In preparation for the Robin 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular tomorrow, I'm going to be posting most of Stephanie Brown's stories as Robin, once a day, until the 18th. (Steph is set to star in an 8 page story written by Amy Wolfram, drawn by Damion Scott, and colored by Brad Anderson, per
Our final Stephanie Brown Robin post is a bit of an oddity: Detective Comics #980. I might also be posting 981 to finish out the storyline, and because it's still a great little Stephanie Brown piece. You might wonder why I chose it, but when we get to the end, all will become clear!
James Tynion has said that this issue was his attempt to say everything that Stephanie Brown means to him, and the leaks of the cover as Alvaro Martinez was drawing it were enough to send Steph and Cass fans into a frenzy of anticipation - just because of those Bat-ear shadows!
Previous storytimes: The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13 Solo #10 Detective Comics #796 Robin #126 Robin #101
Sometimes I'm really pissed that Scott Snyder yanked James Tynion away from this title to Justice League. Scot Eaton doing the art for this crucial issue is one of those times.
Steph, Cass, and Bruce, climbing up a shaft. Bruce being all "well, MAYBE Steph's plan will work." Steph being all "Well, MAYBE you can jump down this shaft".
I like that even though a lot of Tynion's run is fighting within the team, there's also big threats that are outside the team, so it's not a Civil War problem of almost all the problems being created by the team itself.
Eddy Barrows wasn't my favorite artist on this run - that would be Alvaro Martinez - but he drew the first several issues, and really established the "look" for Tynion's run. I really appreciate that he came back to do this last issue. Makes it really feel like a run.
Also, is SO much better a cover than Tony Daniel trying to pull the same thing for Batman #85.
I think it's really nice how Tynion gave almost every character in the run (at least those he started with) really nice moments in his finale. The Colony is one of the best things Tynion's created - much better than the Victim Syndicate, Designer, or Mother. I'd say better than Punchline, but that's a bit unfair, given we don't know what Punchline is yet.
A homage and representation of so much. You can tell Tynion does have a passion for these characters. It's a pity there's this wall stopping him from having fun.
Fun little story. So at C2E2 earlier this month I decided to go in line and get him to autograph this the following issue, and the annual.
The guy in front of me ironically had the Tec annual and JLD #1. Everyone else in front of us was getting him to sign the first two appearances of Punchline.
The guy prior to the guy in front of me had like so many copies each of Hell Arisen and Batman. So when it came to the two of us Tynion was like so touched at us.
More so that he wishes he could come back to this and JLD finish both comics the way he wanted too.
Which makes me wonder if he's having any sort of fun with his current Batman run. I mean you can see a bit of it with the Joker stuff in the preview or the various toys he's giving Bruce to combat the assassins. But there's something off.
Nathaniel Perez
Bruce and Kate's relationship is quite nice. Wish someone else would actually care to write it. Bennett tried to trash it. It was so stupid.
Yes, it is a pity that Didio's hatred of Steph and Cass (and even Tim) really gets in the way of them really getting to be as awesome as Tynion clearly can make them. I feel like this issue was him saying "screw it, I''m done with this run, I'm taking all the brakes off. What can they do to me?"
That's a great story. I really wish I could get 980 signed. It means so much to me, and I want to tell him that.
I think Tynion is having fun with Batman. But it's just not the same kind of fun I think he had with Detective. Detective may have put most of the toys back in the box at the end, but it was bold, exciting, and did things we hadn't seen in a very long time. Batman...honestly feels like we've seen all this before. Not in a bad way, but not as great as it could be.
Hopefully with him gone, Lee let's Tynion actually have some creative control over his Batman run more than just, "You gotta do this and that... And don't be Tom King."
Like I really want him to have Tim, Cass, or Steph to show up in a non-event story for the book (ala not Joker War). Just Bruce and blank going on a case together.
Logan Smith
This is a really nice ending for Kate. Much better than her stupid solo, which as I said before, just...sat on this potential, and made it all very meh. Even when using Beth again.
That's the question. He seems like the "setup" man, and with 5G being who knows what now. It looks like after Joker War we'll probably get what he wants to do and not mandated stories or stories he has to write to lead into another's (i.e Hell Arisen or his current Batman run).
Nathan Rodriguez
And, of course, the last goodbye is for Tim. Tynion's gotta let his Tim fan flag fly.
