This is how you do a good redemption arc people
Skyla and Tairon the Princeso
But there is no arc. They interact twice and apparently this was enough to get him to do a complete 180 on his beliefs. It's cute but it is in no way actually well-written or believable.
Fuck off Yas Forums
oh well, i can appreciate it even if there is nothing in the instance of plot
motherfucker's got a forehead like peyton manning
Still doesn't make the Skyla comic good, but I'll give it some slight respect for doing such a thing
>Manu Chao
The skinhead literally got rid of his Nazi tattoos what more do you want
Did you know that things can happen off-screen?
oh well to each your own
what about Tairon el Princeso, the other one about limbo
blood sacrifice.
It is already done, its called Katya
>Subtle dog whistling isn’t dog whistling
I want Yas Forums to leave
>laser his white supremacy tats
you know this one REALLY wants to be dominated by a ubermenschen
Is there anyone Skyla can't befriend?
>Grew up in a trailer park and had a shitty homelike
>Tattoos are straight up white power shit. Not pansy, white nationalist or white ethnostate middle class frills or trying to pretend to be anything else.
>Guy himself is a massive motherfucker.
There is a story there.
There's literally nothing Yas Forums about it, the skinhead is becoming a better person according to our morals I can tell you're just another racist douche looking for any reason to be upset
She has low tolerance for degenerates
a lack of plot is not a lack of story, look at Dark Souls for example
You mean to tell me Dark Souls has a story? I guess I was too busy lusting over Gwyndolin to notice.
It's well-known, too.
Young man with no father figure latches on to ideology that promises strength and purpose, gives a clear enemy and reason why things are bad for you specifically.
Everyone wants an easy answer, user. No matter if that answer is correct or not.
Doesn't really change the argument.
>MAPs have a pride flag
of course they do.
no place to befriend degenerates
What's a no map? I know map is minor attractive person but does no map mean they're against that?
"Non Offending" MAP
They invented the term to paint themselves as righteous people for resisting their urge to fuck children. Basically "Oh, I'm a Minor Attracted Person... but I'm a Non-Offending Minor Attracted Person! I'd never ACTUALLY fuck a kid!"
the NO stand for Non Offending
Sorry your daily Gwen and SU thread got deleted
Okay. Why. Why would they announce this?
Acceptance in small steps.
Because they wanna be open about being pedophiles without admitting to being pedophiles.
I'm really starting to think the whole slippery slope thing might be legit
im starting to think youre gay
>and then, one day, for no reason at all...
He didn't 180 he just had to clean up a bit so he could wagecuck
>be OP
>shill Sinfest
>it fails
>shill New Guy
>it fails
>shill Skyla
>it fails
In which case it isn't a redemption arc at all.
well it sure is a improvement of image, considering he does not look like the type who would get shot in a ATF raid anymore
Eh he's on his way. Give him time. Right wing extremism is founded primarily on disgust and he obviously sees that not everything is that bad outside Evropa's cold embrace.
the slipper slop went from a mild incline to a sheer drop like 8 years ago where have you been
artist's an ex-weeb argie from CABA, so, yes.
wasn't it like virtuous like some years ago
he is the one guy in Falkland who voted to be part of Argentina
lmao he wishes he had that much muscle on him
fascinating how that city always produces a ridiculous amount of germanic LARPers. this one's specially funny, he LARPs as a slavic
Is she Skyla's final boss?
Do you guys have anything better to do
no shes dead
>Ruby Ridged
For what I remenber of his twitter the argie is actually pretty fuckng buff.
sorry bud the SU wank thread is on the first 10 pages, im sorry that you got lost from the herd
One of the main demands of the Stonewall crowd was to lower the age of consent
tall and overweight at best
Did he actually remove them or just cover them up with bandages?
No, like actually buff and hairy like in a bara doujin.
Haven't read it but looks more entertaining since it is more then "lol she cute and dumb"
What does SU have to do with anything
its more a "lol she is a crazy ethno sociopath and her family is a big crapshow and shes dead"
it is entertaining if you are interesting in political shitposting
No he actually is swole.
Portenos will always wish to be Prussianos
Too bad the Chileans beat them to it