Did it work?
Did it work?
shit like this is why I didn't bother to watch
Easily the best part of season 3.
A gay muslim that worships Dracula is just hilarious so Netflix version.
(sad laugh)
Why is he so bald?
Honestly Edglord Isacc hasn't aged well.
>black gay in love with a vampire
>A gay muslim that worships Dracula is just hilarious so Netflix version.
Why do British atheists always do this? Garth ennis a edgy atheist but he never sucked off islam like Warren Ellis does.
Season 3 went so hard to ad in more Netflix diversity.
Heres asians, bisexuality, incest, group sex, lesbians ontop of the already gay muslim.
If warren Ellis a good writer and not a dishonest cunt. He would use black Isaac to tackle the Arab African slave trade being older than the European African slave trade.
>Season 3 went so hard to ad in more Netflix diversity
Fuck off Yas Forums
What is the psychology behind turning all these redhead characters black/brown?
What’s the psychology of Yas Forums not shutting up?
>its black
>worships and gay for a vampire
its a big HMMMM indeed my friend
Redhead genocide.
It's a cheeky nod to a certain ginger anagram
The theory goes that the jewish producers and directors and such, have it out for gingers as sort of a religious tradition going back to Noah, I think.
There's some passage about a redheaded, curly haired son being cursed.
The fact that he's gay is so inconsequential and he's Sufi, so an outlier among Islamic beliefs.
I honestly forgot he was gay, even if you are a raging homophobe, there's nothing to be triggered by. That's Aludcard's job
He's one of the most fascinating characters in the show.
Bro this isn't even pol.
Netflix mandates this shit. Any show without it that goes multiple seasons has it added over time.
>Getting mad at Asians
>In Castlevania
[citations needed]
>what is voltron
Jacob and Esau. Esau was rejected by God and Jacob got his birthright and became the founding father of Israel. Esau had red hair.
There's also the idea that they hate Esau because he was the one who killed Nimrod, the first Anti Christ.
Voltron is entirely the writers fucking up and being incompetent.
Foxford! I said to cast a GINGER, you hear me? A GINGER.
He is the worst character in the series.
Man, they really hate redheads
Yes, because he is based. I hope he gets a nice boyfriend and a happy ending imshallah
Issac is the best fucking character period
I rather watch an Issac show
Ascended Bestboy.
Dilate *dabs*
Garth Ennis just openly hates organized religion in general while Ellis for whatever reason only slags off Christianity.
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
Ennis is an edgy misanthrope raised on stories of the troubles.
Ellis is a literal Soiboi who was raised by his liberal parents to hate his own country.
fine up to $10000
>Anime/Cartoon adaption
up to 20 years prison for rights holders
>Netflix/Live action Adaption
Public execution for everyone involved
Would it work?
Because he is too much of a coward to rag on Islam
Roastie hands typed this post
Let's say I make a successful comic. Can I force Netflix to respect my wishes if they want to make an adaptation? White characters stay white, no making characters gay when I didn't create them gay, etc.
Lol, faggot is too much of a coward to directly reply to you.
imagine being this much of a goober
Alucard eventually fucks off to Japan to fight vampires with Julius and hang out with Soma. When the twins appeared I figured this was just the catalyst. Camilla historically is THE lesbian vampire. Having a court of dykes is exactly the thing she would do. Incest is a check, group sex is a check, bisexuality is a half check, but I would add that both cases count as a form of rape because Alucard is 15 and didn't know what was going on and just let things happen
>Issac is the best fucking character period
If you like Mary Sues.
>single-handedly takes Dracula
>Dracula has the fucking gall to place a curse on him as he dies, so Simon resurrects Dracula again just to kill him again to break it
Why is he such a man's man?
>Why is he such a man's man?
Oh they're going to turn him into a man's man alright when they get their hands on him,if you nkow what I mean
>Gay Muslim misanthrope is a villain
>Lesbian black woman is a villain
>Asian bisexual twins are backstabbers
>Only bisexual relationship is shown as rape
>Hottest vampire is a cute white ginger
>Main protagonists are white, straight, and heroic
I'm thinking this show is based, and dare I say it, red-pilled.
All their redheaded energies was channeled into making a superior red head
His travels through medieval muslim lands were pretty based. Honestly, all the stories about muslism merchants during the middle ages are pretty cool, specially on border territories.
You realize that doesn't happen for hundreds of years right?
And Alucard was working for the CIA anyways, him dicking around in Japan with Soma was purely on the basis of "some nutbar is trying to bring my dad back so we gotta kick their asses"
Yeah, if you still keep the rights to it or there are terms giving you some amount of creative control etc. (not a lawyer, yeah this is very generalized).
If you just sign all the rights away to [whoever] and then [whoever] decides to make an adaptation, then you deserve whatever happens to your characters, for better or worse.
Part 6 Confirmed?
in this case, yes. Isaac in the game was super cringy and was a really outdated "Look at me, I'm gay and batshit insane and a murderer" archetype.
Why do people get triggered by shows no one forces them to watch?
Considering Isaac in the games is just a generic edge lord while Netflix Isaac is actually enjoyable to watch due to have a character arc about his own growing and diminishing morality towards humanity, I’d say Netflix Isaac wins.
>M-muh diversity
fuck off tripfag tranny
The show is extremely based and absolutely redpilled
>Dracula's poc squad was BTFO in less than 5 minutes as fodder
>corrupt Catholic church BTFO
I'm a fan of the Castlevania games first and foremost and I don't care that they changed Isaac for this series. He's a character I didn't think about much before, and I like their new interpretation.