No, Cass. They didn't "let" you. You EARNED the right to wear that symbol, and often wore it better than Bruce could ever hope to, frankly.
That said, I still think she's better as Spoiler. It's best for her to have her own identity, forge her own path. Be her own heroine instead of one of Bat-Prick's goons.
Adrian James
I hope he gets to really be his own man. Though I fully expect him to be writing a bunch of Death Metal tie-ins during the summer.
This is VERY Ultimate Spider-Man Peter and MJ to me.
I think that the problem with Spoiler is that while it's her own's also a Tim Drake supporting role. Yes, Robin and Batgirl are Batman supporting roles, but that's a step up.
DC COULD make Spoiler a solo-level character, but it's not in the cards for several years. Robin and Batgirl, on the other hand, are immediately strong lead characters.
A classic Tynion ending (see also, the endings of Batman Eternal and Batman and Robin Eternal). So classic he did it TWICE in this issue! ()
And that wraps up our leadup to Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular! I hope I've introduced you to some comics you'd not read before, and helped get the hype up for this exciting 100 page special! Remember, stay safe out there tomorrow - Robin is great, but not worth getting the Clamp for (or whatever the disease in Contagion was called :) ).
And support your local comics shop (and comixology)!
I dunno. It wouldn't be all that hard to roll with Steph's original idea of 'spoiling' crimes. Have her take on more of a saboteur role, wherein she learns about crimes ahead of time and sabotages the operations.
And frankly, fuck the iconography shit and name value. Just tell good stories with the identity, and it will become iconic.
Landon Bennett
Cheers, OP
Anthony Smith
Well, as I said, she COULD be, but DC clearly isn't using her as they should.
As for iconography...I'm posting Batman comics. I'm kind of into iconography and name brand characters. :)
Thanks for reading!
Daniel Scott
Detective Comics Comics sucks at properly using their characters in general. They seem to have zero actual ideas for stories or concepts to explore with these people. It's kinda sad, really.
Logan Baker
All current pages of the preview for tomorrow's Steph comic, plus the Nicola Scott pinup, and an interview with the writer.
Blake Brooks
DC Comics. They have my heart. But also my enmity.
Liam Johnson
Just make a Batgirls comic with Babs/Cass in the leads with Steph in the co-staring role. It can work.
Brandon Hall
Ah, still so magical. Really left me in a state of delighted shock for days after the fact in a way nothing with DC has since... right up until seeing Steph's cover for the special. Those rare moments where SOMEONE with at least a bit of sway proves they're actually listening and willing to acknowledge the things we love, and even better, address issues with the things we don't, almost make the rest of the year-round nonsense seem not so bad.
Such a great scene. I do have to agree with Eye in some respects: this isn't Stephanie at her fullest and truest, and her final conversation with Bruce really cements that. Identities aside, there's just so many formative stories and relationships missing. But it is moments like these that provide some hope and remind me that bits and pieces of her core are still there, because I'm sure preboot Spoiler looking at, say, A World Without Young Justice, would've reacted the exact same way. I can see it now. >"On another world, I'm Robin. And on this one, you're screwed."
Still waiting for another writer to do something with this. Any day now... Well, at least Shadow of the Batgirl gave us a fix of this relationship for the time being.
At last, one final big thank you, OP. These storytimes really helped speed along what otherwise would've been a long week of waiting, and the discussion's been a lot of fun.
This. This is exactly why I chose this issue to be the last one of my Hype For Robin 80 series!
I do tend to agree that N52 and Rebirth Steph is basically regressed to her mid-90s self. But I still love her.
And thank YOU for reading and commenting! Can't wait for tomorrow's posts! I don't know if I'll be the one to post it, but I'll definitely be commenting!
Noah Anderson
It's weird how they went from having the best cape-adjacent comics (and batman) to whatever is going on now. I guess having such iconic characters makes you afraid to change them, or replace them, or remember you have them.
Owen Morris
Hill is teasing us with something in that regard with one villain showing the hypocrisy of Cass calling herself Orphan when her mom is very much alive.
Add to three Batgirl appearances. I wonder if DC is testing the waters for her coming back to the role?
She's the secret third lead.
Blake Robinson
Sekrits!!! :)
Cameron Edwards
Meant to be a link attached? Or is it just not showing up on my end?