What are you expectations for the New Warriors reboot?
Do you think this new young and diverse team will bring in sales?
What are you expectations for the New Warriors reboot?
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God this shit looks boring. What a bunch of worn out uninspired junk. Memes are for twitterchan not comics.
no. i feel marvel is officially finished. the writer is trash but editors and higher ups who gave this the green right are much more fucking awful. all of them share the same mindset. this made it clear that they only know about/rely on trends on twitter and progressive narratives propagated by internet media.
Looks worse than that live action show that was canceled during production.
>Do you think this new young and diverse team will bring in sales?
Yes and Yas Forums will cry about it
>Memes are for twitterchan not comics.
Fuck off Yas Forums
no it really wont get more sales
i genuinely believe the term get woke go broke at this point because its not a meme anymore
I hope to God every single living person in New York catches the covid and dies. Christ, what a shithole.
how young and diverse are they?
no but it could be surprisingly good
It's gonna be canceled in a few months
I don't think Yas Forums really gives a flying fuck about comics like you faggots do?
>Those names
>Girl is obviously in blue
>Guy is obviously in pink
Its like a Yas Forums comic parody idea.
>the most exciting thing about new Marvel comic is how a single board on Yas Forums will react to it. Oh, and not the one interested in comic books of course.
I like blue and pink :)
What would your progressive power and superhero name be Yas Forums?
When I punch people they shrink down to the size of an ant
Six issues then cancelled and a few scattered cameos until they are forgotten or killed off
Can we just scrap everyone else and just make a wacky edgy 90's parody comic of B-Negative?
Nu Marvel ladies and gents
Do people even buy comic books anymore?
ahaha oh shit that headline was serious?
i heard this and honestly thought it was a joke-
aha fuck liberals for making black people the fall guys for this bullshit.
Need more practicality in their suits, more leather and pockets and shit
Meme-obsessed indeed.
This guy is fucking based
What the hell am I looking at?
>new young and diverse team will bring in sales?
Closed after five issues
it's fucking real holy shit xDDD
What's wrong with them?
They're original characters instead of sjw-ify versions of previous characters.
We want them to make their own characters for them.
These aren't for us.
What if you beat your dick
I legit thought it was a comicsgate meme or something. I live in an weird timeline.
It's a 5 issue mini-series
If you pour shit on your own pie instead of someone else's that's great and all but you're still serving a pie covered in shit.
My expectation is that I've completely forgotten about this comic in few days and the character designs just blend inside tumblr-art threads.
>We want them to make their own characters for them.
>These aren't for us.
Ditto. Its their money so if they choose to pour it down the drain, they're free to do that. I'm sure the 20-30 twitter fans of the writer will be exhilarated to read it without actually buying it.
Why does stuff like this get made? And why does it always fail? Don't the people making these have tubmlrs to advertise this?
They're original characters, yeah, but they're just bad.
Nobody is happy with these ideas, not even the people this sort of thing is for.
looks exactly with this mountain of hipster shit that disney has been shiting in marvel comics
this is not marvel comics this is not super hero comics, this is something else made for people who have never bought and will never buy comics
>make the simple
>back to the basics
>sexy ladies in letards
>and hetero male heroes this is what people want to see and buy
Looks like something a mid 40s artist spent about 15 minutes on twitter and got the gist of what 2020 teens look and act like and then crapped out this.
Meanwhile Marvel still has no fucking clue why the teen demographic moved over to manga and never bothers with western stuff.
New warriors was always, always counter culture “FUCK THE SYSTEM REEEEEEEEEE” type, they are more like a punk rock band with superpowers than actual superheroes
Obvious bait, but I'll bite.
The characters designs are garish as fuck.
Trailblazer's hoodie clashes greatly with that design sin of a fucking backpack.
Screentime's design is fucking stupid. The designers should have drawn inspiration from the cyberpunk aesthetic and that of you average douchebage Youtuber
Snowflake and Safespace's names are already a joke, and designs could have been way better than some basic ass shite tracksuits.
