ITT redpill me on the justice league as opposed to the avengers

>ITT redpill me on the justice league as opposed to the avengers

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They have a whole Hall of Justice, the Avengers just have one of Tony Stark's sublet properties.

the justice league = based
the avengers = cringe

Well, they're both the big, most influential super teams of their worlds, but Marvel has a lot more teams, so the Avengers aren't called in for everything, and they're also the the most powerful team in the universe so they're not always the ones to respond to universe level threats. They're the trusty multipurpose tool you always grab first as it will usually get the job done.
In DC however, They basically just lug the entire toolbox around for everything. All the other teams are practically non-existent compared to the Justice League, so whether it's street level muggings, to reality deleting meta-narrative threats, they deal with everything themselves, unless they think their kids can handle it.

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lol, They've got like 4 in New York alone.

>opposed to the avengers
Not exactly sure what you're asking.

OP likes the JLA more than the Avengers and wants you to agree with him.

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I know JL has had Luthor & Captain Cold on recently, but hasn't the Avengers roster contained some really evil dudes over the years?

*not the most powerful team

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Off the top of my head, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Vision both started as villains.
Doc Ock was there too but they thought he was Spider-man.

The Justice League follow, or at least try to, a moral code of ethics.
They are more powerful on average, so they have to take great care in how they handle threats. They are constantly held to a greater standard, and for good reason. On numerous occasions the League has encountered versions of themselves that have sought to deliver a more aggressive brand of justice but it has led them down the wrong road. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and all that. The JLA also has to deal with the government and laws, which Marvel has really only touched on with Civil War.

Luthor and Captain Cold didn't join the League just like that, from what I remember they were accepted after saving the world in Forever Evil and Batman wanted to keep an eye on Lex (keep your friends close and your enemies closer).

Lex blackmailed Batman, and so Batman made them League members despite Superman and Wonder Woman crying about it.

Will we ever see a Marvel/DC crossover again?

The Avengers is just a lame rip-off of the Justice League

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Green Lantern solos

You should have lied to me

Ahh. Good taste on his part.

The Avengers = super-villians

Justice League = defenders of truth and justice

The free market

Check out the ending of Doomsday Clock and donny cates new Thor run

>In DC however, They basically just lug the entire toolbox around for everything.
What about the Lanterns?

We're the "A-vengers?" Not the "PRE-vengers"?

Your average 7-man JLA team can wipe the floor not only with your average 10 team Avengers, they can do that with most of Marvel's other teams as well.

And tend to actually be heroic when not going through some edgy phase. Superman doesn't give a green light to invading a sovereign nation whilst pretending he has some moral authority. The JLA would make protecting mutants a priority for them, for example, and since everyone admires and looks up to the JLA, mutant hatred would disappear shortly for the most part. The Avengers don't care about their power to inspire.

Does batman belong in the JLA or on the streets, in the slums, slappin butts?

Batman is there to make sure that the rest of the Justice League is behaving. At least that has been his characterization since Mark Waid. He's their moral hardliner.

That being his role is completely hypocritical. This dude is responsible for all of the Joker's victims, has gotten at least 2 kids killed, conspired against his team mates then failed to keep his plans from falling on enemy hands and he thinks he has some moral authority over fucking Superman or Flash?

He's there because he sells to casuals and writers pull a reason for his presence out of their ass.

>conspired against his team mates then failed to keep his plans from falling on enemy hands
He did to safeguard humanity against his own teammates in case they ever abused their power wittingly or not.

Yeah, Tony Stark

Why would a borderline psycho be the moral leader?

What was that phrase.. good intentions and roads to hell?

That... i don't know. In plenty of comics he's even shown to be Superman's moral guider. The one who tries to remind Superman of his human upbringing and that despite everything else he's still nothing but the Clark from Smallville. Differently, say, from Wonder Woman who does the opposite with the "Kal-El" bullshit.

The problem is that the other teammates are a better safeguard against one of them going rogue than whatever plan Batman could come up with. Plus when your plans to take down your peers have been co-opted by supervillains on two separate occasions, with the first occasion seeing you outright ignore not only the rest of the JL being attacked directly by modified versions of your plans but also a global catastrophe and the second occasion sees you outright hinder an investigation into what is going on and hide your involvement, you can't even make a good faith argument about what you're doing. It's not that there is anything morally wrong with creating a contingency plan in case you need to take down another superhero, it's that Batman has shown that he is completely incompetent at information security and unhelpful or downright adversarial to dealing with the ramifications of said incompetence.

The Avengers fight over fucking everything whereas the JL only gets pissy when Batman does something completely insane and even then they forgive him because he sells better than they do

But neither of them can compare to the perfection that is the JSA.

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Despite what the movies tell you, most of the time the Avengers are actually cobbled together C-listers who wouldn't be able to sell books on their own.
The JLA is the real deal though.

Yeah, Namor

The Justice League are the classic superheroes most people think about and like while Zoomers prefer the boring Avengers

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The lanterns are to the Justice league in space as the normal police are to the Justice League on Earth.
They handle their territory well enough on their own until something big happens and they have to call the Justice League.

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All useless except for the one or two they're actively pushing at that moment.

Which is always funny because of all the times Batman is like "fuck you, you guys should be fighting crime 24/7 instead of having things like jobs and social lives" to the other heroes.

Based Justice League

but what if he did?........

Bunch of fascists who flopped hard on big screen

Is someone pulling plastic man or is he just stretching from the moon to Earth.

>The one who tries to remind Superman of his human upbringing and that despite everything else he's still nothing but the Clark from Smallville.
>The most influential human on the team is the least trustworthy, most morally compromised, controlling, and feels obligated to answer to no one

Yeah, definitely have someone like that remind a super powerful alien of their "human" aspect.

What the fuck is Superman's problem?

Avengers are too busy fighting themselves to be harbingers of justice.

Complain to DC. They like to portray Batman and Wonder Woman as little angels and demons on Superman's shoulders.
Batman's there as the little angel constantly calling Superman as "Clark", constantly reminiscing about the Kents' upbringing or the quiet life back at Smallville, and constantly admiring the relationship with Lois or the comfy life in Metropolis.
Wonder Woman meanwhile is there as the little devil constantly calling Superman "Kal", constantly reminiscing about the Els' legacy or the greatness that was Krypton, and constantly hitting on him or hipying him as godlike.

Awful "superheroes" who've let their world gone straight down the shitter

In The New during Morrison's Action Comics run Batman had to legit do statistics work to convince Superman of the importance of the Clark Kent side of his life and how much he has managed to help people as just Clark over the years, because Superman was ready to just be Superman 24/7.

This, bretty much.

Attached: Superman-Wonder Woman 008 (2014) (2 covers - weird order) (1988px) (digital-Empire).cbr-Superman-Wonder Woman (2013-) 008-017.jpg (1987x1091, 627.43K)

Sincwe we see Batman and Aquaman too, guess GL made some sort of transporttube or vessel?
You see, next panel he creates a plane for plasticand batman. And holds Aquaman.

Was better when only Superman compared to any given Lantern. Space shit was real.

"Hard-light constructs" limited their lore a lot.

>In plenty of comics he's even shown to be Superman's moral guider.
Dude, you've been reading fan fic by mistake


it's the opposite
>redpill me on the jl AS OPPOSED to the avengers