Is Punchline Asian or white?

Is Punchline Asian or white?

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Asian, and Bolland really didn’t try here

I dunno, but Joker sure looks like a wojak


C'mon guys, it's 2020; get real.

She's of ambiguous ethnic origin-- just like how the rest of the human race will be in 80 years.

Let's split the difference and say she's mixed race.

I think Tynion said she isn't asian somewhere.

Heard that Punchline is transgender

she has a colored hairstring so according to cartoonlogic she must be Asian

what happened to his face?

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Asian with fat ass

Bolland is starting to get really experimental with his Joker looks.

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>posts an image from a decade ago

has Punchline actually been in a comic yet?

this isn't that bad. it's nice to know he's intentionally experimenting with shit and not just being bad

>has Punchline actually been in a comic yet?
I think her debut is coming soon, but I'm not much of a batfag so idk for sure.

That's what I'm saying, user. he's gone from long and vertically stretched out to this weird face compression. Ten more years and Joker's face will be a horizontal line with a smile beneath it.

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She’s appeared in two issues

She’s been in Batman 89 and Hell Arisen 3 as cameos.

She had to have appeared already, a cutie manager that works at my LCS was worried a few weeks back when I asked if they had an issue of something still in stock expecting me to be one of the neckbeards who crowded the shop that morning clambering for the punchline issue

Not him but you know I still never got my Hell Arisen 3? It was on my pull list, and they never got any. They’re assuring people “they’re coming” but I’m curious if some asshole working there didnt just put them on eBay over this speculator autism

>this is bolland
Someone take him behind the barn and we'll tell people he's out in the field playing all day long

I think most stores have policies against that, I split my time between two LCSs one completely local and one corporate and the corporate one was the one with this issue. I don’t buy Batman so it’s never mattered though they never seem to get enough amazing. Though I do like that cutie and wish to protect her from my ilk, I’m pretty neck beardy but al clean shaven so you can only notice it from my faded pop culture Ts and radiated low self esteem

I'm no UStard, so it really doesn't matter

>black hair with a colored streak
yeah...she's asian

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Some asians are white

if you're gonna say that, does race even fucking matter anymore?



Half german, half italian, half japanese - All Axis Powers combined. No wait, that was Thugboy.

Asian isn't a race

reddit pls go


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Everyone will just be dark, dumb, and transexual while the ruling class will be white, smart, the products of impeccable eugenics, rich and straight.

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He's playing with words. You can be born in an Asian country and still be white.

Oh yes. that is true. Just like there's white africans. So what would be the correct term for people of that ethnicity?

don't go all Yas Forums on me, like this guy

I don't give much of a fuck about races since I'm not American but I think mongoloid was the term back then.

Good memory! Mongoloid, caucasoid and negroid were the original terms for the only actual races.

Jews, arabs and indians are all asians

Asian isnt a race

Is Blindspot Asian or blind? Oh wait he's both, and illegal.

Attached: 4982515-blindspot.jpg (444x807, 70.28K)

And actually races don't exist, just ethnicities.

We are all one race

Punchline is a super kawaii nihon shoujo desu!!!

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>not a kawaii image
>not even slightly moe
You had one job, user.

Here you go you ingrate.

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Yas Forums sure but I'm not sure it's kawaii enough.
You're right! Why am I so hard to please today?

Because you're a waifufag on Yas Forums who will never have a big tiddy asian goth gf like the joker does.

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thai ladyboy

Eat shit


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The donut steel girl is cute, but why is Joker melting?

Be careful before some higher up decides Punchline's alter ego should be that black girl next door from the movie.

Fucking movie wasn't even about Joker

Arthur is worst Joker

The Gamer becomes the Chad.

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i'm sorry bats but in real life the gamer gets the girl


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So you're saying that in this threesome, there are 2girls/1boy and 2cocks/1cunt?

The race to the bottom.

Ambiguous. Let's just say she's Eurasian because they fucking draw her as that.

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Tynion said she isn't a tranny, he replied about some speculators who were saying that because he said "she's not one of the good guys".

Whatever the case, after that pic, I'd like to see Natalie cosplaying as her.

What the fuck happened to Bolland?