you promised you wouldn't try to rape my friends anymore! I'm very disappointed with you!

Attached: Rossie MAD.png (625x431, 323.75K)

"I didn't *try*"

"You know what I meant!"

I want to be inside Babs.

So I'm going off the assumption that we won't be seeing Grant or Jericho in this series.

jesus why is rose so wide

I want to fill her womb with my seed

Attached: EAT IT.png (1018x752, 756.34K)

he definetly ejaculated in that soup

I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed.
This is the plumpest design Rose has ever gotten.
Not that I'm complaining

Attached: Screenshot_20200316-123527_Chrome.jpg (1280x720, 393.63K)

Why was his codename Jericho?
Is he named after a biblical thing or what?

I dunno maybe.
Maybe he just thought it was a cooler hero name than Joey.

>you wouldn't try to rape my friends
How many and who did Deathstroke rape before?


Attached: Slade SAAAD.png (912x510, 349.96K)

>Rape? but I gave consented.


Think we'll get her back in a Ravager outfit in the future?

Attached: Karen Hop.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)

I want to marry Babs after wholesome dating where we wait until marriage.

That's depending on if she ever comes back at all

Karen's hopping is so fucking cute

now babs gives him coronavirus

Attached: corona.png (1806x1000, 1.12M)

Can't wait.

Attached: 20200316_164031.jpg (961x936, 745.76K)

almost as cute as her flossing
i want her to give me a lobotomy bros or at the very least be her human test subject

Attached: Karen Floss.png (205x594, 199.56K)

BUT SHE was raping ME!

Attached: Karen Hop but with More Karen.webm (960x900, 534.29K)

Zee loves burgers

Attached: Zee's Hamboiger.png (658x377, 196.47K)

She's gonna blame Babs for something related to her father and turn on her.
Screenshot this.

Attached: rose.png (684x635, 508.72K)

jess too

Attached: vegan.png (1366x3072, 2.2M)

Why does Jess look like she just got laid

There's something about this version of Rose I really like and I don't know what

Jess is a hypocrite

....Do it anyway.
Even to your daughter with elephantiasis

Attached: James_Gordon.jpg (300x450, 18.62K)

She beat her meat to a bar fight

Just because you know how to spell words doesn't mean you know how to use them.

Look at this.
This is a girl with elephantiasis.
We might as well change the Enid from Post Horrible Characters Designs with this Rose

Attached: rose.png (108x298, 50.27K)

So you're retarded and don't understand body proportions.

and babs has autism, what is your point?

Attached: polishing wood.gif (412x304, 2.59M)

Gentlemen, we've gotten to /batrose/.

She's got big boots and I cannot lie.

>LITERALLY looking at the fries in the picture
Why are anons so quick to try and make her look bad

Attached: Jess driving 4.jpg (1920x1080, 113.13K)

Attached: Compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.png (1280x720, 725.86K)

Jess likes to wear a diaper

Gleep glees gleep gleep gleep
Glee eep gleep gleep glee glee gleep gleep gleep gleep eep eep eep gleep gleep

She doesn't look like she's looking at the fries here, Mr user.

Attached: file.png (699x449, 591.58K)

thats my fetish

She's looking at Zee in this image.
What is your point here?

>moments later jess is part of a bar fight
I want to know why mommy gf is so different in diana episodes

Attached: dat hair.png (734x1012, 396.8K)


>be a vegan
>you are ok watching your friends eating meat like animals
this should be jess face

Attached: 1580026085119.png (863x729, 549.89K)

Pics or it didn't happen

Gleep? Gleep gleep glee gleep gleep gleep glee eep gleep gleep
>gleep gleep gleep eep gleep

Vegan supports their omnivores friends

Jess is a vegan but we never see her push those beliefs down her friend's throats.

>It's different because she's with her friend who's with her aunt
>Jessica loves her friends so she just goes along with the flow

She just doesn't want to be a stick in the mud. Same as when Ivy didn't sperg out when in this scene even though there are clearly vegetation being eaten. They care for their friends enough not ruin the fun time out with the girls.

Attached: Bad bitches eat food.jpg (1912x1072, 205.04K)

What is Livewire eating? Looks like snails

Cause they is.

Attached: Screenshot_20200316-172619_Chrome.jpg (1080x1395, 552.59K)

I still don't get how this group for together, or how they got Pam to join them.
Seriously Jessica is the only person who's attempted to be nice to y, shares her views and Ivy has still tried to kill her twice, so what did they do?

Hate Jess probly

she hates mexicans

She's vegan not an asshole

guess i haven't been paying attention, what episode is this?

>Why are anons so quick to try and make her look bad
Jess is confident and tries to make the world a better place. She shines too bright a spotlight on their own self-loathing and insecure need to tear people down.

Preview for future episode

pam hates vegans

maybe she just likes other villains and hanging out with them because deep down she doesn't like being a social misfit. plus it's a way to vent her aggression

>shares her views
They may want the same thing, but Jess and Pam's views to achieve it are very different.