The Quartering is talking about ThunderCats Roar:

The Quartering is talking about ThunderCats Roar:

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>The Quartering
So more fake outrage time

The sooner TCR dies the better.

sorry don't listen to fatty right wingers

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>get woke get broke

The show is not "woke" at all, is just ugly, that's the problem, is a Teen Titans go rip off but without the nice looking style and designs

Also only a retard would think that making a franchise liberal makes you lose money, those "go woke go broke" shows are ALWAYS simply bad shows and would be bad no matter the political views, no one cares about a story political views if the story and universe manage to be cool.

I was against the show until it made certain middle-aged fat people seethe. I don't really care about it per se, but I do enjoy seeing salt.

why would i listen to someone who got heat up by a tranny

>manage to be cool.
Explain She-Ra? It's just Steven Universe retards cooming.

reminder that negative press is still press and ttg has managed to last 7 years while only ever really being brought up as a negative.

Teen Titans Go also makes sense because its often used to parody DC comics IPs as a whole, many of which are current and still relevant.
Roar is specifically parodying a very niche IP that has no real current day relevance outside of the parody itself. Only oldfags and toy collectors care about Thundercats, and the marketing for this series has been pretty blatant about telling those oldfags this show isn't for them.

He-Ra has Dreamworks behind and Netlix seems to care a lot about studio backing, considering it greenlighted 5 seasons before S1 was released. It was the same with Voltron

Thundercats is a cult series on Latin America for the multiple reruns on the 90s. Latinos were very pissed off with the reboot but they're used to gringos's mariconadas (faggotry)

Not of a fan, but you can easily see that the main appeal comes from Catra, she got a nice design and a bad girl personality and "relatable problems" most guys would want to fuck her and most girls would want to look like her, she is kinda like the Joker and Spinel.

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It's still a throwback, not really something that has a current lifeline.

>He listens to Quarterpounder

I didn't click, but hasn't it been confirmed that the series has already halted production since most the people involved have been reported working on new stuff?


Thankfully Quarter Pounders have the attention span of an ADHD-ridden hummingbird. Still chuckling how his fanbase were actually all "real Transformers fans" who suddenly forgot about it when he released another video. The cycle looks to be continuing

WTF i love TCR now

how is Thundercuts Roar "woke"
and the
>It's not for you
argument he was really bitching about does apply here, it's a show meant for little kiddies probably

>The Poop Mouthing is talking about his poop opinion

No thanks, friend. I'm too busy watching the true successor to Thundercats.


2011? That's a good one.

I tried to watch it and Jesus, Mary and Joseph, it is worse than I could have imagined.

The sky is blue
The grass is green
Latinos hate reboots of 80's franchises

>it's a show meant for little kiddies probably.
Yet somehow gets worse ratings than the 2011 reboot,uh?

>those "go woke go broke" shows are ALWAYS simply bad shows
That's the fucking point. They fail because the writers prioritise their agenda over making something people would want to watch. Often they're so bad at hiding their agenda that it puts loads of people off. There's nothing to gain from halving your potential audience.

I mean, why would they even use an existing IP instead of creating their own?
Either they really wanted to draw the nostalgic crowd, or they're so creatively bankrupt that they would rather co-opt an existing universe instead of making one from scratch.

>my fellow latinos don't like thundercats roar because muh nostalgia.
gen Xers are a complete embarrassment. there's a pandemic going on and their top priority is hating on a cartoon reboot.

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What is this embarrassing dribble?
>Commies still trying to push that only facist hate them, as opposed to literally everyone that isn't a commie


TCR was hated well before corona, you dolt.

>this much preaching

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that doesn't make them less cringeworthy

It's also been disproved by the MCU and NuWars but the dumb niggers who parrot the saying just pretend they weren't squawking it regarding those movies.

>this much coping

reported to the basketwatch from shilling your youtube video

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>love to death

>I mean, why would they even use an existing IP instead of creating their own?
Because they own it?

God forbid using things you bought/own

Considering most governments are telling everyone the first step to solving this crisis is to huddle up at home as a neet, i don't think it's that strange that shitposting persists. Hell, it might increase.

e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yas Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

Stop shilling your shit here and go get banned from another card game.

A franchise can be super liberal while still being loved by the same people that hate "woke bullshit"

X-men and Warhammer40k are examples of that, they just replace regular racism for prejudice against mutants

>The Quartering

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Is TheQuartering a tranny? Collects funkos, he's repeatedly expressed envy of women, he channels his self-disgust at his failed masculinity into blaming others, has about a 40% chance he'll kill himself and we won't have to listen to his bullshit anymore... If he announced tomorrow he was starting HRT I would be completely unsurprised.

>literal who is whining about cartoons

The right are great at going way the hell out of their way to intentionally misunderstand stuff so they can enjoy it anyway.

There are Republicans who like Star Trek. "We don't use money in the 24th century" Star Trek. Let that sink in.

legitimate question to the people here, yes or no: do you think TCR will last more than one season?


keep in mind that he-ra isn't confident enough to release ratings and keeps making half-seasons instead of real ones

Fuck Hitler

Quarterpounder is

>isn't confident enough to release ratings
So... like every other Netflix show?

trying to be fair to manbun guy, he's probably either not confident in his own ideas or was unable to pitch the cartoon without an established IP behind it

>It's also been disproved by the MCU and NuWars but the dumb niggers who parrot the saying just pretend they weren't squawking it regarding those movies.
Uh what? That hasn't been proven yet at all. Were moving into the new age of Marvel and it has yet been untested if people like "woike" Marvel or not. You can't say it's been disproven when we haven't even seen it go truly woke yet.

>X-men and Warhammer40k are examples of that, they just replace regular racism for prejudice against mutants

I cannot imagine being so amazingly fucking stupid and /or brainwashed that you can't even differentiate between common sense "racism/fascism are bad" and woke insanity where pressuring gay children into chopping off their dicks is considered a virtue.

I thought he was gay originally
the ugly neckbeard seemed like overcompensation and the only videos I've seen involved him bitching like a woman with an audible lisp

that said, it could just be that he's low t and drunk all the damned time

if it somehow picks up, it could
that said, they may be contractuallly obligated for at least 2 seasons or they could always pull an ok ko and make 2 seasons, split one in half, and call it 3


maybe. even if the cartoon is fun enough, it's still Thundercats. it could last longer if it goes the TTG route but I honestly think one meta humor/commentary/satire cartoon on CN is enough.

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