I want a corrupted Steven to cuddle

I want a corrupted Steven to cuddle

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are they trying to do hollow ichigo?

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Please translate this post for people who haven't consumed your particular flavor of washing detergent.

Nah, Steven's transforming into a monster because his human PTSD is making his Gem powers act up.


Hero becoming a monster is so fucking old

rawr is dinosaur for I love you XD
I have no doubts that they're going to go full body horror with his transformation

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Damn did his face swell up in Growing Pains

doesn't make it any less fun


Yeah, I think it'll be a mix of that and catfingers but even worse.

I know, I’m just pointing out the idea didn’t come from just Bleach. Personally I say this would be closer to Great Saiyan Ape

>dude how do i draw hands

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I want smol corrupted Steven that’s the size of a small dog

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I want to keep him on a leash and teach him to become a good pet

Quite honestly if I turned into a giant reptilian kaiju I don't think I'd be complaining desu
I do wonder if they'll have to break the "Steven's perspective only" rule while he's corrupted

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>Quite honestly if I turned into a giant reptilian kaiju I don't think I'd be complaining desu
Steven's a soft boi though, so he would definitely see turning into this big destructive monster thing as horrible
>I do wonder if they'll have to break the "Steven's perspective only" rule while he's corrupted
Yeah I'm curious to see what happens

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Do we have synopses for this weeks' episodes?

This guy claims to have a source saying that Corrupted Steven won’t be a worm, but will be closer to the “leak” you posted


Fake. He’s gonna be a monster

>kaiju Steven confirmed

I want to protect corrupted Steven from the rest of society and make him loyal only to me!

Why were the bleach designs 10/10 with a story that was 2/10. SU is garbage I was just bored and click on the thread.

Who is this guy and why should I believe him?

I want to pet him and give him treats if he is a good boy

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So Steven is training with Jasper

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How long before Steven does this?

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Damn Steven has really bad luck with gardening

I really hope that they just go completely balls to the walls with kaiju-Steven and don't just have him wuss out before causing any actual destruction. I want to see him leveling mountains, one-shotting gem-ships and destabilizing the Diamonds with minimal effort. After all this build-up, I want him to at least be a Cluster-tier threat and get some kickass kaiju scenes between him and the Diamonds/Alexandrite.

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I'm HOPING for something like that, but I have really low expectations desu.

My wild hopes, though not at all realistic are that we see.
>Kaiju Steven vs Alexandrite
>Kaiju Steven vs United Diamond Spaceship Mecha
>Kaiju Steven vs Diamond Fusion
And then top it all off with every single Gem in the empire coming together in one massive planet-sized singularity style fusion in order to give kaiju-steven the world's biggest group hug . Probably more likely though that Steven will just throw some minor temper tantrum and then Connie will single-handedly talk him down before anyone actually gets hurt.

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All of those sound hype as fuck but yeah it's probably going to be 5 minutes of kaiju Steven, he doesn't even get to do anything, and gets talked down. It's a shame.
Though there is that leaked scene with everyone except Steven running into battle, so MAYBE we'll get something cool out of that?

i thought he was dead at first

How did it end anyway?

But Spinel will heal his heart

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>TTGL final boss but with talk no jutsu instead

Talk no jutsu defeating Corrupted Steven is inevitable, but I'd rather watch a giant space-dragon get calmed down by a planet sized celestial maternal figure, than his indian GF just scolding him until he gets over it.

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Fully agreed and I like your idea.

It'll be like Reunited where Steven goes inside everyone's minds, just in reverse. Bookmark this.

an orgy to end all orgies

Connie and him aren’t getting together

not today satan
you wont trick me this time

I'd rather a giant Steven boyfriend

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Posting the sauce, negritos variety.com/2020/tv/features/rebecca-sugar-cartoon-network-steven-universe-1203537231/

>Seen a few giant Pink Steven x tiny Steven lewd after growing pains
fuck people are quick

Ripping off anime is Sugar's favorite trick.

But which anime?

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Some of it was actually made beforehand, Growing Pains just enabled more of it
and I'm just over here waiting for... other... content... that could possibly be inspired by certain parts of the episodes

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I'm genuinely curious what waiting for, user


Care to link to those?
Any one of Giant steven and the Diamonds or with Lars or Greg?

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*Actually, never mind. I think I've figure it out
Steven stuffing himself with food relive his stress?

*I'm slow as fuck when it comes to responding