Daredevil and Punisher were sacrificed for THIS?

Daredevil and Punisher were sacrificed for THIS?

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Yes, and it's good.

Oh no, we're losing CW-level glorified police procedurals in exchange what will hopefully be a grounded, interesting drama. Somebody call the cops. Seriously though, the tendency of most live action superhero shows to morph into NCIS:LA is godawful.

Daredevil should have continued but the ending it got was fine.
Punisher was shit.

Sure thing Bob

Netflix was too ashamed of source and DD was only superhero with supersuit. It always pandered to normies by making "You want a yellow spandex?" tier jokes. Also they ruined the Purple Man. Fuck cuckflix.

So it’s all in her mind or is she in some dream dimension?

What does this even add to the story?

It better end with Ultron coming back by using Visions dead body

At least try to argue in good faith

Hey, look at the brightside: Ironfist and Jessica Jones was sacrificed for this.


Did you watch the trailer? She alternates realities constantly with powers all over the place. That is not the definition of grounded.

"Grounded" in the sense of "employing rational characters who make reasonable decisions and don't act like retards whenever the plot demands it". The difference between episodic series of indefinite scope and a miniseries like this which knows where it's headed. Potentially.

Unironically looks meta as fuck and that's cool and good.

There's no way you don't work for disney

Take some pills, schizo. Not a conspiracy every time somebody likes or dislikes something you don't.


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No those shows were sacrificed for this

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Has the potential to be Kino.

t. Man of culture

Rumour has it that Spader plays a human Ultron here.

Other rumours:
> Kathryn Hahn's "nosey neighbour" is in fact Agatha Harkness.
> Dominic West is Grim Reaper (working for Thunderbolt Ross?)
> Anthony Starr is Chthon.
> Sparky Dog is also present. Sparky is created by Vision in the comics.

I speculate thus:
> SWORD Agent Monica Rambeau is investigating Vision's body being stolen from Wakanda.
> FBI Agent Woo was monitoring Wanda, when she disappears, he and Monica team up to investigate.
> Darcy Lewis might well be with a science team investigating Mount Wundagore in Sokovia.

The concept art OP posted shows Vision being restored to colour by the red energy emitting from the television, reversing the effect of Thanos removing the mind stone.

Good analysis. Also, given that Wanda's standard arc is generally "be careful what you wish for" or "wanting something doesn't make it true", I think it's safe to say that vision is going to be permanently dead by the end of it, or at least their relationship will be permanently severed somehow.

Fuck You!

There have been three Punisher movies and a show.
More live action Punisher work will eventually be made.
There has been a Daredevil movie and a show.
More live action Daredevil work will eventually be made.
Wanda and Vision got small roles in several MCU movies. This is the first time they've been given something of their own. Stop complaining or trying to take it away from their fans.

They fucked up Punisher anyway, should've hired writters from Daredevil to write Punisher's show. Daredevil season 2 made me care about Frank more than both seasons of his own show.
And Daredevil got a good ending, went away on a high note, so i'm not even mad about it getting canceled.

> I think it's safe to say that vision is going to be permanently dead by the end of it, or at least their relationship will be permanently severed somehow.
If his name is in the title and he ends up not being real, and never coming back, that would be cruel and spiteful to fans. Same if the first show about a couple is about permanently breaking them up, as would be giving Wanda her own show just to turn her into a villain. They better not do any of that. Nobody who likes these characters wants any of that.

>Wanda's standard arc
That's not 'standard', that's 'Byrne and Bendis'.

I hope not, I really like bettenys visions

i wanna rub boobs and scissors with her so fucking badly

i miss her ;_;

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>Shitcanning two of the worst shows in the history of television

I'm still mad over Daredevil. The whole fucking premise is that he's blind. Then in ep 6 he's like "akshually I can see, but everything is on fire." I want my 5 hours back goddamn it. FUCK.

