Also who's worse, Bill or Josh?
Is this the most accurate depiction of nerds?
Imagine if they were women
Not so funny then is it?
Yes, its easily the most accurate
If anything that'd make it more funny. Make them drool like gross fujoshis over Riker or Sephiroth or whatever and I'd read it.
Bill. Josh is a greasy scum lord, but Bill is a full blown sociopath. Given the right circumstances, Bill is a dangerous sociopath.
You fucking for real?
bill josh was a bit of a jerk but bill is legit crazy over the nerd stuff
Bill is easily the biggest piece of shit. Josh is only bad in the sense that he's a gullible tard on top of being easily triggered. The penultimate story pretty much showed that Bill doesn't give two shits about his friends and just hangs out with them so he can have people to boss around and manipulate.
What has Josh done that suggest he isn't also a sociopath?
it would be even better
Not really. It’s a satire of nerds, dialling their worst qualities up to 11. Doubtless it’s exactly the kind of thing non-nerds actually believe nerds are like though. I have a group of friends and we engage in all the nerdiest shit imaginable, of course we rant about shit from time to time, but most of the time we actually have a lot of fun. But that wouldn’t be entertaining to read like The Eltingville Club.
I would say pretty much has it down. Josh is a screaming autist and he can be a petty crybaby, but he doesn’t possess the flat out malevolence Bill has.
lol you sound like a normalfag. you're not a nerd, you're a consoomer faggot that calls himself a nerd. eat shit.
Aren't nerds proto-consoomers? What defines a nerd, after all? Science fiction and fantasy novels. Comic books. Ironically bad movies. TCGs. Electronics. A nerd is defined simply by the obscure garbage they buy into, like a sort of inverse-hipster.
This comic is what the Big Bang Theory should have been
Bill, by far, Josh can be a bastard but he's ultimately a giant pussy. Bill is malevolent, Josh is just really angry, petty, and desperate.
The issue with that show is that we’re supposed to not think the main characters are pieces of shit, but they are.
Also, for example, Josh is a pathetic tard who would fight with some rando on a forum who was trolling him.
Conversely, Bill would go out of his way to upset his friend (Josh) by trolling them as a rando on some forum.
For my personal opinion, I’d go from worst to most socially acceptable member of the club being Bill > Pete > Josh > Jerry. I think Pete and Josh are usually tied. However Pete is socially smarter than Josh, which to me makes him seem skeevier/more intentionally a shitty person when he does something awful.
>Calling other comic book readers consoomers
>In an industry where thousands of people will continue reading a product they hate and bitch endlessly about, for no other reason than they want to stay in the loop for things they want to bitch about
m8, I’ve been reading comics and sci-fi and fantasy fiction and playing tabletop for the best part of 20 years. Don’t blame me for the fact you don’t have any friends whose company you enjoy, that’s probably down to your personality.
Bill is a huge piece of shit, Josh is slightly better only because he's not as vicious or manipulative. The real question is is Jerry a good person?
Did any of them ever get married or laid at the end?
Mainstream sitcoms are about how gross and unflattering women can be in their sex lives. It would feel less like pandering if was about nerd culture instead.
The writers can even have it both ways, shitting on female nerds while having them "own the culture" or whatever they call it.
I've only read a few of the comics, what has Pete done that was worse than Josh?
Bill is worse than Josh. The rest of the club actually got their feet into the industry they wanted, while Bill was a janitor.
Depends on your mileage on it but the final issue reveals that he's part of a horror porn film crew and basically all but outright states that he frequently abuses his position to get easy sex out of desperate female performers.
blonde one had a girlfriend in the last comic, rest of them are still pretty much losers
Its an accurate depiction of people up their own asses who happen to be nerds.
Probably a troll, but I've been building model rockets, paint and playing tabletop, playing Magic, and cosplaying for a significant part of my life, while still maintaining healthy friendships with relatively well-adjusted people who share the same hobby, you're just pathetic.
It turns out that he's a good person, just easily bullied, he taught people who were getting into Magic and had a girlfriend when they met up years later, he just hung out with really shitty friends, who was all that he had before he separated from the group.
Bill is the worst.
I'm scared because I have the most in common with him and my life is starting to go down the drain.
This is a big one. He’s also the other one alongside Bill to be a straight bully or to commit a crime.
They already basically made that, ten times over. And they're funny.
He was also the one to escalate the situation into an actual fight between Bill and the others when they found out the former had been charged with watching the store while Joe was gone, while Josh had a mental breakdown while Jerry was just kind of there when Bill went on his tirade.
make it about fanfic fujoshis or stall runners at comic cons and yeah, it would be pretty good
Also, I misread you and thought you were asking if he was worse than Bill, who has literally enticed riots and tried to murder people. Pete is quite handily a far worse person than Josh is. By the timeskip Josh's only real problem is that he's a thoroughly unpleasant person who never learned to calm the fuck down, but he's not really morally reprehensible in the same way that Bill and Pete are.
Wow. Hilarious. Bravo Bechdel.
Because women aren't funny
Well I've definitely known some Joshes, Petes, and Jerrys, though I've never known a Bill. But yeah it's definitely comedically exaggerated which is exactly why it's actually entertaining and not just fucking depressing like Rusty Brown.
The worst part about Bill is how he's so obsessed with media that he knows exactly what to do and what to say to be the biggest scenery-chewing piece of shit possible in any given situation by the end of the series, given how this and the part where he laughs over Comic-Con going to shit are kino villain moments
I mean just going on here I've seen the entire fucking gambit of people. Granted anonymity exaggerates certain people's normal behavior, but it proves that it is a thing to some extent.
Ironically this is half of the reason Dorkin stopped writing it.
what does this mean?
