Batman's Tastes

Does Batman actually like all the Gothic stuff? I know that he likes Zorro, but what does he actually like, beyond that?
>inb4 he's always Batman
Yeah yeah, whatever, before that became so hardcoded into the character. I cannot see Bruce as the guy who wastes time playing games or sits down to read Asimov, but he must have some things he likes. I assume that he's Classically Cultured, so he he's well-versed in all the GrecoRoman stuff, most schools of Philosophy and has good knowledge of history. He probably likes Knights, "Dark Knight" and their romantization and all. But beyond that, does he like Noir stuff? Does he have a taste for "dark" material? Does he study the Occult? Did he really get into the Sith as a kid? Do Opera Gloves and Corsets make him hard or something?

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He likes little boys.

predictable and tired

Woman wearing pearls get him super horny.

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I see him as somewhat of a history buff

I've seen him having fun talking about history books and well-known philosophers with Wonder Woman.
He was also raised as a legit square/knight by Jason Blood/Etrigan.


But that one is actually true, though.


He seems to enjoy literature, as he's extensively well-read. He's also extremely well-versed in international history and culture. However, it's hard to say if that's genuine personal interest or the usual "Bat-prep" nonsense where he's prepared for "any eventuality", as more often than not, his knowledge of classical literature and history has proved useful for his escapades as a vigilante. Various stories kind of paint him as something of an automobile enthusiast, but that may possibly just be him trying to play up the billionaire playboy angle.

The problem with Bruce and his interests is that it's often extremely difficult to tell whether those interests are something he's personally passionate about or just something he uses to better his career as Batman.

I know that Batman hates punk rock music and pugs with a passion, though.

>whether those interests are something he's personally passionate about or just something he uses to better his career as Batman

I think the whole point of Batman is that he's become so consumed by his vigilante life that his real identity is now the super hero, while Bruce is now a façade. His personal interests are those related to his activities as Batman. There's no more Bruce Wayne than what the media sees.

he likes baseball

During Hush it was revealed that one of h iui s favorite poems is Walt Whitman's "O Captain, My Captain" so he does have a taste for the melodramatic. I feel like Bruce's tastes would be a mix of typical WASP interests, whatever classical material Alfred exposed him to and things that remind him of his parents/childhood. He didn't really have a youth so he missed out on a lot of typical formative experiences.

Don't bring that fucking Linkara meme in here

It's not a meme. It's from a legit comic published by DC.

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considering every robin qoute and know star wars like it going out of style bruce like star wars not to mention jessica cruz was surprise when bruce spoke of it

didn't realize batman was an utter faggot, thanks for notifying me

Based Bruce condemning degeneracy.
...What are you even talking about? Either type with correct grammar, or don't even type at all.

Batman has a good reason to hate punk rock, though.

He likes Chocolate Milk

whys that. im only just now reading batman for the first time, and i only just started.

When he was young he got kidnapped and turned into a sex slave for weeks on end by a famous English punk rock band.

>I think the whole point of Batman is that he's become so consumed by his vigilante life that his real identity is now the super hero, while Bruce is now a façade

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He's right though.

oh shucks. when did they add that to his lore, the '70s?

I can definitely see Bruce being a fan of Dumas especially The Count of Monte Cristo.

I always kind of imagined that Batman was more into science fiction and other stuff that separates himself from reality.

So about the nachos. Does he really not like Nachos, or was he just mortally embarassed by the fact that the long suppressed slacker aspect of his personality revealed his deep insatiable craving for it?

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it's dumb to imagine a batman who doesn't read books or watch movies.
You need to be knowledgeable to solve ridler's riddles.

Batman's constant exercise in and out of costume is more than enough to burn the calories nachos have. It probably wouldn't even put a dent in the macros he needs to fight crime on a regular basis.

