So who’s trauma is the worst? Steven’s, Lapis’s, or Spinel’s?
So who’s trauma is the worst? Steven’s, Lapis’s, or Spinel’s?
Steven’s is worse as he is a literal child soldier of war.
I don't care I just want Steven to vore Spinel.
I prefer him fucking White while using Spinel as a condom
they have it really bad but i would go with Steven, he got so used to be on the edge of death that he got used to
also the gems are useless fucks (same as Greg)
What happened to this show? I swear it was so stupid go lucky fast kid with a rock belly button, and so I never watched it. now I'm hearing sexual rights, PTSD, flashbacks, rape.
In giant form or regular size?
Jessica Ushiromiya's
Steven been through stuff, but not really any worse than most gems have been through. I'd go with Lapis, then Spinel, then Jasper or Pink Pearl
Volleyball has been suffering the longest.
I suppose the same in different ways.
Steven just realized he’s been in fight or flight mode with his human and Gem halves feeding off each other’s background panic. You can look at the movie as showing that since all the happy is found in flesh Steven, he was pulling double duty keeping Gem Steven calm too. It reminds me of something I read recently, can’t remember where, about insects going berserk unless another insect releases a “danger is gone” hormone but the damage it does when nobody is around to do so.
Lapis is in the same boat, more or less. Most of her life has been betrayal and injustice at the hands of everyone who was supposed to be on her side. She’s not being doubly fed into a constant state of fight or flight, but she has had about 6000 years of suffering from it instead. Just like Steven, she had to have a support network keeping her calm. She managed to get over it by basically deciding to sacrifice herself potentially for said friends.
Spinel only felt betrayed and afraid very recently, prior to that just lonely and saddened. But the fact it is so fresh and so overwhelming has put her in a far worse mental state in the present, even if the actual suffering isn’t as strong. She also lacks any support unless the Diamonds managed to figure out she needed more than laughter. Given they’re using her as a pseudo-Pink, they actually might.
Going forward Lapis is in the best place, having a strong support network, having come out the other side of her trauma, and having the reminders of her problems neutralized while being self-aware of how she could fall back into old habits. Hell, she could probably even redeem Jasper at this point.
Steven has the support, but is in the worst place mentally. He only just admitted/discovered his problem. The fact his support tie into it will make things more difficult.
Steven matured a lot throughout the show and this is an epilogue series taking place when he's 16.
In the latest two episodes we see him absolutely nail a romantic picnic but messes up by proposing way too soon, and she still didn't say "no" just a "not yet."
And then we find out his skull was fractured during his goofy kid adventures and everything gets put into a new light as it all manifests as mental trauma.
>"Steven did anything bad happen in your childhood that stuck with you?"
>"Haha, I guess my favorite ice-cream got cancelled? And...then I was attacked by a giant bug monster, I got trapped underwater and almost drowned...I turned into a mass of cats and almost died...I made myself so old I almost died...I woke up with a black eye imprisoned on alien warship..." and was stopped before he could even start listing the REALLY bad stuff, like how in the time travel episode he literally watched himself die.
Volleyball went right from being hurt to being on the floor in White Diamond’s ship.
She’s in the least amount of pain. Even Garnet and Amethyst had it worse.
>now I'm hearing sexual rights, PTSD, flashbacks, rape
It was kinda always about characters dealing complex emotional baggage under the guise of "show about happy adventures". The difference before was Steven stepped up to play everyones therapist.
The current arc is that Steven's now the one with complex emotional issues and slowly turning him into a monster, and none of the people he's helped before are qualified to be his therapist.
His bones were broken all over the place.
As anons have pointed out, the feedback loop from his human half and Gem half in a constant state of being ready to fight probably unlocked his powers far faster, and stunted his growth.
Honestly already planning to write a bunch of stuff involving corrupted/giant Steven voring a bunch of SU girls (from Connie to Lapis to Spinel and right on up to the Diamonds themselves)
He just seems like a good pred
>Not having the Diamonds be his mates who Vore Gems with him
No such thing outside of biology tautology. There can be growth and regression, good and evil, but spare me from talks of "maturity."
When I hear "maturity" it's just code for "character growing into a concept I agree with." I want Steven to be happy and fuck that indian bitch so hard that he has to squirt mayonaise on his penis to stop the burn from the curry. Circumstances don't always allow for such happiness. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be striven for.
>Given they’re using her as a pseudo-Pink, they actually might.
Given by the fact that they tried to do this with Steven and utterly failed, plus with Spinel desiring to be loved for being Spinel, this could go very, very wrong.
>none of the people he's helped before are qualified to be his therapist.
They kind of are.
Most of them have shared his headspace. That’s why he looked to Fusion to help him, every Fusion mixed his strengths with support. That’s why Smoky Quartz was the most positive for him, both he and Amethyst had the same problems of self-esteem that was easily made up for with belief in each other. All Fusions are with one of his protectors, so he felt no fear as any of them.
Beyond that, Lapis and Jasper are best situated to understand the constant fear and readiness to fight he’s suffering from.
