Why do EUfags hate this show so much?

Why do EUfags hate this show so much?

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It's canon and their shit isn't.

Cause the EU is shit and this just hammers it home

Honestly TCW is on the lower end of EUfags' grievances

The Sequel Trilogy? Now THAT sets our autism alight

>Thrawn Trilogy
>Jedi Knights
>Tales of the Jedi
>Knights of the Old Republic

This. Clone Wars actually hints at a lot of EU being canon. Same with The Mandalorian. The Sequel Trilogy, though, retcons everything just to shove in their own politically correct dogshit.

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It's amazing to me how much this show shits all over George Lucas.
>CGI doesn't look like shit
>fight scenes are competently directed and not just endless lightsaber videogame slashing
>Anakin is an actual likable character

this is the big problem with the Sequel Trilogy

What made the EU so good is that the EU was never really canon, and you could take pretty much what you want because most of it was vague enough to fit and work with star wars as we knew it, making a sort of web of content.

What makes the sequel trilogy so damn stupid is that its a series of dead ends. no real potential, just... nothing.

Clone Wars is shit because it's basically just a streamlined version of the more complex and superior EU. Filoni Wars to the EU is what the ST is to the OT. Here are two great videos detailing the problem

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Baisically written and designed by George Lucas

>Shits all over him

You are a special kind of stupid, and if anything, the newer shows show that Lucas is what made Clone Wars good.

>Mando avatar
uh oh

The European Union doesn't like Clone Wars? That's news to me.

No one cares for any Disney+ animated show besides like one

this is so fucking dumb. Yeah TCW isn't part of the EU canon and that's great. The best part is that its a streamlined version of EU canon that hints that all the EU parts still exist in some form in the actual canon. It makes EU canon approachable and gives the EU its best aspect; the "pick and choose" nature. There are very few examples of direct contradiction (I cant think of much aside from Mandalore).

>The Crystal Star
>New Jedi Order
>Fate of the Jedi
>Legacy of the Force
>Dark Empire

>What makes the sequel trilogy so damn stupid is that its a series of dead ends. no real potential, just... nothing.
The EU was also fan-generated. All it took was the imagination of some nerd who loved the movies, and we would get things like Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, or KOTOR.

With Darth Mickey, everything is centralized, leading to no real creativity because everything has to be under Kathleen's control and approval. No fun allowed.

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I don't hate it but some changes it made to established stuff like Korriban's name was just petty dumb stuff made because no one would say no to Lucas. On top of a good portion of the series being rather mediocre at best filler if not outright awful. Still has a lot of good but like a lot of Star Wars now I only pay attention to the good and disregard the bad. It is funny seeing the Disney cultists think EU lovers are constantly seething as they post in the maddest way possible.

>Dark Empire
>New Jedi Order
Your taste is shit.

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George changed Korriban to Moraband because he thought people would confuse it with Coruscant, it takes a special kind of stupid to believe people would make that error

er when was it called this, I'm pretty sure it was called Korriban in Rebels

This. Essentially they've enforced a monopoly on what's allowed to be "Star Wars". You can't just have fans make stuff and then have the good parts canonized by george or filoni or whoever's at the wheel. Now nobody is allowed to make anything unless the mouse has control.

My main objection to Clone Wars and Rebels is what's happened to Ahsoka. I actually liked her in Clone Wars, but Filoni's pointed refusal to kill her, and just make her MORE important, has really started to get on my nerves. So now she survives Order 66, she survives what should have been certain death on Malachor, and she survives at least until the time of ESB due to a literal act of God.

You have to kill her some time, Dave. You can't keep her alive forever.

During the Yoda arc when he travels there. Korriban never appeared in Rebels, I think you're confusing it with Malachor

>It is funny seeing the Disney cultists think EU lovers are constantly seething as they post in the maddest way possible.
It's even better because EU lovers are pure Zen, Jedi-like calm. The only ones "seething" right now, are Disney fags because no one liked their political and horridly written dogshit in the ST, and they are eternally butt-blasted that no one liked The Last Jedi and hated Rey Palpatine.

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I didn't really like the portrayal of darth bane. his strange armor and odd mask was really cool but in the show he just looks like shredder. i like all that esoteric and strange sith stuff the old sith lords did like the alchemy and the bug things he used as platemail. i was also hoping naga sadow's spectre would make an appearance to duel yoda to see if he was worthy just so we could see what his " ultimate mastery of all forms" and "unmatched technique" would have looked like

as for the actual show, i thought there were some good parts, like the arc where ahsoka gets framed, and the umbaran campaign was great too, that's just off the top of my head


Your taste is shit if you think any of those are good, faggot.

Maul is so fucking SHIT in this series, his race his personality his design his role in the story all just so bad and he keeps being stringed along they should have snipped him and replaced him with that Bad Bald Chick

I think there are also lots of Americans who hate it.

dunno but it’s funny how every time a new episode drops the thread is full of ahsoka bawwing
you think they’d finally get over her after nearly a decade, but nope!

user, you put too much faith in people/kids.

A lot of people are the special kind of stupid that would hear




and get them confused.

The fuck are you talking about? Maul is am actual character in the series rather than the glorified action toy he was in TPM. His arc actually works well with the EU since he's finally putting all the skills he's learned from all those Maul novels into action

She never died on Malachor, we saw her walking away alive in Twilight of the Apprentice.

>, and she survives at least until the time of ESB
She survives past ROTJ and likely even further than that.

Expanded Universe not European Union.

and that is a mistake.

They could've made her walking down the stairs a symbolic end, a kind of bowing off the stage type deal.

