/kg/ Krakoa General

Hickman made me love the X-Men again.

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Love it or hate it, it's definitely interesting. The oppressed minority thing was getting old, this is a bold new direction and no one knows quite where it will end up.

Agreed. I keep waiting for some Avengers crossover or something, but X-Men can completely stand alone and are by far the most interesting thing in Marvel since Hickman did his Avengers run

If you like cucking then yeah, Hickman is great

Why is Hickman so obsessed about shoving all his work into some vague transhuman bullshit?
Black-Hole Super-Intelligent Aliens? That's what Image is for, or didn't he make enough space in East of West to waffle about BHSIA as well?

Love it. Hit me with that cosmic, it tickles my imagination.

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Complaining about Hickman not shoving in transhumanism is like complaining about Morrison including meta, or Busiek including continuity wank, or Moore doing deconstructions.

>I keep waiting for some Avengers crossover or something
Isn't the tie-in to the FF/A event like next month?

Did he save Vulcan?

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The only thing that really bothers me is how whole heartedly everyone has drunk cool aid on Krakoa. Like, once Hickman's run is done, you can't just walk back from that sort of hyper elitist eugenics bullshit.

It'd be far better if everyone was going along with it, but with some caution and reservations. So that when it all inevitably comes crashing down, the characters don't look like absolute fucking retards afterwards.


Doesn't the first imply the second?

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I hate it

Isn't that the point of eternal comic book storylines? Something happens, something ends, and you start over?

HoX seems to be executing on and delivering on the promise of independence I had suggested all those months ago in these threads.

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Why bother coming back from it instead of moving on to something new once more. X-books should go to space again. Fuck earth shit. Marvel wanted the Inhumans to be the new X-men let X-men take the galaciv niche

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I like how safe you sound in assuming a return to Status Quo while the media announces the epilogue of human existence.

>Love it or hate it, it's definitely interesting.
It's specifically not. I've been avoiding these comics like the plague.

>Avoids these comics
>Voices an opinion

Thanks for stopping by

I get why he's there, but its weird to see Grunge in the background of this scene. Sort of out of place.

They're going to fuck it up for themselves, or a major event reboots it all.

Doesn't the introduction to this new move already already answer all those questions or did all the future stuff Moria lived to experience happen in a previous itteration? Mutants going to Chandilar, or seeking refuge in the Kree Empire, isn't that where it's going? Space?

i love it too.

>I've been avoiding these comics like the plague.
>but i'm here on this thread about the comics i'm not reading to search for attention

What a special snowflake.

Damn. Old school Authority is good shit.

>Love it or hate it, it's definitely interesting.

Shut up, Brevoot.

>Something happens, something ends, and you start over?

Somethings you can't double back on.

This is the one genre that's best at ignoring unpopular plot points.

If DC really wanted to shake things up they'd make the Justice League like this. Not expies or an alternate earth, but the actual Justice League. And NuJLA would start by booting tRump out of the White House, wasting Putin and his butt-buddy Assad, liberating the Palestinians, publicly impaling everyone involved in the global pedo rings then glassing Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey and Iran before getting BTFO'd by Kim Jong Un and the black hole-powered ultra-killbots he stole from the 52nd century. And that's just the beginning. Fuck this BWL faggotry, I want shit to get out of control. WAY out of control.

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Every DoX writer other than Hickman/Zdarsky has been terrible. The least worst is actually the other New Mutants guy.

I really liked the racial subtext of this Authority arc

Why am I not feeling any exasperated frustration at all these targeted posts?
let's go through them
trying to titillate with insider talk, yet distanced and safe.
Answers a what to do with the JLA from another thread.
Calls Miller's Authority Old School.
Focusing attention to Swift's vagina.
Titillation again getting close to discussing topical news.
Yet, I feel nothing.

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What exactly is it that’s happening now?

Moira is a mutant who resets the timeline every time she dies. Turns out she, Xavier, and for a while Magneto, have been manipulating history and events to lead to the current status quo. The current status quo is thus: They turned Krakoa into a mutant haven, aka Genosha 2.0. They have a portal network that spans the solar system. All the mutant villains and heroes live on Krakoa. Apocalypse is a wizard, Exodus is a respected authority figure, etc. Also, they have a cloning program, so basically all of mutantdom have become suicide bombers because they can just come back via clones. All the mutants, even the good ones, have become eugenic elitists, spouting the usual villain dialogue of mutant superiority and what not. None of this matters because some chick is building Nimrod in space and Machine Gods living in black holes are coming to completely buttfuck the mutants.

Then how did she get the Legacy Virus if her role in that story was to show the Legacy Virus could be passed to non-mutants?

