2014 reboot flopped

>2014 reboot flopped
>Comic reboot flopped

Is Rainbow Brite just impossible to reboot successfully?

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it's an obvious toy based series only meant to sell toys.

rebooting without a toy tie-in of any kind and no marketing to get people to buy the toys is just going to fail.

discount star butterfly

Unless your He-Man and She-Ra, apparently

I cannot understand the logic of a She-Ra series with no toy tie ins of any kind behind it. you would think someone somewhere would want to put some toys on the shelves.

I think they'd have to totally embrace the 80s and make it more like a parody for it to work.

It worked for Strawberry Shortcake somehow despite being boring baby lame CGI shit.

Here's your genderswapped reboot

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I mean it took Voltron 33 years

There are toys but Target exclusive. Because the execs are brain dead

The cartoon reboot flopped because it was uninspired garbage. They tried to emulate MLP but didn't understand it only succeeded because of high talent people like Lauren Faust and Rob Renzetti. Don't know about the comic.

There's also the Super7 figurines that sold out.

Not to mention that it was on a streaming service that no one gave a damn about

Yeah, and at my target they were always sold out of all the dolls except bow

I would watch this.

>2014 reboot
Wasn't that just a pilot

It was always a crappy knockoff of strawberry shortcake, and even that hasn't done well in a while.

I downloaded a torrent for the old show a while ago and while I'm obviously not the target audience, it was so sweet and wholesome and earnest. Then I watched some of the new show on Youtube and it was unrecognizable. They made the character into a sort of airhead valley girl bimbo, I don't get it.

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Seriously? My store had all of them on clearance for $3.

Target employee here, this is basically all of the She-Ra stuff that we got over the course of the shows run. They went on clearance months ago and last time I checked we completely salvaged anything that didn’t sell not long after.

Also apparently the first three season were released on DVD sometime in December with absolutely zero fanfare and are only available through certain online retailers and not physically in stores.

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would fuck

what even was the premise of this thing ?

If there really was an IP or an idea that was best left to be as a product of their time, it was this one.

No one is willing to sit down and realize what was good about the original cartoon that made it so memorable. The first episode, Peril in the Pits, established the premise. The Beginning of Rainbow Land established the origin story and had some fantastic monster designs and genuinely dark situations that the heroes never-the-less overcame. The Mighty Monstromurk Menace was a great rescue story and laser fight. The movie was another feat of great visual design.

Then things went to shit, following more of the standard "sell toys" shit by introducing a new color kid or toy concept, generally. Then every time they try and reboot it, its like they are barely aware of what was great about it to begin with.

Great laser beam fights, a beautifully animated horse, genuine danger, brilliant monster design, THAT is what a reboot needs, not this valley/earth girl stuff or verbose stallion or Molly Ringwald because she was 80's, right?

Sadly she was far more charming and had a better voice actor than Star. Just like RBUK's Felicity vs Unikitty. God so many girls shows with rainbow motifs.

Rainbow dark

Fuck me.
I wish Target hadn't completely bungled their Canadian stores so I could get some Catras

>Selling non-toddler toys in 2020
Literally who buys that crap?

the series is pretty good because it can focus on story and characters instead of just existing to remind kids that they can ask their parents to buy toys.

honestly I wish the new He-Man show had this kind of creative sensibility but I can't get excited over anything from Kevin Smith.

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Her main villain, The Queen of Darkness is literally Sunset Shimmer

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>They made the character into a sort of airhead valley girl bimbo, I don't get it.
why don't people praise this like they did with nu Lola from looney tunes?

You had nowhere to go but up with Lola.

Rainbow Brite Movie> Transformers movie

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She's not the main villain, Murky is. The evil princess was the villain of the movie who was supposed to be serious-evil compared to Murky's gloom plots. She doesn't work as a recurring villain.

Maybe if they fucking marketed it better it wouldn’t have failed

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I know jackshit about Rainbow Brite, but watching even a minute of the 2014 show just now was torture.

Rainbow Brite is something of an aberration of it's era compared to a lot of it's contemporaries.

the show itself was a mere 13 episodes, and there was the movie that for whatever reason saw theatrical release. It saw success as a toyline because it struck at a critical time of 84 to 85, before the NES hit the US and took the toy market behind the woodshed.

i dunno about that, but it's poster is kino.

I don't know that movie but the origin one is great.


I think it's possible, except for the ones that have the rights (if they are still Hallmark) have little resources to find a good showrunner.
The ones who can prefer to reboot their own property

>not Rainbow Fite
Come on.

>Is Rainbow Brite just impossible to reboot successfully?
A reboot would probably make her and Stormy lesbians.

Not enough porn

After every storm, there is a rainbow and yadda yadda.

Shes a teeny bopper version to the 80s like scene kids and skater boys were to the 00s or gamers and hipsters are to 2010s. It’s impossible to reboot her because the vague stereotypical traits she embodies don’t exist outside that decade and it’s aesthetic.

Have the people who did MLP FIM make it.

They can't afford Faust. Also, there are guys

They need to embrace her as a gay icon maybe make Rainbow a tranny.

The comic was planned to go that way funnily enough.

Get Brianne Drouhard.

Seriously? Sauce?

Cute and funny

I think that's probably the route they would have went if there'd be another season since she was way more powerful than Murky and Lurky.

Plus not using her as a recurring villain makes her even surviving the movie in the first place pretty pointless.

>ugh that horrible weak ass sound design
>lame music
>goofy weak cartoony sound effects.

I heard something about the japanese actually doing fooley and sfx with the animation before the final soundtrack is created, but then get replaced, it feels very wrong.

I wonder what she and Star would be like in a room together.

girls have cooler toys now than they did when I was a kid

>Seriously? Sauce?
Willow (the girl who was intended to become Stormy had the series gone on) was Wisp (Rainbow Brite)'s childhood friend. The writer vaguely hinted at wanting to do more with their relationship. Could have just been friend stuff but we'll never know for sure now and knowing the current climate of comics I wouldn't put it past them to have made them lesbians.

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Maybe it can work akin to the style of something "Paul ruddish / Rob Renzetti-ish" ?

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I'd watch Rainbow Fite.

>watch 2014 version
Ugh, this is just bad and sad.
I hope it will be better in the future

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it's like He-Man. that shit can't work outside its own time.

The movie ends better with the implied suicide that she only doesn't destroy the universe because Rainbow kept her from crashing in to Spectra. Having her survive cheapens the villainy of it all. She was intimidating when she was a greedy princess with the power to try and take the source of all light. Without that power, she's just a petulant teenager.

At least Murky is consistent. He hates color and wants to make the world gloomy, which actually bring him in to conflict with Rainbow. The princess just shows up because she's a bitch.