Is Teen Titans Go! more successful than the original series?

Is Teen Titans Go! more successful than the original series?

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Yeah it makes TTfags seethe because of its success

Define "successful".

It's one of the most succesful CN shows period, it has more episodes than Courage, Chowder, Flapjack, Robotomy, Robot Jones, SMFA and Problem Solverz combined.

>Lasted longer
>Has a movie
>Is more iconic than the original
I'd say yes

In terms of episodes, merchandise, recognition etc..

Do you have some kind of vendetta against the old series that causes you to make so many threads? It hasn't been made for years. They don't know you exist.

literally the only thing CN airs anymore

>Define "successful".

- Running continuously for 7 years in 250+ episodes and counting
- Constantly releases merchandise
- Consistently Decent to good ratings
- Memorable songs
- Generates salt from neckbeards and cartoon twitter

Not me retard.

Kill yourself retarded zoomer.

So 1 out of 5 then.


>- Constantly releases merchandise
>- Consistently Decent to good ratings
>- Memorable songs
>- Generates salt from neckbeards and cartoon twitter
All wrong


Successful movie

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>"Kill yourself zoomer"

your forgot your HRT pills, tranny

>Successful movie

it made 5x its budget

>Successful movie
>Lowest grossing movie from Warner Bros Animation
>sequel was direct to DvD only and flopped

0 x 5 is still 0 also apparently didn't do well enough since it's sequel was released on BD/DVD where it bombed.

>>Lowest grossing movie from Warner Bros Animation

50m profit looks better on the books than the whatever 9 digits BVS or JL had

>>sequel was direct to DvD only and flopped

By that logic all disney renaissance movies flopped because most of the sequels were direct to DVD

Cope zoomerfaggot.

Reminder that this show is the reason these shows got cancelled
>Uncle Grandpa
>Mighty Magiswords
>Be Cool Scooby-Doo
>Justice League Action
TTG ruined Cartoon Network.

That's pathetic for an animated movie.
>By that logic all disney renaissance movies flopped because most of the sequels were direct to DVD
Learn to read retard

sad for JLA

the rest deserved death

>50m profit looks better on the books than the whatever 9 digits BVS or JL had
No it doesn't. That's quite low and half of that is international.

>By that logic all disney renaissance movies flopped because most of the sequels were direct to DVD
Are you retarded?

Objectively yes.

good for a non 3d animated movie

No, because this is the cartoon that children will consider to be the "peak" of entertainment so when they grow up, they'll churn out even shittier cartoons and then the children of that generation will consider THAT the peak, and so on and so forth until cartoons are either gone forever from lack of interest or the characters are just literal lines.

It's definitely lasted longer due to the Networks lower standards in general and being relatively cheap to make it.

so it successes in killing itself.

It will get cancelled by 2022.

The Young and the Restless have more episode than Breaking Bad,doesnt make YandR stellar TV

More episodes =/= better show

The problem here is that most of the people in this thread seem to be equating successful to good. You don't have to like TTG, but it's disingenuous to say that it isn't popular with its target demo and has seen more success that the 2003 series, for whatever reason. Bad shows can be popular. Good shows can struggle to get more than a season. It happens.

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Cope faggots, it's a huge hit and here is to stay.

Reminder that
All dislike TTG

I know.That was the point i was trying to make. Good you explain yourself unlike the bait underage retard


That's how business work retard, Allen Gregory only had 6 episodes because it was a shit show nobody liked.

see and then give me my obligatory buzzword response.

Good shows never die quickly without a good reason.

Post wojak from your furry scat folder

Except there never IS a good reason. Some shows just die despite all the positive feedback they get, and some shows go on way past the point they should have ended.

They're like memes in that regard, wojak for instance. You honestly think people all over Yas Forums still post that garbage le funneh man face because it's funny? Of course not. They do it to piss everyone off and mock others, and the bickering it causes only reinvigorates its existence. So yeah, just because something is popular does not mean it's good or respected.

we are not about quality though

>You honestly think people all over Yas Forums still post that garbage le funneh man face because it's funny
pissing people off is funny

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Imagine being this upset over cartoons, get laid incel.

>Except there never IS a good reason
Yes there is, Robotomy got cancelled early because it was too expensive to produce and no country outside the US wanted to air it due to it's violence.

Well, THE original Teen Titans cartoon from the 60's is about three episodes long, so yes.

But assuming you mean the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon, that one has:
>5 seasons
>65 episodes that are 20 minutes each.
>1 TV special
>Lasted a total of 3 years

Go has:
>6 seasons
>276 episodes that are 10 minutes each (138 if you combine two into a single episode)
>1 theatrical movie
>1 Blu-Ray movie
>At least 3 crossovers with other shows with the intent of boosting their ratings.
>Has been on the air for 7 years and counting

I would say yes.

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Also, I forgot to mention that 65 episodes and a TV special is considered mediocre.

JLA is the only decent show out of that list

People keep spouting these names like I'm supposed to know who they are

>At least 3 crossovers with other shows with the intent of boosting their ratings
PPG 2016 , ThunderCats Roar and what?

So yeah, no GOOD reason. Just reasons.


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It was a good reason, either they cancelled one show, or they cancelled several shows in order to keep the budget for Robotomy.

Get it`Why risk it when it only gets aired in ONE (1) country?

I thought that Courage was actually a really big hit that got cancelled because it started to tackle themes that CN didn't like, I at least remember it being more popular than any of the other shows you listed.

>Except there never IS a good reason
Would you really have Problem Solverz and Secret Mountain Fort Awesome to be long running shows? Be happy those shitters got canned after a few months.

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Thought you meant the Scooby-Doo one at first.

Probably not. TV ratings are nowhere near what they used to be. Maybe if you define success as how important a show is to the network but then you just end up criticizing modern CN’s lack of variety.


Fuck off from my thread tripfag.

Hey look, I posted again.

Ooga booga booga.

It was popular when it aired, one of the reasons why it got cancelled was due to merchandising, it was too difficult to market a pink dog aimed at boys.

You will never raise a Family.

And thank fuck for that.

>Beast Boy didn't turn into a great dane
Are they even trying?

But if it was such a good show, then why would expenses be such a big deal? If the audience was there, then they wouldn't need to shut it down because the audience was clearly there, right? But it wasn't there, and it DID get expensive. Why?

And that's totally fine. Most shows get exactly what they deserve, and I can safely say those shows getting canned was well deserved. SMFA especially was just an ugly mess of animation and epilepsy. But there's a lot to dislike about shows like TTG too, and yet it still gets plenty of seasons regardless.