Lackadaisy artbook and short film kickstarter

I like Lackadaisy but what do you think about this animation idea?

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I'm not a fan of the style even though I know it's just watered down from Tracy's, but I get it, they'd need a way bigger budget to do her art justice. Are they hoping they can use this as a pilot to show off to Netflix? Because I'm gonna need to hear the cast performing as the characters before I'll donate.
>a black guy is voicing the orange tabby

yeah, you'd need a Richard Williams kind of animator to bring out Tracy's entire style. But I can get why they'd simplify it at least a little for animation sake


What the fuck is this doing outta the circus

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Ivy Pepper is female, yes

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>youtuber VA

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Ivy is CUTE

They're ALL literal whos which makes sense given the budget but I actually recognize ProZD.

>Prozd as Mordecai
I'm very interested in seeing how different he'll sound now

>fashionable casting
Oh, god damn it.

She might be good at Mitzi but yeah definitely getting vibes she was picked because she's not what you'd expect Mitzi's VA to look like. At first I thought she was a man and they were doing a Dr. Girlfriend for some reason.

Looks very much like a man.

Bearded ladies should be incredibly low on people's lists of things to get mad about considering it's an actual disorder and there really isn't much you can do about it.


SOMEONE is going to get angry over it, believe me.

Considering bearded ladies are a real fucking thing, yeah, I don't know if this person is trans or if they're just a CIS lady with a beard. I've never heard of Ashe Wagner before.

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people are mad about it in this thread, right now

Welp, it's gonna happen!

After this film comes out, I might actually give a damn about the comic again.

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This of course also caught my eye so I had to find out what she sounds like. And she has a great voice! Think it'll work well with Mitz.

The project is almost funded anyway and they only launched it today, so she won't need the month. Hell, it'll be over funded by midnight I bet.

Animatic was cute. For sure had a Hazbin Hotel "feel" to it. I wonder if it's cause I was super hyped to see ultra detailed crazy Tracy level of art. Even though my brain knew it couldn't be like that due to tiny budget + hand drawn + no 3D, etc.

I donated. I have the hard copies of the books so I'm glad she's only offering digital. I would have been butthurt if I could have gone in for the $280 prize with the books and bunch of other stuff when the books themselves were already $80s alone.

Hey, I like that one.

Teen Blacksad?


From 'her' IG and Twitter it looks like she's a lady that just proudly shows off her neatly trimmed beard a la bearded lady circus fashion. She seems more quirky and fun. But if things take off I can see the 'fame' of being in the spot light is going to make her turn into something...else. Ya know?
She's CIS.

>quirky and fun

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I don't know what makes you say that.


Her voice? Compared to like, Contrapoints, who actually is trans.

IIRC there's not a lot bearded ladies can really do about their facial hair so you might as well own it.

Living rent free in your head!

The FUCK is that?

Drawing the comic was already painfully slow, at that pace you can expect the animation to be done in a couple centuries.

All the luck for her, but as said, I'll care about it when it comes along in 10 years or so.

It's an expression

i'm not a big fan of short films, I just have never been impressed by many

the shortest film I ever liked was 30 minutes

>Nearly missed this

WOO, thanks for the heads up OP. Man, I've been following these cats for forever.

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All the stretch goals are boring.

>$80 you have to get a signed hardcover book in order the get a digital copy of the animated short
>$15 for the hardcover book unsigned
>$28 just for pdfs of the comic
What the fuck are these tiers? They badly need one around the $40-$50 mark that includes all the digital content (comics and animated short) but without the hardcover book. They'd probably make more money in the long run with an option at that level which doesn't require any postage costs.

Pretty cool that his dream came true

>Supposed comic fans don't know about Lackadaisy

Well that's just depressing.

Are you surprised? It's a webcomic and an infrequent one at that.

they think they hard comic fans just because they read a garth ennis joint, baka

Sure, but it's one of the best drawn and longest running ones.

It was, for a lot of people, the webcomic that showed that they could be good

Oh great. More success for another greedy lefty cunt, handed to them on a silver platter by Internet retards.

You do realize she pushed this out today to try to get all your shekels before the virus panic ends up crashing everything?

s.m.h. translate to baka? Wild

>s.m.h. translate to baka
Yeah that never made sense to me

Text speak being filtered is one of the few efforts the mods have bothered to make to actually stop Yas Forums going completely normalfag.

Well what a waste of time

Out of all the things the mods could improve

Getting people to stop using s.o.y benefits everyone on this site.

that's deductive

A bunch of bootleggers in the 1920s trying to save a speakeasy that has fallen on such hard times its down to the least openly impressive (and craziest) staff. And they're drawn as cats to give flavor, but that aspect doesn't effect the story at all.

his voice is actually a good fit for mordecai

Has there ever been a good animation of a webcomic? Or even a haflfway decent one?

Sure there has.

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Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts.

They also released a teaser animatic with Rocky/Freckle/Ivy in it.

He did a newer comic in response to the announcement.

I think he's got a good voice for it, it's just the "direction" that needs work. In the Youtube video he's reading it in a calm tone, but with the way Mordecai is drawn in that comic there's times when he should sound like he's stressing out a little.

The Kickstarter is only a few hours up and they've already reached their goal?
Huh, I didn't know that the comic was that popular.

Lots of once smaller creators are doing bigger projects these days.
With Tracy you have Vivzie with her shows, Oney doing his game, Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack doing their unannounced stuff and the rest of the Newgrounds guys working on Nightmare cops.

I mean, if it all works out then great for them.

I wouldn't say that them being cats doesn't effect the story. It gives it colour and recontextualizes the cutthroat carnage of 1920s mobster wars

>Huh, I didn't know that the comic was that popular.
for some reason furries have deep pockets