack on the franchise when you could’ve just used a different name? Oh right because the cursory wiki the sat two writers did when the plugged the spider references into the paint by numbers script said these were the latest things happening in the comics at the time


Are you not here to?

Aren't they all the same person but in different universe? boomer peter, miles and gwen we're the same people just like all the other wacky characters like the pig, anime, noir etc spidermen so they are all like exact clones of eachother? And that's why there can only be one of them in their respective universe? So I don't get why anyone would ship anyone of these as they're all the same person.

She's a single mom, probably.

Miles had a bigger ass than Gwen
That's what happens when Sony and Disney work together

fucking kill yourself actual braindead retard

makes you look even worse

How do? Because I actually read comics and get annoyed when movie casuals get uppity about their bland movies?

Isn’t Gwen from Miles universe though?
Haven’t watched the movie so idk

Nope she’s from her own universe and was in miles universe for a week with no problems despite the fact that dimensional travel being deadly to those stuck in the wrong was the ticking clock in the movie


Spider-Gwen is cute.

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