Thoughts on Mary Marvel?

Thoughts on Mary Marvel?

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She's a total qt.
White suit is best suit.
Corruptionfags need to choke and die.
New Mary is okay but not as qt as old Mary.
Grace Fulton is hot as fuck.

I like her red suit better

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Red suit is best

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Red is best but I love every flavor of Mary out there. All of her flavors.

I wish she was pushed into A-list. Fuck Billy. She should be the main Marvel.

I love her best in her DC Bombshell costume.

She could rape every other power waifu including WW, PG and Supergirl.

Corruptionfags need to get impaled by a 6 foot dildo.

I wish she was on a good team book separate from Billy.
Billy rules, I just wish Mary got to do her own stuff more.
I also want them to be blood related again.

Also appreciate that the white suit makes her stand out, but I still think she looks better in red.

Mary is Best Girl.

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Why would a flying superheroine wear a skirt?

For reasons.

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I can imagine.

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Mary is best girl

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She's just divine wisdom and intelligence and magical power to alter he costume however she wants. The skirt then is divine inspiration. Presumably because godly intelligence is not concerned with feminist BS.

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>Grace Fulton is hot as fuck.

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I want to kiss her.

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Her hand.
You want to kiss her hand. Don't be sinful and impolite, user. Mary is a classy girl.

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What a time the 2000's was.

Jim Lee here. Just here to thank your board for the constant support for DC comics. That being said please dont lewd our underage characters ok! Until next time Yas Forums and don't forget to wash your hands!

Grace is a cute

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We will lewd whatever we want to chinaman. Get back to your sinking ship.

That being said, don't lewd Mary 'cause Mary is pure kthnxbai

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Wait.. how long have we been using the v sign as a greeting? I thought it was v for victory back then, not a greeting like love and peace. What universe is this cover from, user?

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I think it slipped in from Earth-5 somehow.

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I want cowgirl Mary to yee-haw me.

Well actually

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she looks eager for an opinion

It says a lot that post-Multiversity a fucking stardust the superwizard webcomic has had a better portrayal of Mary than DC and she doesn't even say anything.

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I don't hate the new Shazamily but I do hate the sheer number of powered kids has reduced Mary's screentime so much. I hope she gets into another book or something soon.

God tier casting

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>movie casting
We aren't Yas Forums yet

user we've been Yas Forums for nearly a decade.

The cast the actress who should have played the powered-up Mary as "young" Mary, and some unfortunate 40 yr old woman as Mary.
Even when DC gets something right they manage to fuck it up.

But that was a problem even before the new shazamily, Mary has been second fiddle to billy and freddy for a while now.

>Corruptionfags need to choke and die.
At least I'm honest. Purityfags want to pretend as if they don't want to lewd mary as much as I do but they're fetishizing innocence just like I am.

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Well all of them are going to be second fiddle to Billy. But she was given enough coverage during New Earth. Now she's as throw-away as the rest of the Shazam family.

Power of Stardust is god-tier.

Nah I like how she is always very distinct from Supergirl and Wonder Woman visually. She should be young and be a classic daddy's girl.

>Now she's as throw-away as the rest of the Shazam family.
Oh I strongly disagree, johns has written her to be almost second in command and her personality has been given more of a pop.

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The ghost is indicating how many reside in the house, not making the V sign

That page with Guy Gardner is idiotic. He would have woken up in the ER if be had done that to Golden Age Mary

It always gets cut off but I think that's two characters imagining what would happen if they invited Guy along.

>But she was given enough coverage during New Earth
hit me with some Mary Marvel recommended reading user

Why do ice skaters wear skirts? Because they have colored trunks under them.

That's just rationalizing yourself.

I like that hairstyle. I prefer her old fashioned.

Countdown to final crisis is all you need.

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>suggesting that trash to anyone
What's wrong with you?

I love femdom

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kek, fucking outplayed

Thunderworld was a treasure and not only because of thot Sivana

>not only because of Thot Sivana
Though it certainly helped.

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Also Michelle Borth's leaks are pretty decent, best being the shower one with the other women

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What's weirder is the Super Mary has smaller tits than regular Mary.