What the hell happened?

what the hell happened?

are audiences done with the Pixar formula?

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Thanks Coronavirus.

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That and there's a fucking virus around

people finally realized Disney is better than Pixar

One flop doesn't really indicate a trend.

>cinemas are closed
>user is wondering why movies dont make money

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theaters are fucking closed in a lot of cities

cope pixar fag



tranny no one is watching ANY movies at the moment because of the crisis

inb4 it got woke

Kind of funny how Sonic managed to snake through before the pandemic and is now likely going to be the top kids movie of the year by default.

Onward is this year's Good Dinosaur, Soul is this year's Inside Out.

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>Somewhat bland character design; everything save for the manticore and the goblins are just pastel colored humans or mutants.
>"Tried but true" heroes' journey bullshit that we've seen in numerous kids movies.
>Leading actors work well together but neither are particularly interesting.
>Chris Pratt is hamming it up something fierce as a Jack Black facsimile that's 15 years too late.
>Tom Holland continues to secure his type casting as that nebbish and quirky go to late teen twerp.
>The two most prominent supporting characters are more interesting than the leads.
>Had the misfortune of coming out right before the Kung Flu fucked over the global box office.
It certainly wasn't destined to pull Toy Story money, but the Coronavirus fucked it royally. It made 40 million its opening weekend. By comparison, The Good Dinosaur made only 15 million more, but was released during the Thanksgiving 5 day weekend. Granted it had actual competition in the likes of Hunger Games, Creed, and The Peanuts movie. Kind of hope things die down before June, I'd like to see Soul do well.

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Soul won’t do much better money-wise, but reddit critics are going to eat it up and it will win all the “best animated feature” awards.

well until Spongebob gets released. It'll be late May and the worst should be over by then.

Who are the supporting characters

They've gotten stale lately. I'm no longer impressed by their work. At this point, you need more than stunning CGI and emotions to stand out.

>mfw local theater finally lifted their No Singles policy
Thanks Corona-chan!

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Bro listen up, Pixar has never truly been that great, it's that revolutionary concept of CGI animated films what has carried them for decades now. However CGI animation has very much peaked. There's nothing else cartoony CGI can do. It can do stylized and ugly humans as well as animals and anthros and aliens. It's all said and done. The only thing that matters now is good concepts and writing and sadly Pixar has never been that great at doing concepts for stories. I think most of Pixar's movies aren't worth watching.

And now that every other studio can do their own CGI that's comparable to Pixar? Doesn't matter anymore what Pixar makes. What matters is good concepts....which frankly is a HUGE problem. It's not just Pixar delivering disappointing stories for movies, but the other studios are probably worse. I see no merit and Western Animation is FUCKED.

What good is the medium if the concepts are no good? Seriously answer that.

>No Singles policy

What in the actual hell? They won't let you go to a movie by yourself? WHY!?!

chronic masturbators?

I think this one was just particularly boring. The characters are ugly too and have no appeal with kids.

>Bro listen up, Pixar has never truly been that great
That's not fair, their movies up until WALL-E (excluding Cars and including the first ten minutes of Up) were kino.

Pretty much this.

Why the fuck didn't Pixar delayed the fucking movie?

>make a bad movie
>wonder loudly why it flops

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>what the hell happened?
Companies forgot Marketing. They just rely on social media, think social media fuss actually means something in reality.

They forgot to advertise it for mainstream audiences so when it came out, people didn't even know was a pixar movie.

The mom and the manticore I assume.

-main characters are just blue guys, not much fantasy in that
- LGBT represantation in a fucking cyclops out of all things
-it's shit
-oh also there's a fucking virus going around and everyone with a working brain rather stays home

It doesn't seem kickass enough to get droves of young boys into it, but not girly enough to have a female audience.

>over 100 mil
>a flop

The whole industry is too damn greedy.

The budget is over 100 million and that's without advertising. So it's a big old flop.

>The budget is over 100 million
175 at the least

They can just rerelease it in June, theaters are pretty much closing now.

Coronavirus, you fucking retard

>”C-COPE” sputtered user as fluid began to fill his lungs

The Emoji Movie made $200m off a $50m budget.

Looking back at their last 10 films the budget has never been below 175 million so you're probably right. Also to further put things into perspective their last flop was Good Dinosaur which also had a budget around 175 million and a marketing budget of 150 million against a total worldwide box office of 332 million and is said to have lost 85 million. So that means that so far this movie is the biggest piece of shit they have ever made, financially speaking of course.

>Dreamworks movie
>Pixar formula

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It does look like a DW movie
If only

They finally realized Pixar lost soul after Wall-E

>- LGBT represantation in a fucking cyclops out of all things
Yas Forums gets triggered over literally one sentence in a character who has one scene, because of course they did

Ah yes, that's why all the big films haven't been moved right? Oh wait.

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pixar made other studios move too so they wouldn't look bad

With the way things are looking now, with theaters everywhere about to close, Onward will be the biggest flop of the year and one of the biggest of all time. At least Corona will help them save face

Yas Forums shitposted about it. The people who were actually triggered were LGBT who hated how the character looked.
I don't blame them. I'm glad people in general are starting to see through the self-congratulatory pandering.


trust me, they were triggered

If that's the case, then suffice to say that no one liked the character.

Nobody wants to go catch the plague to go see this Great Value-Dreamworks bullshit.

China's theaters have been closed for like 2 months.

May they stay closed forever, and that vile nations poisonous influence on western culture be purged.

>Head Girl
>Has handlebars
I need more

A character with one sentence in one scene that everyone in the (American) media was bragging about that looks like this. And just so we're clear, this is supposed to be a woman. Can you see how this might offend people?

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Considering her openly lesbian voice actress looks like a man, that's just being realistic.

>what the hell happened?
>are audiences done with the Pixar formula?
It's been said to death already but:
Coronavirus happened.

dude, I didn't even like the movie, but Regal, which has most of the theaters around me, just closed ALL of their theaters. If a movie has been released this month, it's doing terribly regardless of its quality.

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I concur

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Are you a mighty warrior, Yas Forums?

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