Eh, depends. Maybe Space Operas. But he's got a theatrical flair. He's definitely not going to waste precious time on "hard sci-fi" like M. Banks or sit down to watch Star Trek.
Solving Riddler's Riddles would need proper knowledge, not the latest capeflick. Eddie's obsessed with intellectual superiority. I doubt he'd add info about the latest Starz show. There's so much prestige literature, theater, music and real history to cover, that I doubt Batman would even care to get into "pop culture".

Riddler making a pop-culture based series of Riddles specifically to trip Batman up due to his lack of free time would be hilarious.

Eh, I don’t think he’d stoop so low. Eddie would have to devote his time to them too, and dirty himself with plebeian trash. Maybe something autistic like Warhammer 40K, but I don’t see him making up Sex & The City riddles.

However, true.

He's a 1%-er, of course he hates punk.

Having said that, he's a faggot without hating punk too.

He likes his women either Ravenhaired or Redhaired. That makes him a Best Boy in my book.

Meanwhile supes loves metallica

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Batman DOES NOT eat nachos

He sounds like he has a lot in common with Jason (in OP's pic) regarding tastes. Funny.

Pretty sure it was once stated that Batman is a total blank when it comes to pop-culture as it doesn't serve him any purpose in his mission.

That said...

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Bruce likes Zorro (which is a real franchise), but he’s also a big fan of the Gray Ghost, which is a fictional bit of media based on various pulpy type characters.
Basically, he’s a fan of pulp type stuff. He’d be a fan of the Shadow, Green Hornet, Lone Ranger, etc.
He likes detective fiction
The user who said cars was spot on. Bruce is in love with cars! He’s constantly building new batmobiles! When he’s not Batman, he’s got a giant car collection. In Frank Miller’s script for the (never made) Batman Year One movie had Bruce working as a mechanic
Cars and pulp detective fiction, what chad taste

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He likes Bambi

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Based if true.
Supes is a normal guy. Wayne is a 1%er.


It's the correct answer. The most important thing on Wayne Manor is the Batcave. Caring about the Manor itself is explicitly Alfred's thing. Hell, Bruce falls asleep in chairs and on the stairs as often as he does his bed. And when you see him with Robins in the manor, they're hanging out by the kitchen or watching TV. They only use a small part of it.

what about little girls?

Sorry, a DCAU show said so now it'll be repeated until the end of time and worse, all the batfamily members will continue to be battered housewives because having Batman being a normal human being just isn't cool enough

Personally I prefer my Bruce being a different from Batman. Not in that they're different personalities, but that during his cheat days (when he's too tired to stand), he does have a couple of things he enjoys doing as Bruce. Now, I also prefer my Bruce/Batman being a "Elitist", a "Patrician" of sorts. It's not something that's bad, it's simply in his nature; the "noble birth" piece of code in his genes. Thus, he's not going to read comic books, catch the latest blockbuster and all that. It's not that he doesn't have the time, it's just that he'd consider it a complete waste of it, and he'd consider them beneath him
>inb4 Zorro
Yeah, young Bruce would be into Swashbucklers. There is canon that he liked certain fairytales as a kid, so generally I see him as the kid who'd be into the "Romantic Hero" type. Remember, Batman has flair and is theatrical; he's a symbol. So taking all of that into account, I see kid Bruce as liking some pulpy characters, swashbucklers and mainly great heroes form the history books. As he grew older, with all of his inherent trauma, I can see him latching onto some more tragic characters and revenge stories. If Marvel exists in DC the way DC exists in Marvel, teen Bruce is absolutely a Punisherfag, sliding timescale and all.
>inb4 "muh guns"
Teen Bruce is a hrmonal and angsty teen. Anyway, he reads Lord Byron and "The Count Of Monte Christo" is one of his favourite books. So he's still a kid taste-wise, but with different sensibilities.

