Where's Tim Drake these days?

Where's Tim Drake these days?

Seems Damian has replaced him entirely, while Dick is exclusively Nightwing now.

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Last time I checked he renamed himself "The Drake" and I think he might be involved with Bendis's Young Justice.

He's being raped by bendis

He's in Young Justice

He got Bendised

Tim Drake was the most relatable Robin with the longes running solo book and still got shafted by Didio...

He's in Young Justice mostly.

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But also in City of Bane

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And the trainwreck that was Pennyworth RIP.

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Tim should become Gordon's apprentice or do something with the GCPD. That would actually make him an interesting character especially when he's meant to have the best detective skills out of all the Robins.

Am I the only one who finds this skill not really impressive? It's not enough to make him interesting, but Tim stans go on and on about it.

It's lost impressiveness because the writers have lost the ability to tell good detective stories.

Only other person Ra's has called "Detective".

Also that Captain Atom quote above about Gotham Girl is infuriating.

Wasn't Chuck Dixon dropping hints that Tim was going to become Ted Kord's apprentice and eventually become a Blue Beetle when he hit adulthood?

That's not true, Ra's calls other people Detective too.

Tim should be Kon's house husband

it should be the other way around honestly

Bendis got him

I love Tim

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I do too. He's a good boy. Flawed, but very good.

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>Red Robin
>Robin for short
Really shot themselves in the foot there. Literally anything else would have been better.

But...Drake? :)

Get outta here, Bendis! No one likes you!

You did say that literally anything else would be better.

Bendis never counts, also it's his real ass name!

Yes. This explains why people love the Red Robin series, but constantly mock Drake. Yes.

That would've been a better thing to do with Dick. Even if he had amnesia he would be in Gotham, working with Gordon, reliving his cop days, and occasionally bumping into Batgirl for some awkward moments. I never like how all the bat characters revolve around Batman and Gotham but Grayson has fallen off so hard because it has nothing going for it. It could've been Gotham Central Lite.

Red Robin looks like a legit fag.

I dunno I kinda liked the costume

Showgirl wings or Dr. Mid-nite?

How was Tim released from the Robin role in the first place? They just kicked him out and gave it to Damian?

He grew up into an edgy lil' shit, and left, because he is WAY cooler and SMARTER than Batman, the poop mouth!

Yup. In Red Robin, Dick tells Tim "lol, Dami needs me and you don't, you're out."

Tim should be with Steph
Cass should be with Conner
Dick should be with Starfire
Jason should be with Artemis
Babs should be with Brad(her fiancee from her original solo series)
Damien should be trying to avoid Maps except at formal functions where he can't get away

Him and Maps are made for each other!

City of Bane ended last year man.

We really learned the hard way that LITERALLY anything wouldn't be better than Red Robin.

This is super specific but does anyone have panels of Tim being an insomniac/falling asleep randomly?

*Tim should be with Conner
Cass should be with no one
Steph should be erased from existence
Dick should be with Kory
Jason should be erased from existence
Babs should be Oracle again
Damian should be dead

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that's because tim is one

Damien is a shit character, prove me wrong.

He is a lovably shit character.

>Batman is back to being a solo character. The only supers he tolerates in Gotham are the Outsiders (Katana, Clayface, Black Lightning, Gotham Girl, Metamorpho) who he'll mentor from afar, but his primary role is to be a reclusive detective that takes the crimes GCPD can't handle and unravels their mysteries. Catwoman is semi-retired and takes on odd jobs to steal from villains and crooks, then kicks the intel she learns to Bruce.
>Nightwing and Damian in Bludhaven, focusing on them as the new Dynamic Duo. Dick has to be careful raising his sidekick since a place like Bludhaven encourages his violent tendencies. Occasional adventures with the senior Titans. Subplot of Damian trying out new hero identities to graduate from Robin, but they're all already taken (Blue Devil, Hellboy, Guardian, etc.)
>Tim on his own out in some creepy rural town up near the Great Lakes, give him a setting where he can focus on being a detective peeling the layers away on some horrific conspiracy. Give him a break from the Titans and YJ but bring Raven for the occult bent.
>Duke and Barbara as Signal and Oracle in Hub City, relocated after Batman gave them the boot from Gotham and trying to clean up the shittiest town in America. Pose the Question as their rival that suspects one of the two is in league with organized crime and antagonizes them. He's correct.
>Cassandra as Batgirl and Steph as Spoiler on the Teen Titans to fill in for Damian, give the book a fun run for once with villains like Cluemaster, Mad Mod and Granny Goodness. Less edgy danger, more action and adventure.
>Batwoman teams up with Grifter and John Constantine on a worldwide monster-hunting extravaganza after a device developed by Maro before his death is accidentally set off, creating a legion of mythical beasts around the world that wreak havoc Kate feels compelled to solve personally. Retcon evil Dad.
>Jason goes back to the Outlaws.
There, I fixed the Batfamily.

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Duke still is there so no you didn't

Nah, Damian should be under Bruce. Bruce needs to learn how to be a real father, just as much as Damian needs to learn how to be not a murderhobo.

What race is Damian? Bruce is White, but what is Talia? Isn't she some kinda Asian?

What should DC do with Tim, with regards to his space in the batfamily?
It's no secret that the batfamily has become so bloated that DC doesn't know what to do with half of them.

Dick has the "becoming his own man/identity" and "next in line to be Batman" shtick. Jason has the bad boy/occasional antihero/villain-if-they-let-them shtick. Damian has Robin and "next in the line to be Batman" shtick. And Duke took Tim circa 2000's shtick of "a normal guy, just like you".
And don't say "detective" because we all know DC would prefer to use Batman for that due to his popularity or even just Question for C lister points.

Damian is a demon

>Seems Damian has replaced him entirely,
Being the most boring robin will do that for you.

just erase duke he's a shitty snyder oc anyway

He's the only black person in the otherwise lily white batfamily (no damian and dick don't count, they look white), I don't think DC would be stupid enough to get rid of him.

Also Duke is much more well received than Oynx and Michael Lane were due to being roped in with the Robins

He is mixed. Bruce is white, Talia is half chinese, half arabic.
Some artists are starting to take that into account when they draw Talia and Damian.

Let him quit as a hero and start using him as a civilian help for the batfam.

Damian and Duke simply shouldn't have been introduced.

At least Damian is interesting, Duke and Tim are bland and boring.

Damian stopped being interesting when they repeated his character development for the third time.

It really sucks that the best Robin has been consistently shit on for 10 years now.

Ra's is generic Arab from 600 years ago, Talia's mom is American Born Chineese (they met at Woodstock) so Talia is half Chineese, half Arabian.

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You could, and should, say that about every comic character ever. Batman is almost a hundred years old, and is almost the same.

Still more character developement than Tim ever had.

And I think Batman sucks ass

Because he is shit. His charscter belongs in the 90s, one of the worst decade for comics.

Still applies to basically every comic character, do they suck ass too?