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The simp supreme.

Legiteral simp, my dude.

He needs to get drunk with Namor so they can cry over how bitches done them wrong.

That's why Feige hates comic Thanos.

And he's retarded. Comic Thanos is a wonderful web of contradictions stemming from both traumas inflicted and bad decisions made, if anything Feige hates him because he represents how much better the comics are than the MCU in terms of character complexity.

So you're retarded

And you, well you're just full of shit.

Well he became a God and her superior and Death is a petty prideful bitch so she got pissed at him. She didn't want him to get the Infinity gems but he still did and she's butthurt about it.

Thanos is an idiot too because he did something he knew was gonna piss her off but did it anyway and now he's begging.

Yeah he hates him so much he let the Russos and M&M decide what to do with the character and they went through Infinity Gauntlet omnibus and decided to make MCU Thanos' motivation be a discarded idea from Thanos Quest.

I'm not sure what that user means by traumas, but he's right that Thanos is a pretty complex character.

Discarded idea from a Silver Surfer tie-in*

That made absolutely no sense under the context. He could have just fixed the foundations of reality/sapient life that created inequality, instead the had to jam the square peg of the snap into the round hole of MUH IMBALANCE rather than just using the fucking story from the book they allegedly read.

>He could have just fixed the foundations of reality/sapient life that created inequality,
he was probably going to do that in the Endgame


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His traumatic upbringing mainly.

Maybe there's a reason why he's the villain.
Maybe because his plan is cruel and callous, and wouldn't actually work, and that far all his talk Thanos is actually just finding a way to satiate his bloodlust and want for power

Why is Darkseid hitting on Raven so hard?

So I have to have whiny in denial Thanos rather than ruthlessly evil Thanos? Thanks Kevin!

Those goalposts just keep on moving

>ruthlessly evil Thanos
t. haven't read The Infinity Gauntlet

Why is Thanos such a simp for Raven?

Why does he love Raven so much?

Much like Thanos I don't care about your pretty little argumentative fallacies. The movie version was shit and a horrible adaptation.

Oh yea he was the pinnacle of mercy and kindness in that story lmfao

>Oh yea he was the pinnacle of mercy and kindness in that story lmfao
He definitely wasn't 100% evil, as his own self-doubts prevented him from achieving a flawless victory.

Funny how you wanna talk about fallacies and you've done nothing but post sarcastic remarks like it means anything

not that guy but I don't think that has anything to do with his morals, just that he knows deep down he's not worthy of ultimate power (probably because it's not really what he wants)

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Total beta orbiter

You can be evil and insecure. Often the two are linked

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>cry over how bitches done them wrong.
He never did that.

I posted a point about character complexity, MCUcks got mad.

What a retarded logical leap. Lex Luthor is a good guy because he has an inferiority complex to Superman right?

Nothing wrong with it, love is a better motivation, always.

Him being deliberately flawed isn't a good reason to hate him.

>Unrequited love and love triangles have been staples in dramatic storytelling since forever
>Now the spread of the 'cuck' and 'simp' memes automatically invalidates these methods of character motivation in the eyes of most zoomers

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Are you implying that if Thanos was right about the resource crisis and his plan to randomly butcher the population of the universe worked he would be a hero?

>Are you implying that it the villain was ultimately correct and saved the day, they would be a hero?

>I posted a point about character complexity
No you just pointed snide remarks

There is a lot of villains that saved the day like Ozymandias from Watchmen and Dr Breen from Half Life.

Thanos is a way bigger simp than any other thirsty classic villain. Most of the time those villains get tired of humiliating themselves or only keep following the girl if they are being rewarded with sex or affection. Thanos in the other hand just keep acting like a sad puppy over and over while Lady Death keep telling him to stop acting like a child, their relationship is almost comical.

Look at the current phase of marvel.
Look at how he hard pushed cap marvel
Feigen is a tard

So you're retarded is what you're saying.

It's all about pushing the elitist eugenics notion of too many people and nobility of murderes and those that would see us butchered.

Thanos is a simp

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Because of the deeply flawed and evil nature of western comics

I assume you haven't read Thanos comics in a while, because he got over death as a love interest a good decade or two ago.

Last Thanos comics I read literally had him bring his younger self from the past to kill himself so he can be with Death.

Yeah. That was the whole fucking point. Old Thanos (the one who gets erased) was still a simp for Death. Present Thanos ('our' Thanos, the one who survives) taunts old man Thanos for still being a simp, and explains he's ashamed that the old fart is still obsessed with such a thing.
Thanks for picking a story that perfectly exemplifies my point.

And then his next comic appearance is leaving Hela to do back to Death

He acted like a simp at Thanos vs Deadpool all over again, this time with a healthy dose of cucking.

Also Thanos character development go around circles.

The whole reason why he tried to kill Thane was to prove his love to Lady Death.

Nigga needs to cum

I’m pretty sure he was engaged to Hela at some point

we don't talk about that

>t. Namor

That shit has been in EVERY media since the dawn of time.

shut up Doom, you forced everyone to play D&D in the last secret wars event, I mean wtf was that? You're a fucking gypsy raised in US stop trying to act like a dark age english man


Thanos the Cringe Titan

Starlin is kind of a hack

I really like the duality Jim Starlin set up with Thanos and Adam. Thanos tries everything to get love while Adam commits domestic abuse.

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He didn’t want to fix everything, he wanted to prove he was right.