>to over-act, over-emote, or ham it up in a synthetic frenzy so great that you might think the actor was about to bite chunks out of the set. Sometimes it's applied almost as praise, suggesting an actor who is energetic and spirited.
>Ironically this is half of the reason Dorkin stopped writing it
What is? Us?
iirc, yes. He thought the behaviour of nerds online was basically becoming so similar to Eltingville that it was no longer really a parody, or funny. He had a point. I mean there's various reasons why it happened which are probably a bit too Yas Forums to get into, but there's certainly been a much more hateful, miserable atmosphere over the last few years.
Bill is absolutely the worse of the two. Josh is a self-absorbed idiot but he's not anywhere near as malicious as Bill or even Pete for that matter. He comes across as pitiable based on the glimpses we get into his life where we see that's he anxious and plagued with self-doubt. Everything we see of Bill indicates he's a remorseless monster. He can and will attempt to destroy you if given the chance, regardless of how it affects him (IE, him setting fire to the comic book store in the hopes of killing himself and everyone there, namely his former friends for disrespecting him).
When Bill is spewing hateful vitriol at Jerry's girlfriend, Josh at least expresses discomfort with it and tells him to reign it in. Josh at least has some restraint while Bill is unfettered by any morality.
The author isn't endorsing Sydney's behavior, if that's what you're assuming. She's portrayed as a somewhat villainous character up to that point so her being glib about that is supposed to make her look flippant and self-absorbed.
Yeah it would. Just watch The View if you want to see the normie version of that.
I remember when the whole series was storytimed on here last year, a good chunk of anons took some of the shit that Bill during his rant to Jerry's girlfriend way too personally because it was they perceived it as a critique on nerd fandom in general, rather than as a means of pointing out how Bill is just a shitty person that blames other people for his own failings and is just a malicious shit in general.
>The author isn't endorsing Sydney's behavior
I didn't think she was, but that still doesn't make the punchline funny.
>anons took some of the shit that Bill during his rant to Jerry's girlfriend way too personally
It was the same dialled up to 11 stuff it always was, but more topical because of shit that happened (and is still going on) around fandoms and nerd culture and wider culture wars.
Basically, under all the shit, there were things that Bill was saying that did have some truth to them, but because he's such a horrible person his views could easily be dismissed as being the ravings of a hateful bell-end (which he is). I think people took that personally because it seemed like a straw man, but I think Dorkin was actually quite clever in depicting a genuine problem within the culture that Yas Forums should be very familiar with, namely if you have something to say but scream at people like an angry, insulting cunt, there's no reason anyone should take you seriously or give you the time of day.
>Allison Bechdel
Is she actually a good comic writer? Or no? Cause I always thought that her “test” was bullshit.
I've only read a few issues, readcomiconline only seems to have the last two, libgen isn't working, and my searches aren't giving me anything.
Anyone have a lead I can follow? I'd like to read through all of it.
Not to mention that Bill is basically everything he accuses Jerry's girlfriend of being: a parasite who stays latched on the nerd community despite not enjoying it (and even outright hating it in Bill's case) solely because it's the one place where he can exert any sort of influence on other people.
Fun Home is good if you’re into “muh adults only graffique novelles”
I kind of liked "Fun Home," although I haven't read much else by her. It sort of reminded me of Chris Ware's stuff at points. I'm a sucker for comics about that are about miserable people and their terrible home lives, which is what that is.
Bill, but Josh isn't far behind.
Honestly her work is decent. And yeah the Bechdel test is just like the Plinkett test, it sounds good at first but becomes overly reductive the more you use it.
It's worth noting that the Bechdel test was meant as a joke in the strip it comes from. Some people took it more seriously than was needed, of course.
That's interesting. I read it kinda recently and one thing always in the front of my mind was that it felt like a case study of the sort of people who think it's okay to act in real life the way they do on the internet. So it's interesting to hear that sort of thing was part of why he wanted to stop it.
Jerry got a gf and IIRC Pete slept around with a bunch of trashy chicks
“The Bechdel Test” was not actually something Bechdel created to serve as an objective standard in the real world. It was a rule created by a character in universe in one of her comics who was presented as being unreasonable for believing it. It’s kind of mad how people thought it could actually be used as an indicator of film quality.
Make no mistake, Bill did have a point regarding secondaries latching onto hobbies or properties like parasites and claiming it as their own despite being the primary culprits in demeaning it as something that only losers or nerds bother with if it involves media that aren't popular, like how people will say that they love the Avengers, Spider-Man, Batman, or the X-Men, but their exposure is only video games, cartoons, or movies, but will completely dump on the comics that these characters originated from as being "too nerdy," but like you said, Bill is such an unlikeable shithead that the message was completely subsumed over how awful of a person he is, that readers will almost always overlook it.
>It's worth noting that the Bechdel test was meant as a joke in the strip it comes from. Some people took it more seriously than was needed, of course.
God damn it. Some people I knew irl, and even me to some extent, took it kinda seriously years ago. I fucking hate my past self. At least I’m better now than I was back in high school.
>readcomiconline only seems to have the last two
it's got the complete collection
That's putting it nicely. If I recall, Pete mentioned that some of them weren't even awake.
And as stated earlier, Bill is basically just as much of a parasite as he claims Jerry's girlfriend is, but at least she didn't try to entice a riot when everyone, including Josh and Pete, told him he was sperging out too hard and to calm down.
It was shitty gatekeeping, people can't get interested in those things from those angles, and bill is such a shithead he does believe theres only making your life your obsession.
>this part is never posted in GOAT page threads despite being one of the most existentially crushing endings to any comic ever
Absolutely fucking tragic
yeah, a basket case remake would suck.