Filthy casual

that was a visual representation for the audience you austistic fuck

>>didn't watch the show at all

Yeah, to show you that he can see. And it's blatantly obvious that he can see. Instantly finding an iphone on the ground? Just another boring brick like all the other capeshits.

he's always had echolocation. the 'world on fire' was just to ham up the devil aspect

Just fuck off already you shill

>The whole fucking premise is that he's blind.

Oh, dear god.

The representation of his radar sense was better in the movie though.

Pocket Dimension which is connected to Wanda's emotions, but not created or controlled by her (whole point of her arc is likely taking control of her power).
"Scarlet" means sinful as well as brilliant red.

Potentially important line:
"Wanda, welcome home".

Wanda watched sitcoms as a child in war torn Sokovia, her only happy memory. To many living in poverty and war, US sitcoms, which present a perfect world where nothing goes wrong and families and friends stick together. So they represent Wanda's hopes and the American dream, where she projects herself into these sitcoms that presented a happy life she longed for.

For Vision, he has longed to be human, to live as a normal human, this is also his dream come true. Feige said this will also explore "What makes Vision Vision."

"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day, who knows? I may even control it."

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>Punisher was sacrificed for this?
Based WandaVision

Vision is real IMHO, but is only able to be fully himself in the pocket dimension.

I think Vision doesn't die at the end but does lose his emotions when the pocket dimension has to be destroyed by Wanda to save the world.

But there's the strong hint in the concept art that even if that happens, Wanda does have the future potential to restore him herself.

No loss

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Oh no, Netflix Punisher! How will we ever recover!

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Let’s not kid ourselves, they weren’t that great

It's impossible that people like things I don't like.

Oh boy the MCU sure isn't ashamed of the source material!

no, they were sacrificed to deal a blow at netflix and improve Disney's stream service chances to survive

That was already done even if they hadn't had any plans for other shows. Netflix policy is to cancel shows after 3 seasons unless they are extremely popular shows. Couple this with the fact that those aren't their original properties meaning they probably have to give Disney cuts of the profit.

>interesing drama


>why all the olsen have granny faces?

I see there's porn already

yes have more youtube videos made on why we should care about the fuckin movies
sure it's detail, but it's also not an actual movie, just yet another confusing story that doesn't end

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Nigshit gashfucker trannoid flixdrones seething
Based WandaVision btfoing the Nigflix menace trannoid!

i can't even understand what you're typing anymore. also im surprised that bait caught so many people lmao

I gotta admit, it is a little exciting to see where the MCU is going. The tv shows will connect wth the movies and will create a greater extension to the lore than anything the Netflix shows ever did. Daredevil and Jess Jones were good shows but they felt unneceesary to the MCU and were put there mainly so fans could go and say "holy shet look at that! he said the thing that blank said in the movies! dis is so connectid!" I'm still iffy on weather or not the shows will be actually good but ir keeps me a little excited

You saw Punisher, right?

>Daredevil and Punisher
Pathetic tv shows with low bugget

I was so fucking disappointed when I was trying to figure out how Age of Ultron was connected to the shit happening in Winter Soldier and SHIELD, only to find out that Feige didn't give a shit about the TV shows.

The moment when you see that Kevin Feige has no sense of creativity
A conceptual artist can do something better than someone who works at mcu

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Daredevil was a master class in Superhero TV I’m im extremely angry and sad it got canned but WandaVision is going to be kino as fuck as well, everything about the promotion makes it look really interesting and unique, hopefully I like it as much as DD’s vest parts

>dumb armored shit

ok bud

To be fair the tv show version is clearly going to be a fancy dress costume for a party or some shit.

You're right about all of them save for Daredevil. This goes beyond superhero shows though, nearly every TV show is a cop procedural at heart because it makes for really easy episodic storytelling. Lucifer, I think, was the last example I saw that pissed me off. Satan walking the Earth because he's sick of being the king of hell is an interesting premise, then they team him up with an FBI agent and make him solve crimes. Fucking lazy, TV scripts are the laziest shit on the planet.