Who would win a free for all between Green Lanterns?

Who would win a free for all between Green Lanterns?

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>any lantern past Guy has been brown

This motherfucker.

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I say this with no bias nor personal investment towards the character, but ultimately Hal Jordan. The man is a stubborn bastard who has literally become willpower at one point. Sure his constructs lack creativity, but they're sturdy enough to barrel through most problems.

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Obligatory Ben 10 is pathetic

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Kyle Rayner come after Guy you casualzoomer

Guy or Hal. They're the two with the most willpower as per Abin Sur's ring.

Don't underestimate Alan.

Hal, no contest
who would take second place?
Sinestro or Abin?

Why wasn't he a candidate then?

Guardians Blacklisting him for being GL out of their rule.

Different earth and he got his ring already

I would say Kyle

Kyle's Mexican.

Jyle is white passing.
He doesn't count as brown.
MAYBE as ocher

I meant Kyle

Hal is the most mary sue

Ranking by powerlevel IMO

Hal > Kyle just barely > Alan > Guy > John = Jessica = Simon

which deeds make Alan so strong?
why Guy is better than John?

What are Abin's big feats aside from beating Atrocitus that one time?

It would come down to Hal and Alan real quick. They have beat the crap out of most of the pic already.

Hes supposed to be almost exactly like Hal only having better focus, before he became a paranoid freak about his impending death.

Abin beat Alan and took his ring once.

Sodam Yat. He's "What if Superman were also a Green Lantern"

>which deeds make Alan so strong?
The timeline is so fucked I'll go with Golden Age Alan.
He could teleport everywhere, brainwash, phasing through everything and since no many villains use wood he is pretty invincible
>why Guy is better than John?
Well, Guy is the kind of "guy" who proves everyone can change.
Once he was a cocky asshole that found himself to be at the top in life and then he become a lovable asshole that you know is always joking and is doing it for (you)

Just summon some lead. Even when he was amped by Ion, Prime used it to kick his ass

Riri williams is not a green lantern

Here's a better question, can a yellow lantern be good?

I've been wondering this. Even red lanterns can be good, but being based around fear kind of means everyone is evil, doesnt it? I dont think I've ever seen a yellow lantern that was a good person or could function in every day life

Golden Guardian

isn't enough for anything, really. It's comics.

You have to get it through his field first and Superbitch Prime did that by being Superbitch Prime.

Also can green lantern rings do chemical compounds like that? I haven't seen it but my knowledge is at a level that's really only enough to repel normal people.

Alexander Nero was a good person with mental illness and he couldn't make his ring works and just make up his nightmares.
But he was a good guy

Spoon feed me. Who is this person. I cant find any information on the wiki

They can create Kryptonite so why not? Or drain his field

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She’s from the future. I think Bendis is gonna write her soon actually in his Legion book

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I could see them saying that was doable because kryptonite is green (if that's the kind they made)... but if they haven't said so then fair enough.

Wiki says hes bad. Plus he doesnt sound like he functions well in society

So shes not even written yet

they're only like the 24th Century.

Until it happens I'm assuming Williamson is gonna be the one to use XS since she's already cameo'd in Flash.

Batman was selected for the Sinestro Corps for like 2 seconds until the ring detected he had Hal Jordan cooties and fucked off. Fear is his whole deal so I don't see why not. I think the whole "loyal to sinestro" thing is more the problem.

I mean she showed up for a bit during a Flash comic so technically yeah she is. And Nero was more bad than good yes. Just a very disturbed fella.

We also gotta remember Hal’s always packing willpower to the point he apparently has more than the actual source, the Central Power Battery

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Batman and Brainiac 2 (The leader of L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S.) were both selected to join the Sinestro Corps.

Batman was rejected on a technicality (the yellow ring could sense that he'd recently worn a green ring) and Brainiac 2 got kicked out for refusing to follow Sinestro's orders.

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Don't mind me. Just posting best Green Lantern.

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I know batman got picked but his whole thing is scaring bad guys.

I was mostly wondering if a yellow lantern could function as a green lantern. You know, normal person who uses their power for good. Batman counts but hes more sinister and you could argue hes a villain for villains

Does the Corp exist in the multiverse? What does Earth 2 Corp look like?

They worked together for a while actually. Guy became friends with Arkillo

He's brown inside, even if that race has bred themselves paler as to insidiously infiltrate the country.

Yeah, it was actually a recent thing in the Morrison run.

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Soranik gave yellow rings to Harley, Wonder Woman, Flash and a few other random heroes to help fight off some space cultists that were attacking Earth. They seemed fine.

I know. I like arkillo. But hes not really a good person. When he first shows up isnt he murdering people in a space ship?

Getting a ring and being able to use it to its fullest requires that it be worn by someone that people are genuinely terrified of. Being able to make people scared of them is one of the main attributes which is why monsters, psychos, supervillains, and dictators get them most of the time. Not many heroes work on the everyone must be scared of me premise outside of Batman, who apparently sucks at using a yellow ring both times he tried.

You know, I guess it's pretty much reserved for bad people.

If they wanted to, they could asspull a yellow lantern who fights with HIS fears as opposed to other people's fears so instead of constructs he makes creepy monsters that fight for him.

Alright niggas I got my answers. Thanks for helping me. I guess yellow lanterns are destined to all be dicks

That's your takeaway? From all those replies providing evidence of the exact opposite?

Well yeah. The only "good" ones were the girl that has no backstory and hasn't been written about yet, and wonder woman for a short battle and the power was given to her and wasn't earned.

So yeah. My take away is that nobody who's a yellow lantern is good and can function like a green lantern

Kyle or Alan

Nax is a good Yellow Lantern.
She instil fear only because she has the power "Psychic Vivisection"
But she is a good girl that wants to help anyone who needs it

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Depends on writer

isn´t there another two missings in that picture?

Would she help me with my boner?

No mention of Mogo?

Jade and Kilowog?

Once the dust settles, these will be the standings:

>First place, Alan. He was pure willpower back before it was cool
>Close second, Hal, by editorial mandate.
>Kyle comes in third, torchbearer after all.
>Guy nearly takes it all but comes up short. Story of his life really.
>Sinestro, cant deny his prowess. But even Guy has beat him in ancontest of wills.
>John, cause i mean, who cares?
>Abin, Moore made him kind of a bitch, but he was capable.
>Jessica, by far the best Earth lantern created in this millennium.
>Literal shit.
>Baz, cause he a shit.
>The shit a dog shits out after eating one of his own shits.
>The shit a dog shits out after eating something else's shit.
>That one kid Bendis came up with who vultured her ring off a corpse.

She would vivisection it for seeing where do you nut