It's finally here! Bats vs Lex.
Year Of The Villain - Hell Arisen 04 Storytime
That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book. Stay safe.
Did Manhattan cause the Crime Syndicate to come back?
This artist makes The Batman Who Laughs somehow look even more silly than usual.
>Death Metal
When did he learn this? Didn't they show up in Superboy?
As it should be. Epting going for a more realistic feel reminds you that this is just a pale Bruce Wayne who decided to dress like a fag.
This timeline makes no sense.
How the fuck can Wonder Woman be wherever the Quints sent them and looking for Donna during Hell Arisen?
Why does DC not give a shit about having anything resembling a coherent timeline anymore?
Oh Fuck off with this prick already. I'm so tired of the asspulls with this guy.
>Batman who Laughs loses
>But no, not really. He's stronger now
Perpetua showed him at the start of this
I thought the CS showing up in Bendis's Superman torturing Jon for seven years during the age up was timetravel back in time.
Does this mean Clark can rescue Jon in the present by just hoping barriers without the the time travel?
Then go fucking rescue your son, Clark.
DC is just on cruise control until 5G. Everything right now is just filler.
Technically, Manhattan altering the timeline in Doomsday Clock should have created a new universe where user wasn’t tortured for years by UM.
Although rumors by Bleedingcool say that a very old Jon will take over the Superman mantle so maybe that will play into? IF the the rumors are true. IF.
Overall DC just wants Jon to be old regardless. And DC doesn’t really give too much of a shit about continuity right now.
You can still make a coherent timeline while producing filler. Bronze age DC doesn't have this level of timeline problems, and then they probably gave even less fucks.
Gotta set him up for Death Metal as the big bad.
I don't care. I want Jon deaged, and I'm not supporting Superman again or Legion unless it happens.
Me too. Here’s hoping for the best.
I don’t think anyone is communicating with each other at DC. They are all in their own little worlds.
When Lex joined, wasn't Supes dead? But then the timelines combined and Nu and OG Supes combined. So what was he doing during this?
weird faces
So that is it?
Damn bish. You are a broken soul. So broken that your vocabulary is limited to same words...
Dude isn't going to get aged down. Dude isn't going to get saved. You probably don't have a life worth living if you have to come here, on your knee, chanting the thing to your imaginary DC god. You sound pathetic as fuck. Shotafags are the worst.
But hey.... see you next week in the Legion Thread. ;^)
so... that's some magical halberd, right?
No, lex joined the new 52 league right after Forever Evil. New 52 Superman didn't die until after Darkseid War. Superman Reborn indicated the New 52 suit was adopted after Death of Superman, basically replacing the Black suit and Super Mullet looks? I thought maybe the New 52 league would have been formed in place of the Morrison League? Then Manhattan altered reality again. It's all really wonky.
I'm going to complain all I damn want. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
anti climax
mercy looks like a step mom with those glases on all the time
fuck off Tynion and Snyder
I see, thanks. Didn't really keep up with Nu52 at all. Is Forever Evil worth reading?
>Stop, my invincible son.
It's pretty good. Villains get to be the "good" guys. Batman is there but he has to play nice with them. And the Justice League comic running along it fills in the gaps for various things.
Well, this explains that one issue with Ultraman crying to John.
I wonder if there’s a parallel timeline where instead of the Batman Who Laughs, the OP villain DC spams in fucking everything and gives completely undeserved wins is a dead serious monochromatic Lord of Order version of the Joker called Pierrot the Dread Mime
It’s alright, I guess. Villains have some great chemistry together. It also introduces a version of Bizarro that DC didn’t revisit until-I think Red Arrow? Anyway he’s a deformed Superman clone Lex grew who thinks of Lex as his daddy and is generally much more of a good boy. advised that the event that immediately follows it, Darkseid War, introduces someone who rivals Laughs in both edge and impossible competence.
“It’s made of dark metal so it instantly unlocks every high tech gadget and can cut through every low tech gadget because it’s connected to a dark metal pacemaker in Batkek’s heart so it’s charged full of his BATMAN ALWAYS WINS energy”
Scott Snyder, probably
Right, she was in Wonder Woman. So that's what happened to Metron