ITT: If you hear it, you lose

If you can hear the scene in your head you lose

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I lost

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>MFW she starts moaning while eating her own leg
Now that I think about it, watching Robot Chicken at 2am as a kid is probably one of the reasons I have a bunch of fucked up fetishes.

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I've spent years trying to find the name of the song played in Dr. Weird skits. What is it?

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Instantly lost.

Attached: You should be ANGRY at them!.jpg (480x360, 14.94K)

god dammit

That's just cheap mate.


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I lost

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you can now hear the entire thing in your head

Attached: (1) Dragonzball PeePee (Dragonball Z Parody Animation) - Oney Cartoons - YouTube.MP4_20180216_192810.074.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)


3 losses in a row, damn

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lost to everything so far

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for me it was the scream that turned me on

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I know it's not cartoons, but.

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Goku crashing into the Earth made me laugh harder than anything has in a long time.

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I lost bad

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Damn, lost again

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fuck you

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my man

Victory is not yours.

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You're lucky I'm here


I lost to almost every single one

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I'm out

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It's always nice to hear Miley Kunis screaming bloody murder.

i didn't it was a real song

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This shouldnt have work out and yet it did.

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