As we move into adulthood, I think the "proper" Bruce has little to no interest in fiction. He's never read Asimov or Clarke. He's interested in reality. He can recite poetry, read and speak Ancient Greek and Latin, has a collection of Marbles and German/British/French Armours, and so on. He's generally a classicaly cultured gentleman who sometimes watches the odd arthouse film, but has a sort of subtle disgust for nonsense. At best he plays Doom to unwind and paints WH40K miniatures.

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Nobles are just either descendants of lucky thieves and mjrderers, or smart, syichpatic ovecompetent service / sevretaries.

Nothing "Patrician" about their genes.

To finish up, I just don't see Bruce as the type to be a "relatable", average joe with "relatable" hobbies. At heart, he's a sort of melanchlic romantic, so his music, film and literature taste would fall there. He's also a warrior and a detective, so I guess he could find some interest in the Historical Epic & Noir genres, though it's hard to imagine him watching such movies.

But more than that, since OP asked about the "Occult", he's the type who prepares for everything, so I imagine that with his gravitating towards a Gothic style, he'd be interested in all that. Even from a scientific viewpoint too. In a way, I see Batman like Doom, in that they're Renaissance Men and thus manage to go "higher" than people like Stark, Richards and the like, simply because they're not just scientists, they're also philosophers, artists and in peak condition.

TL;DR He amasses information and useful skills both because he's Batman, and also because that's what people of his station do. He's not going to sit around and waste his time with nonsense, he's going to use his time efficiently.
>t. seething Pleb
Learn to spell correctly first, and then post. And it's less about what they "are", and more about what they need to be. New Money isn't the same as Old Money, and in those circles it means something. There are different standards and codes, and Bruce's whole point is that instead of a being a decadent, degenerate playboy, he actually lives up to that ideal.

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He's right.

user, I'm currently sitting in a bus writting in a tablet and I'm not even native. Don't ask for miracles.

I know my shit. I'm a historian. And more especifically, Late Wncient and Middle Ages are my subject of study. I know my stuff.


Are you really going to argue that Nobles and Patricians, Old Money and all those higher castes, operated on the exact same levels as the peasants? I don't care if they're "good" or "noble" or worthy of their fortunes. All I'm saying is that they have a different way of living and that bleeds into hobbies and interests. Yu als have to remember that Batman is an idealized character.

Punk is fucking shit. You can go ahead and call me a conformist bootlicker all you like, it won't change my opinion

I like to think that he secretly really likes romantic novels and movies

Batman isn't dark because he's an edgelord, he's dark because he saw his parents get shot dead as a child. When you factor in the fact that he was a spoiled rich kid who's entire life was probably his sheltered family life, you can see how that would make him even more fucked up.

Basically, no I don't think Batman is into Depeche Mode and Bauhaus, or Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson, or into romanticizing witchcraft and Satanism or whatever else. That's all very much the opposite of who Batman is. His whole "Dark Knight" persona is a reflection of his inner darkness, but is less out of a desire to be edgy and more of a means of him trying to be scarier than the scary world that took his parents, and thus in a very appropriately child like way of trying to inspire fear, he is a giant bat.

It's become a meme in more comedic DC stuff that Batman is an edgelord who cruises around listening to death metal and actually relishing in the fact that he's got a dark back story, but that's obviously a joke. The actual Batman just wants his innocent no care in the world childhood back and "Batman" is his means of fighting the people who took it from him.

He doesn't like apple pie.

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Batman/Bruce definitely relishes in the melodrama of it all when the stakes aren't too high.
I'd argue the thing he likes best is fucking with people. He loves making people second guess if Bruce Wayne really is as vapid as he seems at face value or if he's making self-depreciative jokes. He loves scurrying off out of sight the second someone's back is turned so they're left asking "how the hell did he do that?". He loves going on message boards and spreading flimsy conspiracy theories that Bruce Wayne is Batman so that he can then debunk those theories with alt accounts. The dude relishes at pulling a fast one on people.
and I'd say he definitely has a non-professional passion at misdirection and prestidigitation

I'll give you the rest but I reckon he unironically likes NIN