Would you marry her?

Would you marry her?

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Only if she grows her hair out again. She looks like a jewish kid with a padded bra.

Ian, are you having some sort of doubt?

She kept her grown out hair.

looks like andy samberg, or that kid from Victorious, you know, the kid with the puppet.


>greasy lesbian
nah, even butch girls wash their hair.

> victorious
Oh fuck I forgot all about that, my little sister used to watch it
Yeah she kinda does doesn’t she

She looks 80 years old.

I would in a heartbeat

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its not one of her best, she obviously looks Jewish, but it is better than some 300lb hambeast at least


Shes sweet as molasses and cute as a button.

Her ?

>marrying a jew
It's like you want to lose half your shekels

No because circumcision is unnatural and unneeded.



Whats the appeal

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Holy fuck Micheal Essenberg?

Yes, would turn her into a whore and recreate the rule 34 irl

I didn't know fucking a black guy made you lgbt now lol. Sugar is a dumbass "not like the other girls", very punchable face

She is bisexual, marrying a man of the opposite gender doesn't make her less bisexual

As long as she trashes the stupid fucking ukelele.

Would I?
Why, of course I would deport her!

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>its not one of her best, she obviously looks Jewish
Jewish “women” hit the wall at full speed

I'm talking about how she identifies as nonbinary, retard


>I'm talking about how she identifies as nonbinary, retard
She should identify as “ugly as fuck”

nonbinary people can marry people of every gender and still be nonbinary.

I like boyish looking women but man, she just looks like a straight up Jewish guy. Pass.

“Not even with a rented dick”

I'm not saying that doesn't make her nonbinary. I'm saying that being "nonbinary" to begin with is an attention-grab from boring retards and it's actually fucking sexist and reduces gender to stereotypes. Fuck this ugly bitch

Looks like Andy Sambergs brother Randy Samberg

>I'm saying that being "nonbinary" to begin with is an attention-grab from boring retards and it's actually fucking sexist and reduces gender to stereotypes. Fuck this ugly bitch
This, she wants to be special, if she was prettier she would never even be talking about this shit.

she looks like the ugly version of an ugly guy I know

Yas Forums

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>it's actually fucking sexist and reduces gender to stereotypes
A non-binary person marrying a person of the opposite gender isn't a sterotype.
A cishet woman and cishet man marrying eachothers is a lot more stereotypical than a nonbinary-cishet marriage will ever be

Non-binary implies that there is a "certain way" to act female or male. That's what I mean about it being sexist, idiot.

She looks like Steven
Is Steven a male self-insert of a female creator?

Steven is supposed to be like her little brother from irl. Looks like mine too, mine is a manlet fatass as well

just because you've experienced the sensation of having a gender your whole life doesn't mean much

shuuuuut the fuck up

Male. Female. That's it.

>Non-binary implies that there is a "certain way" to act female or male
No, non-binary means you don't feel comfortable in the stereotypical spectrum of gender based on chromosomes and society based standards of masculinity of femininity. So you identify to a whole new classification that can be for AFAB or AMAB and they don't even have to stop to act stereotypically masculine or feminine

nonbinary people can marry people of every gender and still not exist outside of their head.

>implying I haven't experienced dysphoria
>implying I didn't cut all my hair off and wear men's dress shirts for 2 years straight in hs and get bullied mercilessly before eventually becoming comfortable with myself as a gender nonconforming female in adulthood
>implying I am not a master debater in the matter of gender politics
Oh, you are approaching me?

Bless us for that.
She really is /ourgal/

>The creator of the show, Rebecca Sugar, is another member of Synagogue of Satan.

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Nonbinary isn't a real thing, it's a word made up by trannys and homosexuals to make themselves feel even more special.

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Sure. Andy Sandberg is a funny dude.

Satanism has churces you little children

You don't know anything about Satanism. Take like a half hour and research it. The official "church of satan" is more of a political group. Even the "satanic bible" is mostly tongue-in-cheek

>implying I would ever marry a woman
Yikes. it's gay marriage around here or nothing pal.

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This is the most disrespectful shit ever.
Not only you're using a meme site for mocking 2 people's look.
But you're assuming that that joke site is a reliable source for how a kid may look like despite you putting the faces of 2 adults in it, of course 2 adults don't make the look of a baby
And not only you're being a lookist, but also a casual racist.
One thing is saying their cartoons are bad, the other, and it's worse on every sides, it's mock them for being not attractive for you and for this society's standards, and then there is the worst of the worst that is assuming their children would be abo*inations just and only for their look.
Don't be mean like this and you will be beautiful, because you're acting like an ugly person

Nice retarded simp impression, I chuckled

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I sincerely have a hard time looking at her face for longer than 2 seconds.

>(((Bless us for that.
She really is /ourgal/)))

Amazing pasta, almost as if written by Sugar herself.

She looks like she ‘doesn’t want children’, so no.

I agree with you but it's a lost cause trying to make channers not being living shitstain