Fuck, going even deeper its why he was able to empathize with Nephrite. Remember how he explained monster psychology to Peridot? Constant fear, being attacked, never being able to rest or relax, “this is your life now”. The reason Steven was able to partially heal her and Rose never could is the Pink Gem relied on empathy, and he saw the monsters as suffering on a personal level while his mother only saw them as an extension of her guilt for damaging them.
Not a bad idea honestly
I’m really not into giantess at all but I sort of wish Blue had just popped Connie into her mouth during this scene in Reunited
ptsd is a bitch
Wait, doesn't he have healing/regen abilities? Do they just not work on himself?
Only reason he's not dead.
>Steven suddenly has trauma even though the situations he's been in have never been portrayed as traumatic before neither through writing nor directing
Did the writers just wanna feel smart for doing an episode like this?
Some trauma is shown through retrospect. Sometimes bad shit happens to you and you desperately deconstruct your own past trying to figure out where the sabotage occurred.
You're joking?
are you kidding me everything shown during the ptsd flashbacks would be pretty traumatic to a child
It wasn't traumatic to him before though and it was never portrait as such until this new season. We're also dealing with cartoon characters here. Steven was never a realistic character.
He sees himself get ripped out of his belly.
They state the bones healed as fast as they got injured, but there's still cosmetic damage.
I call the almost drowning thing complete bullshit, yeah what a scare, but it was never a problem until now.
if only trauma could be cured by simply saying "it was never a problem until now"
That still doesn't make sense when it's been shown that his physical form is based on how he views himself. Unless this is purely a psychological thing from the pain he shouldn't have injuries he's not aware of.
Why are 20-30 twitter cucks so obsessed with this show?
Why does this sound like if Alan Moore was picked up to write Steven Universe?
Nothing else to watch on TV and dont know any better.
>Cosmetic damage
You mean like scars?
LGBT themes. And it filled the niche that Adventure Time used to.
His skull probably has multiple sutures that shouldn't be there.
Fucker, when do lgbt themes get brought up in these threads? I think the last time that happened people were taking the criticism towards shep and sadie
No, you're just oblivious and/or trying really hard to sound smart by nitpicking stupid shit
It's been made very clear numerous times in the original series that Steven has trouble dealing with all the things going on around him, with Mindful Education being a prime example of it being a serious problem looming in the background all along while everything else is happening
And it's outright pointed out, out loud, by dr Mahaeshwaren in this episode that he's only starting to lose his shit this much now because there's no one there to help him (while it's also been made very clear that it's, more precisely, because he refuses to ask for help)
Lesbian Space Rocks was all Tumblr used to talk about.
>He's only now losing his shit
How very very convinient
The only straight gem is pink diamond and is dead.
I thought she was fucking the gems too.
well he's had a huge support group until now
Cock kills women in this world.
I dont think sex is a canon thing between gems. So the only want that has actually fucked is pink. Maybe pearl.
This whole thing started because nobody needs him, he feels lost and is realising he doesnt know what to do with his life. Scary thought for anyone specially if you are growing up.
so can steven just grow whenever he wants now
She probably was. Figures that bitch a whore.
Only when he's pp shy at the doctor's.
Only as a form of Fusion.
The only canon sex was her and her humans before Greg. Which could have been either gender.
Worth noting that Diamonds reproduce asexually normally, and unless you count Peridots and Lapises cultivating and preparing land for colonization as participants then only Diamonds reproduce. They exude an essence that can be used to create more of their race, as well as bring other materials to life like Rose’s plant soldiers. Pink was able to heal with hers, and Steven’s is more powerful since his plant people are evolving and reproducing independent of him and he could partially heal corruption by himself which Rose could not.
When a case is more complicated than sperm+egg, we define the male/female as being the female undergoing the bulk of energy spent in the reproduction process, with the bulk of the make’s contribution being genetic donation. In that sense, you could either consider Diamonds female in that the active energy comes from them, or male in that their magic sucks the life out of the planet to produce offspring. Ultimately, the tie-breaker is identity I suppose. Female pronouns and interpretation-based breeding=female.
>SU was about a happy kid in dorkland
>SU2 is about an edgy teenager realizing he had a shit life
>steven is also basically goku now
kekkle, sugar and fat black guy should write more serious stuff instead of doing happy dweeb adventures.
Probably Spinels, was Lapis even aware of time passing in the mirror? I got the feeling she was probably unconscious for most of it.
But not swallow her, right? I'm sure just swishing Connie around in her mouth with full body tongue-stroking would have stunned the fight out of her.
Look if you want a serious answer, PTSD and general trauma cannot be put on a scale. Near fatal moment's and extreme bereavement are a little similar in the experience, so I'd say Steven. Mostly due to it being his entire childhood. Course spinel and lapis has lived longer so that's also a problem. But if I had to bet money, Steven. He has had the most causes.
Depends if lapis was in a "I must scream but I have no mouth" or just in sleep mode
but if your making me pick from what I have seen in the show Steven> Spinel >lapis
SU started out as a story about a happy kid in dorkland with magical girl mommies, then slowly became about how his mommies are shell-shocked refugees of a failed war, and then it became about how most of the trouble in his life can be traced to the baggage his psychopath real mom left him in a bid for a new life - his.