What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?

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A lot of comic industry drama can be traced back to autism.

The problem isn't Waid (there's always going to be terrible people.) The problem is he's allowed to get away with being a piece of shit. All of his peers defend him (themselves being almost as bad) and he continues to get work.

Please, harras(sment) and lobdell still has work. Jim Shooter stayed on for years. Being an ass brings you a bloody promotion in this industry

somebody post that story about him having a tantrum and crying at his desk

he went insane after Kingdom Come

it is a shame, because that is my favourite comic book of all time.

his online fight with richard meyer was hilarious.

>that is my favourite comic book of all time
that's just sad dude, you need to read more comics

you know what's sadder? posting here and telling someone else to go read comics

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I'm truly sorry user I'm just reflexively imagining a scenario where I'm dumb enough to think that Kingdom Come is my favorite comic and it's making me gag harder than your mom on my cock last night

what would you recommend?

Damn, last I checked her ashes were still in that little box. I doubt they feel good around a dick though

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What in the actual fuck???

If you like superhero comics Kingdom Come is a perfectly fine favorite. Stop being a faux comics elitist.

Shit taste

>his online fight with richard meyer was hilarious.

Has that gone to court yet? Oh no, do we need to send more money to Richard Meyer's Go Fund Me so he can totally pwn the libs!?!?

He's had others cover for bad behavior so long he can't recognize it from himself anymore.

It's sad.

The fact that the board is overrun with New Warriors threads and suddenly there's a Waid thread out of the blue even though the only notorious thing he's done so far in years is writing HOTMU and Doctor Strange tells me a lot of teens and tourists arrived here straight from Ya Boi Zack's streams. And before you start your usual bullshit about "herp derp he wasn't mentioned until YOU said it", in previous threads someone mentioned he actually commented on this and is convinced Marvel did it to spite him personally, so clearly a lot of his cheerleaders who don't read comics on the regular need to come and shit up the place.

Sincerely fuck off with your false outrage and your constant New Warriors shit.

Hi Mark

Based triggered fag.

If one youtubers fanboys are enough to take over Yas Forums that should tell you plenty about the state of comics.

>Jim Shooter stayed on for years.
You mean the man that did literally nothing wrong and whose only great crime was expecting the chucklefuck employees of his to actually meet deadlines after he raised their pay?
Yeah he totally deserves to be in the same line up as the others

I mean discord trannies easily turned this place into Yas Forumsmblr so low pop/engagement leading to easy takeover is nothing new

This board has very little discussion of comic books compared to other places, it's pretty much "Cartoons (and comics)", and besides it's pretty easy to shitpost in here, so a bunch of YouTubers can easily come and do it. There's no fucking conspiracy there to point out where the fags are coming from.
r/comicbooks has several times the audience of Yas Forums (cartoons included) and you barely see any of this crap in there.
>inb4 "why don't you leave then", missing the point, though this will be effectively my last post in this thread

That's because the mods actively censored wrong think and wrong thinker comics

lol this fucking rëdditfag.

Fuck off back to r*ddit then faggot

what is this from?

i love how you faggots keep on posting this as proof that Waid is some evil SJW hellbent on destroying humanity without realizing all of you would probably have a heart attack after reading any given issue by TCJ

We Told You So: Comics as Art
But I read TCJ


Lolcow material right here


Yas Forums never liked Waid. Even before Coomer Gate.

he's a soi-infused faggot with TDS

Drew Carey?

He occupies the same niche as Byrne.

The only person who Yas Forums sucks off without question is Morrison

There are 4 of his comics on the DC General Recs picture alone, and I'm sure I'll find his name on the Daredevil and Flash ones as well, not to mention how people love his Doctor Strange in here.
How the fuck can you read the Comics Journal and still think Waid is the worst person in comics, there are worse people that have actually CONTRIBUTED to it. He's just an above-average jobber with a bit of the tism (which I'm sure is true of a lot of other comic creators as well).

>He's just an above-average jobber with a bit of the tism (which I'm sure is true of a lot of other comic creators as well).
See, as I was writing my post, this user managed to mention another above average jobber with (in this case, a lot) of the tism who's also an objectively worse person than Mark Waid by pretty much every metrics available.

Waid Daredevil is garbage

You not liking it doesn't change the fact that Yas Forums guffawed over it (and I bet a bunch of people still do, I quite enjoy it to be honest).

He got old, and he cannae hack it anymore.

It happens to pretty much everyone at some point. Him earlier than most.

>How the fuck can you read the Comics Journal and still think Waid is the worst person in comics, there are worse people that have actually CONTRIBUTED to it. He's just an above-average jobber with a bit of the tism (which I'm sure is true of a lot of other comic creators as well).
I just posted the image about the funny Waid story. He is just your average capeshit writer

Spurgeon was an idiot hack. He points out that a story has parts of other stories as though that somehow proves it's bad?

There's nothing new under the sun, dipshit.

Kingdom Come was fucking brilliant, utterly summing up and dismissing the 90s without even needing to be out of the 90s to do it.

Hating Kingdom Come is failing a crucial test of your ability to actually understand comics.

Calm down, Waid (Ross would be more apt since it was his comic/story but this is a Waid thread). Tom was right.

Just admit you don't really read TCJ

Meyer stands no chance of winning dude

Why is it so hard to believe that an user who has Tim Hensley and Gerald Jablonski comics wouldn't read TCJ?

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Cause you got that photo from another user

user i just like laughing at this story I have no problem with waid otherwise (he wrote some shitty comics but I mean who hasn't) I don't go on twitter and I have only the faintest idea of who that meyer guy even is cause of Yas Forums

No that's what I posted on a shelf thread once. I recently got Hellberta among other comics but you'll probably post the same thing again, which makes me question why I even reply.

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he's going to win his lawsuit and Zack going to cry.

Yes he does, Mark. It's why you and your lawyer keep stalling in hopes he'll run out of money.

So Kiwifarms, who's going to be the next grifter you're going to fall for to own the libs?

There still stuck on Vic at the moment.

Really Nick is just a truly loathesome person.

There's plenty of bad people around but it's also true that Waid is a legtimately unstable asshole who's currently using politics as a shield.

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It's like a high functioning Chris-Chan

jesus fucking christ

Modern heroes aren't as wholesome and virtuous as the golden age heroes. Yeah, that's some Olympic-level insight, there.

And you don't understand why people use derivative as a criticism?

>wholesome and virtuous as the golden age heroes
I feel that this is a misconception. Golden age was weird as fuck, and was more often more abrupt than wholesome and virtuous