So now that Connverse isn’t dead following Together Forever, what IS Yas Forums‘s favorite Steven ship? Vote now!

So now that Connverse isn’t dead following Together Forever, what IS Yas Forums‘s favorite Steven ship? Vote now!

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Still into Azula

We all know him and Peridot have the best chemistry and relationship of the show, even better than his relationship with Connie
This is great though

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Chemistry doesn’t matter to shippers, plus Peridot is canon asexual AND aromantic

That’s Zuke-tier coping

Slutty shoulders

I haven't watched anything waiting for the final episode, you plebs have no patience.

You’re not better than anyone for not watching a show at the same time as them

yes, the aromantic that based half its personality on camp pining heart.

mad retarded.

She likes shipping others but doesn’t want to be in a relationship herself

connverse isnt dead?
i dont watch the show much, didnt she refused the engagement and fucked off to another city for education?

He could always just go to the holodeck and fuck eyepatch connie some more.

>Realizes her boyfriend is trying to live vicariously through her and firmly states that she's still supportive but he needs to find his own life
>Realizes her boyfriend needs space and gives it
>Realizes her boyfriend needs to talk to family, gets Greg

Connie is healthiest endgame, get real. I love Peridot and the others, but they're not what the kid needs.

She said she would later which is probably when she’s a middle aged roastie who’s running out of time to start a family

If ANYONE suggests Greg x Steven I’m calling the cops

>Connverse isn’t dead following Together Forever
Did I miss something?

She refused the engagement right now because they're both way too young to be getting married and she doesn't want to stop being an individual person.

And because Steven is quite clearly falling apart at the seams and has ulterior reasons for wanting to do it.

It was less of a "no" and more of a "not now" response. She's just stopped Steven from rushing it is all, because they're still fucking teenagers. She's focused on her career & education but still prioritizes Steven. The ship's still afloat.

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You should know by now the autists here don’t understand how relationships work.

>Fucked off to another city
Lion can teleport Steven there instantly. She said that she still wants a relationship, but she's not ready for marriage, and she correctly figured out that he's trying to sort some shit out and was hoping that marrying her would be the solution to everything. They're still a couple, but she made it clear that he needs to figure out more about what he wants to do with his life.
A surprisingly good resolution.

Damn surprised that Connverse is leading both Stevidot and Stevinel by 4 votes

Nah. Peridot is the only one willing to give to Steven what he gave to them. She’s just better for him. Even Ian knows this. It’s why KO x Denny happened.

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>Lion can teleport Steven there instantly
Then the fuck is Steven all anxious about? He can just teleport to Jayhawk whenever he wants and they can still hang.

This. It's mostly the emotional distance that Steven was worrying about, Lion was obviously always viable option.

>not realizing that Spinel was gonna cling to Steven like glue before he forgot about her
If Steven’s so concerned about having no one then he should go get her

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No, she had a reasonable and level-headed response to her boyfriend not only asking to get married at age 16, but also wanting to literally fuse into a single entity for the rest of their lives.

Connie recognizing that he was going through some shit and thus only said "not now" instead of running away in complete abject terror is a testament to how much she does truly care about Steven.

>Then the fuck is Steven all anxious about?
He's not thinking straight. He hasn't been thinking straight for a while. That's the point.

He didn’t have time to be lonely.

That makes 0 sense. People like things like either because of empathy, projection or both. Either way it means the idea of a relationship appeals to some level.

Well now Spinel is making TONS of sense to be Steven’s buddy (if things aren’t going super smooth with her and the Diamonds) even if it wouldn’t exactly be healthy

He just isn't thinking rationally due to his general fear about everyone leaving and not needing him in their lives anymore. His terror at Connie not being in the same timezone overrode the part of his brain that should have followed that up with "but that's fine, because we can still text, have phone/video calls, visit each other with Lion, hang out when she comes home for the holidays, etc."

I think it was mentioned that what she has with the Diamonds is gonna be messy
People just drift apart around that point. I hadn’t spoken to my best friend in high school in like years and he still lived in the same town as me

fusion when?

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I really hope she (and Jasper as well) gets an important role in Homeworld Bound. Not as a villain but as someone who genuinely wants to help Steven.

Probably never at this point (at least in terms of being a TV show).

I’m still expecting the Kamina fusion between Lapis and Peridot

You didn't have a teleporting lion, and hadn't fused with your friend on a regular basis, going on all kinds of life or death adventures. I'm assuming.

Seriously, it's not even as much trouble as getting in the car and driving somewhere. She says "hey, wanna play a game" and if he's free he can be there instantly. It's that easy.

