What do you think happened to the Edd’s as they grew up?

What do you think happened to the Edd’s as they grew up?

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the big stupid one murdered his family
the little stupid one is some ones bitch in prison
the smart stupid one was captured be the government and used as a weapon for his reality bending science

Same stuff as before. Maybe DD goes off to college. Maybe he develops a pill problem. Other Edd's just go to community college. Maybe it turns into like a little trainspotting thing, with heroin instead of jawbreakers.

They became sad old men with fat ugly wives reminiscing about their childhood.

What do you guys think of this?

That is shockingly high quality

double d would let marie fuck a black guy so they can make money

>Ed runs a comic book store
>Edd is a teacher or professor at a local school/university
>Eddy is a used car salesman

Ed shoots himself in the head as "a bit"
Edd becomes a trap
N is now "the n word"
Eddy is the prime minister of China


>grew up
They never grew up, they’re all already dead

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Ed wins the lottery and just sort of fumbles through life. Ends up with a smart hot wife that smooths out most of his fuck ups. Thinks he's comic genius and doesnt realize he's an idiot. Might luck into a tv show like jackass and everyone thinks he's playing an Andy Coffman like character.

Edd goes to college for aerospace. He meets Marie again his second year of college when he takes his car in for repairs. He's impressed with her technical skill and somehow falls into a date with her, he falls for her and in a comical serious of weird dates they become a thing and wed. He works at nasa and encourages Marie to get a mechanical engineering job. They move to Alabama and he works in Hunstville and she commutes to the Mercedes Benz plant. They have 8 kids.

Eddy tries bigger and bigger cons, ends up in jail. Declares bankruptcy a lot. Has to ask edd and ed for money a lot. Dates and knocks up the other two kankers. Runs off, dead beat dad. Ends up dead 20 years before the other two or out lives everyone, ends up a bitter lying shithead.

Could reboot the show and the reveal at the end of she show was that one boy is mari and Edd's while the other two are both Eddy's even though one is an idiot and is implied to be Ed's the whole time. Ed's actual son visits in the last episode being more like Edd, while Edd's is well grounded and neither too dumb or too smart.


I'd say this is the most accurate outcome

So you think Ed’s wackiness and stupidity was a childhood phase or an actual mental issue?

Don’t bring retarded theories into the discussion. “tHey’Re aLL deAd”,”it’S aLl a DrEam”,”tHe MaiN cHaRactEr iS In a cOmA”. stfu

Edd probably wouldn't date smokers

That's assuming he has a choice in the matter

There's a live-action sequel called The Trailer Park Boys

>Marie force shotgunning cigarettes smoke into Edd's throat and making him inhale.

They never grew up. They all died as unbaptized children and the show is set in purgatory.

Smoking in school?
Didn't know peach trees was in the fucking ghetto

>Smoking in the ChemLab

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This, all this shit is boring and unoriginal. I love how this shit was literally shot down by the author yeah, yeah, death of the author, whatever

Say, what is he holding and why is his other hand on his stomach?

something like this

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Old Marie that got cut out from the show

Attached: Old_Marie.jpg (556x350, 98.08K)

This, in all likelihood. I have no idea why EEnE, in particular, is such a hotbed for edgy hypothetical futures where everyone becomes a drug addict or a prostitute.

He's holding down his tie to his shirt because he is a nerd, a dweeb, a dork.

Go to bed, Kevin

Indie B-movie actor

Inner-city high school chemistry teacher

Used car salesman

the big stupid one got a good job, its not well payed, but he cant do too much about being a stupid, so he at least have a job, he manages to bang some dumb whores occasionally.
Little one went to jail, and finally pulled a scheme right, and now is the person who distribute illegal shit there, he was never this successful before.
the smart one has a lovely family and a well paid job and is on its free time a serial killer.

Ed: rapist/accidental murderer
Eddy: rapist
Edd: inventor of untraceable rohypnol, billionaire. Also, rapist

Ed became a Yas Forums tier hikki
Edd grew out of his OCD and became a normie, though a smart one
Eddy drops out of highschool and becomes a stoner

He was going to go to special ed in one episode but Danny cut it for being 'too real'

Thank god

No job, supported by Sarah, has been tricked into fucking Jimmy several times
Some desk job that requires lots of order, probably an accountant, will come down and shriek at you if your expense reports aren't properly filled out, married to a woman for logical reasons and not love, does not spend much time at home and the two communicate primarily through sticky notes
Come own down to Crazy Eddy's emporium of tvs, stereo equipment and car parts, if we don't have it then you don't want it
Possibly business partners with Edd to keep the business in good shape, gave Ed a job but he kept breaking stuff and nearly tanked the company

Why is it all these hypothetical futures never seem to take into account the events of the movie?

I don't know if I liked it or hated it so I'll flip a coin and go off of that.

I hated it.

Nice try. If it got cut it's not canon and you'll never convince me otherwise.

Hate it


Whatever helps you sleep at night

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I bet edd could get mad scholarships for college. i don't think any of the families in the cul-de-sac could afford to send their kids to college, so that's probably the best chance. ed and eddy in all likelihood never leave peach creek.

For years I thought his beanie was his hair

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I always thought that user that sady Eddy becoming a used car salesman was right, same with Double D as teacher

Double D grew up to be a youtube journalist
>Look it's complicated.

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>Come own down to Crazy Eddy's emporium of tvs, stereo equipment and car parts, if we don't have it then you don't want it
Fuck it actually sounds like something out of a episode

Eddy became a psycho

Became a chicken farmer that sells eggs locally to people. Sometimes he trades eggs for stupid things instead of using money. Eats too much buttered toast and smells of butter.
Became a college professor but still a timid shut in. Often buys Ed's eggs and checks up on him and gets him out of messes. Gets postcards from Eddie and kind of misses the fact that they aren't all together. Then he realises the kind of schemes he'd be dragged into and is also relieved. Lives with his wife who's bossy and pushes him around a lot.
Becomes a failing used car sailsman who has a habit of selling cut n shuts and recovered wrecks and then running off to the next city before he's forced to refund people.
Has a trunk full of jawbreakers he sells to bored kids that come with their parents at extortionate prices.

Jonny for sure become a drug addict

Eddy sells used cars
Double D became an engineer
Ed became a horror movie cameraman


I hate how so much people stole this artist's work that now they put watermarks all over their art.

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sisters... rolf is kinda hot

So what was his nationality?


>Hey Brendon...where's Brandon and Brenda?

>you mean Jason and Melissa?

>...that's not how it works, Brendon.

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