Superior AOC Vs The Trump Who Laughs.
Superior AOC Vs The Trump Who Laughs
>dat ass
She gets my vote.
what the fuck is an AOC
It'd be great if the guys making this comic didn't share Cortez's views at all and were just exploiting her fans for money.
Animal Of Color, it's the new hip way of refering to nigger.
5 dollars for a single floppy? Fans or not whoever buys this garbage is definitely getting fleeced.
Man, I haven't heard about them in ages.
Ah! They "Superior" AOC. Welcome to my lair. I suppose you think that you have me in your clutches, but you see, I have the upper hand. I know your secret identity, my girl, so how about you make me a Moscow Mule, light on the ice, please?
What the fuck, that's theft
Why is Trump laughing again?
Do they know what Superior Spider-Man is about? Shouldn't it be like someone who's changed sides or something?
I assume that about every book that trades on politician name recognition.
you haven't bought comics lately, have you?
I’ll help Alexandria defeat Trump but only if she sends me feet pics.
Do people actually pay 5 bucks for a shitty comic like this?
Why couldn't Famous Comics have made this?
>Drumpf! It's 4am! Time for your dick flattening!
>Yes mistress...
I never understood why people would buy merch of fucking politicians. My dad had a fucking Bill Clinton doll that would sing and dance and it was the most embarrassing shit.
>the hexagon pattern is flat and doesn't curve around the form of her buttcheeks
This is a trash comic
>Making an anti-white leftist a superhero
How are these faggots still around after 20 years?
Superheroes are against White supremacy.
How is she anti-white?
People need something to believe in. But Americans are pretty unique in creating personality cults that aren’t imposed upon them.
>inb4 Europoor’s law
It’s literally a comic about a US politician, of which there have been many.
Oh, is this the "shitty political comics that won't/didn't age well" thread? I love those!
>white soi bf
>Bernie cuckquean
>speaks like George Costanza's mom
All this "I'm your brown latína progressive representative uwu" is clearly just an act to try finding a place in a white woman's world.
She's not white. Just...dumb
not the board to go into it.
But in short she is part of the radical 'new left' and has been high on victim mentality / identity politics. Mainily on latinos which she seems to so desperately want to be included in. Like warren wanting to be indian only she looks the part.
Why the hell are so many mixed kids from citys fucked up.
Because he won
God I wish I was Drumpf...
She’s literally marrying a white guy. That bitch craves the BWC.
God I wish
Still looks like someone stretched flesh over a skull with no muscle or fat under it.
The same company also makes pro-Trump comics with a different creative team.
They're basically trying to fleece anyone who will buy things based on news name-recognition or knee-jerk support. The shamelessness of it is actually kind of admirable.
That's not anti-white though. You're playing victim, substantiating their victim status, and playing identity politics all in one post. It's incredible.
>hi! I'm a shit-for-brains
Well, typical.
>The shamelessness of it is actually kind of admirable.
They must be kikes.
>Blue wave
I want to eat her ass so bad, I'll vote for her
>>Blue wave
Fuck off Yas Forums
Imagine a Cletus getting creative with abbreviations! Wow.
>Why the hell are so many mixed kids from citys fucked up.
Beeeecause people treat them like shit?
>Why the hell are so many mixed kids from citys fucked up.
City life is terrible on children.
something something they don't look like any of their races and are rejected by them, have cultural and identity crisis, usually develop self hatred because they're racial outcasts, end up in a self destructive path something something...
And accomplished nothing else since and now that we're in a recession is the most fucked incumbent ever.
I laffed
>is the most fucked incumbent ever
You're kidding right?
I'm a democrat but this is just objectively incorrect. Trump still has plenty of brainwashed masses on his side, but far and away more importantly, the DNC once again decided to run a dishwater do nothing centrist. Joe Biden is literally Hillary Clinton again except that his brain is visibly leaking out of his ears.
A strong populist is the only thing that could stand up to Trump's hate machine and that meant either Sanders, or the person that Warren was pretending to be at the start of the election. I hope an actual populist runs in 2024. I don't even care if they're that progressive, I just want them to sever the money pipeline between the corporations and washington.
Right I forgot about how well the GOP did in the midterms what with only losing like 40 house seats and eight governorships. And Trump's done so much to expand his base and appeal towards independents and moderates. And his bold leadership make effective use of the two month head start the US had for the pandemic. Why we've already performed almost 1% as many tests for the novel coronavirus as South Korea has! And it's not like he gutted the entire global-health-security unit of the National Security Council and cut the government's $30m Complex Crises Fund before this happened either.
>I forgot about how well the GOP did in the midterms what with only losing like 40 house seats and eight governorships
inb4 muh senate
Last time only two Republicans were up in swing states.
>Right I forgot about how well the GOP did in the midterms what with only losing like 40 house seats and
They lost seats mainly in solidly blue territory like New Jersey and almost everyone who got beaten were of the, if you will, Mitt Romney school of Republican. Significantly, almost every Democrat that was endorsed by celebrities (I see you Taylor Swift) lost.
>They lost seats mainly in solidly blue territory
Right which is why Republicans kept the house.