OK bOomEr

What a fuckin shit meme, i could tell if some deadbeat millienial scum called your favouritr games sexist or racist

Attached: sketch-1581955402127.png (1920x1440, 523.34K)

Like most overused phrases its funny the first few times you hear it and then because of overuse it becomes lame and stale.

Ok boomer

Ok boomer

Sir, this is the cartoon board

Boomers are totally elderly now, gen x are these old fucks you see everywhere

>Unlike CONSERVATARDS, we don't wish death on certain groups of people we disli-

Gen X here, get fucked Boomer. Take your retarded know nothing millennial shits to hell with you

Nobody cares. Stop hoarding all the toilet paper, you’re dying soon anyway

As a zoomer I can say that I hate both of those generations for basically ruining everything.

you sound old

No, coomer is by far the worst most obnoxious meme.

>Boomers are totally elderly now, gen x are these old fucks you see everywhere
This, but the way it's used on the internet "boomer" is anyone over the age of 25.

Ok boomer.

>Ok boomer

Attached: 1582868162387.jpg (1176x1148, 143.92K)

> but the way it's used on the internet "boomer" is anyone over the age of 25.
At this rate, anyone who's ever had a MySpace account is gonna be called a boomer

>This, but the way it's used on the internet "boomer" is anyone over the age of 25.
Or really anyone the person disagrees with. Definitely saw people get called that despite being either younger or not much older than the other person being talked to.

explain how Gen Xers with no buying power managed to ruin your life, user.

>that pic tho
Oh god do I even want to know?

>No, coomer is by far the worst most obnoxious meme
coomers, at least, are actually detestable people
not everyone at a certain age is automatically terrible, but coomers are inherently worthless.

>millenials: be lazy in school, use the internet for eight hours a day, get bullied online and irl, develop depression, don't make an effort to improve themselves, blame everybody else but themselves
>millenials: boomers did this

Generations are vague marketing terms with no clear lines of demarcation. Stop being so easily manipulated.

millenials were in their 20s before the internet was something you spent 8 hours a day on.

ok zoomer

as sad as it is to say, I'm 30 years old.

ok milloonial

>the generation in which land ownership became the dimmest of dreams is the cause of my worries

>comics and cartoons

Attached: 1367538757621.png (597x769, 744.22K)

>buying into the generational warfare meme
>identifying with your age group instead of your family
Top goy.

>coomers, at least, are actually detestable people
If you mean people who do shit like pic related then I agree. Fucking annoying.

>Generations are vague marketing terms with no clear lines of demarcation.
True, only Americans do that shit. However other countries use class, religion or ethnicity as a social division which can be a lot worse - we're not shooting each other up over who is a boomer, a zoomer, Gen X or whatever.

Attached: coomers.jpg (710x711, 121.03K)

Yas Forums - Politically Incorrect

Ethnicity and religion have actual meaning, generational labels are artificial.

It kinda killed me when "serious" adult people unironically started using this phrase publicly.

Don't even talk, you're generation is some inconsequential that they didn't even get a name. You're like the white bread of generation, yeah they existed but you're generation has as much noticeable in the grand generational scheme of things

>generalisations of generalisations

>you are generation

those guys aren't coomers, that's just standard imageboard attention-grabbing.
coomers are the ones who pop into thread and ask if the show has any good waifus, or try to turn any random conversation into one about their fetishes.

'hey guys, that do you think about [show]?
that shit.

Not so fun when you're on the receiving end of being generalised, is it? "Every group I hate is the same, but my group only has bad apples." Get over yourselves, you're all humans, which means we're all bastards one way or another.


>you're all humans
nice try, Regulax Prime.

Your assumption that I am a leftist is wrong. It is just all so pointless. You go on twitter or some other social media. Get pissed off at people because of all these preconceived notions of things you have. Then think that by pointing out some hypocrisy of a generalisation is cute or clever. It is just so boring. All of Yas Forums is boring at this point. So many Yas Forums bait threads and trolls either side.


Attached: 9k=.jpg (258x195, 7.54K)

this is why debates used to be carried out in public forum.
it's so easy to argue in bad faith when no one is looking at you.

Yas Forums - Wojaks and Off-Topic Threads

>ok boomer
>btw can you teach me how to fix my car

boomers aren't people

hey boomer, it's a gig economy now.

just call Uber Mechanics.

Trouble is, I've seen places like online forums where they use this excuse to ban anyone eith a different opinion than theirs because "trolling and bad faith arguments", while being as biased as possible.

It's all so tiresome.

>not fixing your shitbox by yourself


The Boomer Remover is coming for you.

How you gonna pay for all that

lol found the boomer

care to decriminalize LSD?

Imagine being such a boomer you don't know about youtube.

This, 2bh. The Eternal Boomer has had this a long time coming.

Omg I'm a zoomer I love black dick uuunnnnhhh

oh my goodness gracious i am a boomer i love negro genitalia

Ok boomer.

Why is this relevant to Yas Forums

That's why I don't bother arguing on the internet - it's just an egregious waste of time.

oh yeah?

Remember when people actually talked comic books on Yas Forums? I have long 30 minute conversations with the owner of my LCS and it is lovely.

>giving drugs to niggers
Great idea

Ok boomer

Are GenXers the most based?

Please fuck off. You want to turn Yas Forums into a Church sewing circle.

X and Z are based

Boomers and Millenials are a cancerous blight

if the CIA had pushed LSD instead of crack, we'd be in Space Wakanda right now.

>X and Z are based
Okay zoomer

ok coomer

Boomers are brain damaged from growing up exposed to lead fumes

Zoomers are brain damaged from sitting in shitty schools and portables with no ventilation where CO2 shoots to 1300PPM for hours a day every day

They're all artificial.

they're based in that they didn't destroy anything.
mainly because boomers still owned everything and were doing that already.

>Yas Forums - Politically Incorrect
>Yas Forums - Wojaks and Off-Topic Threads
>Why is this relevant to Yas Forums
>oh yeah?
>Remember when people actually talked comic books on Yas Forums?

Remember when people used to REPORT off-topic threads instead of just bitching about them? Remember that? Remember?

I did, but when the thread stuck around, so did I.

As you say, elder

We all reported it. And it is still up. Mods don't care about this place.

Typical entitled boomers can't handle a little bit of banter.