Zoomers are starting to feel nostalgic over Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners...

>Zoomers are starting to feel nostalgic over Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners, blissfully unaware that they are regarded as the worst Nicktoons of all time and were hated by everyone.
What went wrong? Why do Zoomers have such shit tastes?

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desuarchive.org/co/search/text/Zoomers nostalgic/type/op/

>Zoomers are feeling nostalgic for those shows
OP I’m a Zoomer and I forgot those shoes even existed. Go back on your meds faggot.

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I've seen a dude on here say sanjay and craig got better in the later seasons but I don't believe him

people are feeling nostalgic for these shows? I'm on the same boat as I forgot either of these shows existed

If anything, they feel nostalgic over Phineas and Ferb

>the worst Nicktoons of all time

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How old are Zoomers again

the oldest zoomers should be 24 now

10 years ago
>millenials are starting to feel nostalgic over EEnE and Courage The Cowardly Dog, blissfully unaware that they are regarded as the worst CN shows of all time and were hated by everyone.

Who? Literally where have you seen people getting nostalgic for those?

desuarchive.org/co/search/text/Zoomers nostalgic/type/op/

Dude if you're gonna make a comparison at least pick shows that generally divisive or hated, not some of the most acclaimed shows of their era even at the time.

Like this:
>millennials are starting to feel nostalgic over Cow & Chicken and My Gym Partner's a Monkey, blissfully unaware that they are regarded as the worst CN shows of all time and were hated by everyone.

>_____ are nostalgic for shitty shows
Literally every single generation, including yours.

>the worst Nicktoons of all time

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I watched a couple of the early episodes of Breadwinners as a kid and I remember liking it.

Die you degenerate Breadfag

He’s right, surprisingly.

These three shows should’ve been better off on Nick. Jr instead. They’re just too silly and kiddy for those above the age of 8.

Pelswick was fucking based, you dipshit.

Incorrect. Sanjay and Craig always had people defending it.
The other two, not so much.

I don’t know about the rest of Yas Forums, but all three of these shows are huge guilty pleasures to me when it came to strange waifu material.

PGBC was actually pretty good to me.

Breadwinners was mean-spirited hot garbage.

Breadwinners is basically How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?: The Cartoon

PGBC was good animation, shit writing
at least it got 1/2

Not to mention it showed well enough that the shows setting is an absolutely shitty place to live in because most of the characters here are either assholes, idiots, spineless, or just plain miserable.

Rambamboo was actually based not gonna lie.

Megan and Sanjay’s Mom were honestly good characters as well.

I was born in '95 and can safely say Sanjay and Craig was way better than shit I grew up with like As Told By Ginger or All Grown Up. Get some taste OP.

Guess who’s bringing home the bacon?

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I legitimately liked this, even though it is a bit weak in some reguards

Breadwinners was like the only show that was bad, and even then it had its moments.

Sanjay and Craig was actually fucking great. Not exactly Top Five Nicktoons material, but it really shouldn’t have been belittled by Yas Forums.

Just how bad are they really?

I’ve seen way more people get nostalgic over fan boy and chum chum in Twitter than these two shoes.


>Zoomers are starting to feel nostalgic over Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners
I'm a zoomer and I don't know a single fucking soul who actually watched those shows

They are worse than Cartoon Network's forbidden 3.

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Sanjay and Craig and Pig Goat Banana Cricket were unironic kino

>worst Nicktoons of all time

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Kill yourself zoomerscum

I just checked the forefront of normie zoomer culture, the PewdiepieSubmissions, and if they aren't feeling nostalgic for that shit no one is.

Literally who the fuck is feeling nostalgic for this shit? Whom?


One guy isn't everyone.


This was wholesome

Take that back uncultured swine!

>Sanjay and Craig was actually fucking great.

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Mr. Enter considers this the third worst Nicktoon, only ones worse were Sanjay & Craig and Bunsen is a Beast.

you can throw out eceleb names all you want, literally no one is gonna recognize them!

James Perrott.

22 or 23. no one truly knows when the millennial cutoff year is as it's a debatable topic, many say that gen z starts in either 1997 or 1998.

This is only what a zoomer would say, kill yourself zoomerfaggot

Yo what the fuck

It's so weird when I'm able to recognize a poster here on Yas Forums.

t. Boomer

God, I'm starting to remember how much i hated that clusterfuck of cartoon

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>hurr zoomie boogey man
Why don't you kill yourself first since that's what most millennials tend do to themselves anyway because they are always sad and depressed because of how much of a failure they are at life.

Butthurt zoomer detected, go choke on a tide pod faggot.

what year did gen z start then, genius?

Reminder that the Breadwinners pilot was uploaded on YouTube back in 2012 and was only made as a joke. Soon after, some Nickelodeon executive saw it and was interested to turn it into a full series, the creator of Breadwinners thought it was a troll at first.


If people born in 1995 is by definition a "zoomer" to you than I'd much rather be grouped in that generation than to be apart of the same generation that's always depressed, sensitive, thinks they are oppressed, easily offended, and constantly bitches about how previous generations "ruined our lives".

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>Zoomerfaggot is a Wojakposter
No wonder this site has gone downhill, you retards post that shit everywhere.

>No wonder this site has gone downhill
Lol, clearly you are a newfag trying to fit in. This site has been "going downhill" for years. If you were here longer, you'd know that.

>Zoomers, this is your mindset
You deserve death if you were born after 94, the fact that you post and save Wojaks is truly a sign that you had a shit childhood.

The cartoons you grew up with and enjoyed were hated by the generation before yours.


so out of all the talent on newgrounds and youtube, the only ones that actually got made into tv cartoons were china il, annoying orange, and breadwinners

>the fact that you post and save Wojaks is truly a sign that you had a shit childhood.
Care to elaborate? My childhood was pretty good to say the least, just as good as my early adulthood because I'm not a bitter depressed millennial. Does the sight of a wojak "trigger" you like how almost anything a millennial dislikes triggers them? Here let me post another one.

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What the fuck is this

Fuck off avatarfag.

It hasn't aged great, but it's far from the worst.

You grew up during the dark ages of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.

Well, of course Sanjay and Craig and Breadwinners were the weirdest shows on Nickelodeon.

Sure, Breadwinners had dozens of weird booty moments, and including that the two main characters would booty bump like several times, but Sanjay and Craig, on the other hand, was disgusting.

THAT show had booty moments, too, and fart jokes were the main of it. But at least neither of the said shows had people sitting on others' ass, heh.