B-Negative is perfect though. Anybody who says otherwise is wrong and has fucking shite taste.
Then again the artists and writers on this were likely shut-in nerds back in their day so they probably could not tell you what teens were into when they themselves were 17.
Does he browse Yas Forums and call the autism twins attack helicopters?
I doubt it, they test these kind of things. Even shit the whole internet hate and would tank is tested to guarantee that there are returns. I'm glad it exists because more often than not you can reply with "You're right, this comic is aged, bad and full of dated views. Here's a newer one you can enjoy instead" so both sides are happy and don't need to shit or swerve the other to pander to their tastes.
>These aren't for us.
to work it has to be done for everyone not for a small group of soi boys who think they will change comics with woke and cringe ideas
B-negative is every fuckboy rolled into one. You have shit taste
>The characters designs are garish as fuck.
And so?
The artist and writer like it
>Trailblazer's hoodie clashes greatly with that design sin of a fucking backpack.
The artist and writer like it
>Screentime's design is fucking stupid. The designers should have drawn inspiration from the cyberpunk aesthetic and that of you average douchebage Youtuber
The artist and writer like it
>Snowflake and Safespace's names are already a joke, and designs could have been way better than some basic ass shite tracksuits.
The artist and writer like it
A young black dude would never wear pink
Dude, no one is focus testing comics. It’s very low risk and cost, so who cares? Even if it sells no copies it’s at most like a 50 k loss
I’m excited and looking forward to it. This will be the first physical books I’ve bought ever. I think it’s gonna be a fun series. I think starting off a new book and a new team with all new characters is great! I’ll be here since the beginning.
Jesus man, this is for real?
pic related
>moved over to manga.
Exactly. Comics are dead as fuck. It's really only a matter of time before the last comic shop closes for good. However, kids dumped comics thirty years ago when they got too expensive for anyone other than elitist slobs, and manga got a lot of them when it started taking off in the West. Manga has been the new comics for twenty or so years.
I refuse to believe a "meme-obsessed" teen would go anywhere near a "non-binary" person and not get instantly expelled from this group for intentionally using the wrong pronouns and calling the fat bitch a fat bitch.
looks like a parody
In universe their powers are useless.
Anyone with a cell phone could beat internet meme gas boy. Anyone with any modicum of energy manipulation and martial arts skills could beat the BIG GAY twins. The bag of holding from D&D isn't a super power, and the vampire kid is just a vampire.
They really gonna stop somebody like Nitro or Carnage? Realistically no, but the writers are totally gonna skew it that way. This is the same universe where Immortal Hulk is happening right now and people are being maimed and brutalized in that book. These ideas are just not great. It's like making a bisexual superhero and making his entire identity just "GUYS HE LIKES BOTH" and naming him "Captain Two Way."
Anyway I'm gonna go read Milestone.
What retarded crackpot came up with these? Also, while I'm here, I'm going to take a guess at their powers: Snowflake has cryokinesis, and Safespace has force field generation.
>Snoowflake the girl from Safe space
Wow they really called it huh
We let this happen Yas Forums
"Misgendering...my only weakness? How did you know?"
I would think this was parody but I've seen the guy responsible for writing the comic. It's definitely not. RIP Marvel Comics. We could probably power cities with the perpetual motion machine that is Stan Lee spinning in his grave.
Trust me on this: Even the SJWs think those names are a fucking dumb idea.
Encouraging diabetes, eating disorders, heart disease, liver failure, kidney problems, medical endangerment and premature death to own...themselves.
Did the original New Warriors of our youth seem this obnoxious to adult comic book fans in the 90s?
It's literally this wtf
Sometimes the artist and writer aren't always right. I guess licking somebody's boot is good from another point of view.
Thing is, the elitist slobs fucking love how things have gone. They get to have their own super special comic shops, no normies or casuals at all, and they get to think they have the whole medium to themselves as the only "True" fans.
This. I have a comfy weekend reading Kimetsu No Yaiba while you fags read this.
I think Disney's stock has dropped a little more now