I saw his mom naked once. Same thing.

They already fucked though.

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Okay but what if Steven is a girl? Is it okay then?

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Not the ones who actually put an effort into sticking together, which she most likely will.

She just said "We're too young". They obviously didn't break up.

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Exact words:
"It''s a no?"
"It's a 'not now', Steven"

Were all the Toxic Connverse threads worth it just to see that one user get blown the fuck out that hard?

Yes. Not only was it BTFO it was BTFO in the most graceful, patience way possible. Not a single raised voice, Connie very nearly blew off studying to stay with him and had to ask him like 3 times before he assured her he was OK (he's not, but still)

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He’s still here

>the way Connie looked at Steven during his song
>her response and how she handled the proposal
>she was willing to delay studying to stay with him for a bit longer
>called him the next day like she said she would
>got him to go to the hospital and called Greg
how could anyone think she doesn't love that guy lol

That technically has no there twice

Two no's make a yes.

Checkmate nigger.

It’s been blatantly obvious since season 1

>Exact words:
>"It''s a no?"
>"It's a 'not now', Steven"
Exactly. Connie said that they're too young to get married. Not a breakup.

Yas Forums never learns not to trust leaks.

Oh he's gonna be here, but he's no longer making 4-5 threads a fucking day over it.

Looks strangely like that lady from The Newlywed Game who thought the U.S and Texas were foreign countries



No, because this is the kind of autism that is encouraged by attention, whether that attention is positive or negative. It's a strain of memetic virus deadlier than corona-chan, ebola or the dreaded Double AIDS. Sage, report, and move on.

His denial afterwards has been just as amusing, desu.


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I still friendship Steven and Spinel hard af

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To be fair if they weren't before they sure were during that beach visit. That is a date to a tee.

To me it won’t become official until
>both deep kiss on the lips
>they refer to one another as boyfriend/girlfriend
They’re so fuckin close but haven’t reached the finish line

m8 if Steven had just shut the fuck up like ten seconds earlier he would've gotten a handy at the very least.

she kissed him during the movie.
this is a show that takes place america and is made by an american. connie hesitates before kissing him and they both blush over it. that wasn't a platonic kiss. even europeans would get that it was meant to be romantic.

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What if she fingers his butthole?

I like a lot of pairings in this show, but Steven shouldn't be paired with any gem. It's basically pedophilia, and there just isn't any chemistry with any of them aside from some shots of them standing near each other that people endlessly shill. Converse is the only canon ship, anyways.

peri is for amy

I don't know what that lukewarm "kiss on the cheek" shit in the movie was about, but they're clearly together at this point, even if the show hasn't explicitly said it. Worse case scenario is simply that they've never been on a proper date before this episode.

On the cheek while Steven didn’t do a damn thing about it because he’s retarded

You’re in denial if you ignore In Dreams being the comfiest episode of SUF. Also he’s already legal in most states. Speaking of which, where’s the Steven x user option?

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>we’ll never get an In Dreams-style comfy ep but with Spinel and Steven
I’m mad

It was comfy sure, they're good friends. I'll never understand how you people constantly blow minor likes like "I want to hang out with you" completely out of proportion, but flat out ignore things like on screen kisses and hand holding. It reeks of desperation.

>all it took was steven getting a neck and a deeper voice for Yas Forums to start thirsting over him

What if Steven breaks up with Connie?

Greg gonna die soon

>thread after thread of connie is a cunt that is going to cheat
>me saying thats retarded
>get told i'm wrong and am gay
>ep comes out
>suddenly retards are silent

Then you're reading a fanfic and not watching the show.

Nah maybe Steven will fuck up so badly that he leaves Connie and all his friends because he’s become too toxic and has burned bridges

The eps just made the retards louder you blind dumbass. The only difference is how much you feed them attention.

He does love Peridot though. She got the “I love you” first. Which she viewed as a gift.
There were people before that. We were just wiser
Yeah, no. Literally everyone has nearly killed him. There’s no such thing as too toxic if you’re willing to stop.

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Thank you for repeatedly showcasing exactly why nobody likes you by doing exactly what I say you people do every time I say you'll do it.

No this is STEVEN HIMSELF deciding to leave, not others wanting him to leave.

That’s dumb. People love him there.

Maybe it would be like Spinel leaving Earth even though Steven woulda tried to convince her to stay before she said she didn’t want to/the Diamonds showed up. He just wouldn’t be comfortable around his friends anymore.

She wants it

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Dude, you already got BTFO, cut the doomer shit and read a Superman comic or something