It wasn't her. It was a Shi'ar golem. Moira needed to go work behind the scenes, so she and Xavier used the Legacy virus to fake her death.

Does anyone have a folder of the whole run so far? I'm trying to get a friend to read it and would appreciate a zippy or mega or something. I know an user in the last New Mutants storytime said he was compiling one.

A thought I had on these turns of events. I know people don't care or maybe even like them but would you be okay with Krakoa and all this shit being the thing that brings the X-Men into the MCU? Their first

I am very much interested in the new direction, but it's the first run ever where I root against the x-men.

You’re dumb

I think the geopolitical wrench that is Krakoa would be a much more interesting addition to the MCU than just another super team but this time Muties.

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Duggan is good

Same, I actually don't mind them being on their creepy sex island doing their own thing, I even find their turn the most interesting they've ever been, but their constant smugness makes me want to see them get knocked down a bunch of pegs, to the point that they'd be left begging to the non-mutant hero community to save them when they inevitably fuck things up.

I think user's point is more that this is One More Day except for every mutant character who earnestly believes this ticking trash fire is Da Wae.

>hated for "no reason"
>almost gased to death by the Inhumans
>establish their own nation and call "their people" to join them
>mess with other countries and their citizens
>Magneto says they will buy out your politicians, schools and media

I think the benefit here is that I can't see how this new status quo will affect future marvel events and shit.
With old Xmen, you know they're still going to be their usual fucking special club house school but get shit on every couple of years with some new fuckery.
Krakoa makes me genuinely curious how the super-powered geopolitics will play out

>Mutants going to Chandilar, or seeking refuge in the Kree Empire, isn't that where it's going? Space?
While I can see that being the end goal for their race to fuck off from earth, there'll probably still be a big chunk of the mutants sticking around earth and also a portal so that they can bring in any mutant they'll need for the plot. There's no way that Marvel is going to truly separate the X-men from the rest of the universe or rather to be specific, earth where they can interact/fight other Marvel characters.

The Mutants decided they experienced the book of revelation several times over and decided to accept the themselves were the second coming, and thanks to Mr Sinister, Cerebro, Xavier Krakoa and five special mutants, they no longer fear death.

we both got dubs, How are you? What are you doing today?

Man I don't WANT a JLA that act like supervillains.

What fundamentally breaks my suspension of disbelief over this new approach is that we have seen the men behind the curtain and how he makes the sausages.
This is the culmination of the mutants saying they had enough of being killed off, but we all know its really the culmination of 30+ years of piss-poor writing and editorial bludgeoning. Where writer after writer tries to pick up Claremont's darkest-before-dawn 3rd act and keep upping the stakes without letting it down. And those who do take it down a notch inevitably fail to answer the questions we want from the long running saga and nothing ever gets fixed or ended.

Why do so many people here seem to think there's no way for the X-men to walk back on it? Hell do they even have anything to walk back on yet? They haven't done anything quite heinous to the humans or other heroes so far, and the whole letting mutant villains be on their side is just par for the course with the X-men. Even in the scenario where those guys will go back to being villains is it even really any different from how Magneto, Mystique, Emma, etc. turn out again and again?

Breaking this all up isn't really all that hard to think of. A couple of humans manage to do some big damage to the mutants + some mutants defecting/having their own villainous plans causes their country to collapse and kill off a lot of them. Most of the X-men of course will stick together, some of the mutants will decide they don't want to stick around, maybe even make their own groups that aren't tied to the X-men but will work together at times, and then the villains will just go back to their usual lives.

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People have been waiting patiently for Tony Stark to stop being adopted or Carol to go back to her old costume + personality when her series falls below cancellation number and get rebooted. Or even Spider-Man to get remarried. None have happened because the editors & writers won't walk back their ego.

Yeah but these fags keep saying Marvel is gonna make the X-men go back to "status quo" and that it won't be possible.

Look at Byrne, his " return to status quo" did damage to characters that have never healed and forced even MCU adaptions to riff off pre-Byrne issues from the 70s.

That. Sounds. AWESOME!!

They've definitely been setting up a fall:

-They've outline how resurrection can fail (and almost has big time, won't spoil)

-X-Men been invaded multiple times.

-Pollen, other drugs, fucking with the Flora.

-They have several factions actively fucking with their safety.

-Cosmic threats already introduced.

-Several mutants already engaged at bringing down the system from the inside.

-Space Sentinels.

Don't forget the wild biotech omega sentinel!

Have those steampunk botanist grandmas come back at some point since their first appearance? They were the most interesting ones since they came in, kicked ass, gave sass, then left, and the fact that they were just the Golden Girls in power armor.

Not as of yet, but their ability to utilize the gateways is huge. Also, wild organic omega sentinel