Waifu Square thread

Quarantine edition. Post yours and comment on others.

Attached: BRAND NEW SQUARE.jpg (1609x1616, 639.01K)

Scum, at the very least, has its place in the food chain, providing sustenance to more valuable fauna.
You are less than that, you fake as fuck faggot.

You sound pretty worked up pal, do you need to talk to somebody? I'm here for you.

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>having more than one waifu

Holy fucking bitter

That’s why the centerpiece is always emphasized

Attached: Cartoon_Waifus.png (1084x1084, 2.27M)

Go back to Yas Forums

Tough crowd today. If only we could return to wholesome fun like the husbando threads.

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I like 11 of yours.

Got a blank version of this?

Majestic quads. Which 11 would those be?

Bruh you've had 4 husbando threads a week can't you just leave us straights alone to our our devices?

Don't be retarded -- I'm just saying I wish waifu threads were fun again like husbando threads.

Attached: ArrowverseWaifusV2.jpg (3264x3264, 826.57K)

whatever happened to becky prim?

Creator is working on other things.

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>he donesnt know Tae Yamada

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>why yes I am divorcing Tom and marrying user this upcoming summer!
Oh Angela you doll!

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I think the "suitable wife/mother?" spam killed a lot of the bonhomie these threads had

Attached: aspects are wonk, but women are stronk.png (1077x1077, 2.26M)

based user, please template

based musclegirlchad

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I personally think that this whole virus has just gotten people a bit worked up, it's not their fault.

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>horsefucker detected
doesnt matter if it's just a fanart, you can't fool me op


Attached: autism.png (1180x592, 1.02M)

I need to update my chart. It's been a few years.

Anybody have a good template to start with?

Attached: Waifu Chart v2.0.jpg (2000x2000, 3.06M)

I REALLY hope Lee isn't around to see this. Maybe Coronachan got him this time.

Bumping for a potential waifu template, please.

how big?

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All that you've got, please. I'd like to see the full gamut of choices before picking something to work with.

Attached: a1 Mini harem.png (1077x1074, 1.31M)

just come up with your own man


Shit for brains

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here's mine

Attached: wifes.png (2000x2000, 3.06M)

Ahhh I can handle this much autism

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Why not Mia?
What comics should I read for DC's Death? She appeared briefly in Lex Luthor's 75 year compilation and I'd like to read more.

I purged my chart a bit, keeping only the best characters/character design.

Attached: best girls.png (2115x1754, 3.33M)

Please add nametags for your characters, so the rest of us know who they are.

Attached: medium chart.png (2613x2167, 49.46K)


Based as fuck

"Sandman" by Neil Gaiman is more or less the extent you'd need to understand her character, though the various Death-focused miniseries may be of interest.

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Autism huh.

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I love my wife Korra

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How would they handle a 2 week quarantine?

>As a police officer, Chun Li convinces them to follow the quarantine after she caused it in the first place by eating bat soup.

>Korra meditates as a way to pass time between training sessions. Somehow she spreads the virus into the spirit world.

>Marek breaks the quarantine looking to check some ancient library to find a way to fix the spirit world and she causes a zombie outbreak in the real world, but she gets the info she needs.

They work together and somehow kinda fix things by the end, though the world will never be the same.
Could be worse.

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Attached: degen waifu's of the new decade.jpg (1225x1225, 431.06K)

>alot of classics with the flocculent maidens being fairly repersented
you sir are a patrician

>horse characters
you have summonsed him

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Maybe the corona got him.

horses are allowed in waifu threads... apparently...

bump for the USA time zone