>and that is a mistake.
In your opinion.

>They could've made her walking down the stairs a symbolic end, a kind of bowing off the stage type deal.

They could have, but didn't because they isn't done with her character yet. There's a lot of places where they "could have" done a lot of different things across the franchise. Doesn't mean they should.

Filoni obviously still has more he wants to use her character for given that he set up a future series with her and Sabine searching the Unknown Regions for Ezra and Thrawn.

>an actual character
Fuck off
I'd rather him be a silent badass assassin guy than the hammy Cliche Antagonist #196296294749287395703915 that voice actor is incredibly distracting with many other Star Wars characters with that VA even in the same show with The Son an equally shitty character but at least better than Maul. It's even worse because he snubbed his brother of all his screentime

I wouldn't call Maul cliche. Ultimately he is the most tragic sith lord in the franchise, even moreso than Vader.

>leading to no real creativity
There's been plenty of creativity under Kathleen and nearly all of it was bad.

Filoni has kept her alive because she's his waifu. It's unreasonable favoritism for a pet character, and it's bad storytelling.

He's kept her alive because she's a great character that he still wants to tell stories with.

It has nothing to do with her being his "waifu". It's not bad storytelling, quite the opposite.

Actually, they recently undid that, via Filoni, who made a little mention in The Rise of Skywalker Visual Guide thing, that Moraband was called "Korriban in antiquity".

Rebels did have some great stuff in it, though. Like Thrawn. His theme is beautiful, symphonic, and artistic.

>They like Disney Wars.
Only shit-slurpers dislike those. They added much-needed diversity to villains/planets/superweapons, and heaps of lore.

That was a good burn.

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Don't worry, he implied she got the Coronavirus so she's gonna die soon

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o yeah the current storyline they hinted for her really has a lot of potential and isn't totally stupid and was worth ruining her poignant impactful death scene at the hands of Anakin. it helps that it also make perfect sense how she was able to get away from Vader unscathed and would retreat despite literally saying she wouldn't do that this time. totally isn't because she's Filoni's waifu and fan favorite nope no sir.

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Obi Wan's duel with Maul was perfect

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>o yeah the current storyline they hinted for her really has a lot of potential and isn't totally stupid
You're correct. The Ahsoka the White and Sabine adventures in the Unknown Regions looking for Ezra and Thrawn has a lot of potential as a story concept. Lots of places they could go.

>and was worth ruining her poignant impactful death scene at the hands of Anakin.
She. never. died. there.

> it helps that it also make perfect sense how she was able to get away from Vader unscathed and would retreat despite literally saying she wouldn't do that this time.
They got separated by a massive explosion from the Sith Temple that blew the floor out from underneath them. It also just happened that Ahsoka was pulled into the World Between Worlds then and there, but that's besides the point.

The Sith Temple explosion separated the two, and they went their separate ways.

>totally isn't because she's Filoni's waifu and fan favorite nope no sir.
Correct, glad we're on the same page.

just gonna say that Filoni threw in unironic timetravel into star wars to save his waifu. For a story like star wars where its all about destiny, time travel is inherently fucked up and can really fuck up everything built up.

>just gonna say that Filoni threw in unironic timetravel into star wars to save his waifu. For a story like star wars where its all about destiny, time travel is inherently fucked up and can really fuck up everything built up.

1. She never died there so it didn't so much as save Ahsoka but explain how she was walking away at the end of Twilight of the Apprentice

2. It's not free-reign time travel so your entire point is pointless. The "time travel" we see in A World Between Worlds is just a causal loop. Ezra didn't change the past but rather caused it to happen. It's like Harry Potter, Harry and Hermione always go back in time to save their past selves, Sirius, and Buckbeak from death.

And he was correct.

EUfag here. I don't hate it at all, I just think it's an overrated as hell, pretty poorly made kids show. It was pretty fun at times though, but there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>pretty poorly made kids show
how so?

It's only "Good" if you haven't read, played, listened to any of The Old EU. I'm still mad they fucked over Barriss Offee a Jedi Healer turned Terrorist! I swear Davey Boy was always too lazy to do His research. Doesn't matter the show is Republic propaganda : reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/78wlu8/star_wars_the_clone_wars_20082013_is_a_republic/

The animation and direction range from fine I guess to absolutely terrible. The story, development and especially the dialogue is all super generic as well.

The saber fights are still gonna be jank. Plus I was never a big fan it contradicted too much of The Expanded Universe the only way it could fit in that the whole series is just HoloNet Propaganda because the Good guys always win & the villains are always cowardly

I can't help but wonder whether they created the World between Worlds so they could have Ahsoka confront Vader without dying or besting him, or they came up with the WbW first and later realised that it would allow them to have their cake and eat it.

The character design is purely egregious, a bastadized version of Rudish' designs from the original 2003 series.
Every technical aspect about it looks so insincere it makes me want to puke.

>Why do EUfags hate this show so much?
Because TCW is basically proto Disney Canon. I don't get what is so difficult to understand.

Comments from Zahn imply its the former

My biggest issue with TCW is how they keep taking EU stuff and makes it worse to fit their vision. Things like Mandalorians, Nightsisters, Asajj Ventruss, Darth Maul. And then act like this is the Best Stuff Ever because it came from Lucas himself!

but they don't?

Ventress should have never existed, as mush as I liked her introduction in Genndy Wars. She's just an Aurra Sing copycat, whom the writers gave more priviledge in comparisson to the other pivotal villains LITERALLY because she's female.
Get her gender and connection with Dathomir (Maul) out of the picture and no one would be giving a fuck about the character.