The only reason anyone will watch the She-Hulk show is for fanservice

How will they do the transformation scene?

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If Jen isn't green 24/7 after getting the infusion then this show belongs in the trash

Like She's COOMING!

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>The only reason anyone will watch the She-Hulk show is for fanservice


>Sexy and she knows it
>Strong both physically and in terms of personality
>Confident and self-assured
>Assertive, takes no one's shit
>Accomplished career-woman
>Sexually liberated and not ashamed of it
>Genuinely funny female character
>Not just a female version of a male hero, but her own unique thing
But no, she's much less offensive now because she looks like Donkey Kong fucked the Jolly Green Giant.

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>Decades of Youtube She-Hulk transformation videos
>It will probably end up looking worse than all of them

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No way the show would spend that much on CG.

She better have Huge 80's Hair, I wasn't a fan of the depoofed hair of the 00's.

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Nobody will watch the new She Hulk because she's black and black animated characters don't sell tickets

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True, Jessica Jones was cheaper than Season 1 Buffy.

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Blacks can't be Lawyers, It's the Law.

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The Show will bring up MeToo & Incels/ Have a Perfect Blue Stalker Episode.

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Which version will we get?

Aaron's Regression into cheap knock-off of her cousin will soon be seen as a mistake like Secret Agent Wonder Woman & Supernatural Entity Punisher.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say that Overcharged She-Hulk will be forgotten the way those two are, but if you follow the writer and showrunner, they often have bantz with Slott, and when Aaron turns up in their tweets they all ignore him.

Step aside, boys, coming through with the only right answer

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That's good, I have no problem with her Overcharged form (I'm a Schmoe) it's just her personality! she fucking worse than Eeyore now. A complete wet-blanket...

This is why people Love Noi.

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No idea if they are going to go full Jason Aaron but it doesn’t look good as the writer is that feminist who made Pepper Potts into an ingrate and wrote an article about how South Park ruined the culture because they make jokes that aren’t politically correct commonplace in the public sphere.

Damn, that She-Hulk costume is terrible.

South Park is known for the whole "No Sacred Cows" thing.

Who is this dumb bitch?

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Dana Schwartz

I rather have her Sensational duds, I never liked any of her 00's costumes too much white & looking like a CrossFit instructor.

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Well Fuck her & everybody who looks like her!

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Remember that time bruce almost had sex with men at the YMCA instead of with his cousin?

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Well Jen had it WORSE!

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Forgetting that She-Hulk in the beginning was none of these things and will most likely be what the TV show takes after.

When people think of She-Hulk they think of the Sensational run not the Savage run you Goof.

Well, Marvel doesn't want the Sensational run anymore. They want a She-Hulk who by all means is the same as regular Hulk except with tits.

He wasn't really raped so why is he so upset.
This is the problem with you zoomers - you're acting too much like women.

Please don't be one of those schmoes that think that she's great now only because she's massive & that the Old Jen is just some kind of Green Stripperella.

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I'm not. I'm saying that Marvel doesn't care what we like about She-Hulk. They're going to use the original (not Aaron's) Savage version because it's cheaper and easier to keep Jen human most of the time and only do hulk-outs twice an episode at most.

We'll get severed a get the Grey PTSD one who transforms because she can't find a recipe.

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She-Hulk should be like Xena/Buffy, Mostly lighthearted but get serious when it needs to.

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Just because you're a pathetic coomer doesn't mean everyone is. Please leave and don't come back.

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Why did Daredevil steal Donna Troy's codtume?

Oh the star-field, Good catch, He's Hemdall now because making a blind person able to see EVERYTHING is just so ironic & cute. God I hope Aaron gets his faggy beard caught in school pencil sharpener.

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Wait that's not how it works. Heimdallr was chosen to guard the bridge BECAUSE he could see everything, not the other way around.
Unless it is how it works with Marvel's version, I've never really read much Thor.

All the Norse Gods are mantles in Marvel.

So get fucked Asatru followers.

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This. The only fanservice was musclegirl fetish. Otherwise she is loved to be humoristic strong female.

>The only fanservice was musclegirl fetish

Green Skin is a fetish, It's exotic (Susan Oliver in Star Trek)

She's 6'7'' that's Vader height, So we got that Robert Crumb "Tower of Mommy" thing going on.

Plus because of her current Overcharged form the Schmoes have being coming out of the woodwork.

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Approved body types of women 2020:
1) obese or morbidly obese woman;
2) athletic man;
3) stick figure identified as woman.

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>The only reason anyone will watch the She-Hulk show is for fanservice
prepare to be disappointed

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And yet only Elizabeth Moss fits any of those descriptions from this list

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That bitch is ugly as fuck! She looks like a baby bird that hatched too-early.

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She is a good actress though. And she has the smarts to never play a character that's supposed to be hot unlike Amy Schumer or other fat thots.

I guess I'm being too harsh.

I've heard nothing but good things about The Invisible man.

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