Why is Marvel's cartoon line-up so terrible right now? The only ongoing show right now is Spider-man...

Why is Marvel's cartoon line-up so terrible right now? The only ongoing show right now is Spider-man, and from what I've watched of it it isn't very good. As for upcoming cartoons we've got Moon Girl, What If, Hit Monkey, and Modok. What kinds of cartoons would you like to see? Personally I'd just like another X-Men cartoon. It's been over a decade since the last one.

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>Personally I'd just like another X-Men cartoon. It's been over a decade since the last one.
They're probably waiting for mutants to hit the MCU so they can synergize with it.

>Why is Marvel's cartoon line-up so terrible right now?
Because MCU is more important.

>As for upcoming cartoons we've got Moon Girl, What If, Hit Monkey, and Modok.
Ok and?
All these sound cool

that sounds pretty good to me tho

What if sounds awesome in concept but it’s heavily tied to the movies and it looks like it might be done in the same hideous style as the current Star Wars cartoon so it’s probably not actually going to be good. But I hope I’m pleasantly surprised.

Marvel has cartoons still?

Everyone no matter what age won't care unless it's the well known name teams or heroes.

None of these are reasons why it can't be good.
Especially when you're complaining about it being connected to the movies when the core concept of What If is literally "What if something was different"

Yup, and their cartoons still suck. DC cartoons aren't afraid to go different routes while MARVEL has to do whatever the mouse tells em to do.

it depends on the quality and how heavily they use it to shill the mcu. if it's something like harley quinn, i'm not going to complain. if it's like the current spider-man, marvel rising, and black panther quest, then i'm not going to bother with it.

I fucking miss EMH so much

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No retard, it's because Leob who was in charge of Marvel TV didn't care about cartoons and made them with as little effort as possible.
And now he's been fired.

>how heavily they use it to shill the mcu.
What the fuck is Moon Girl, Modok and Hit Monkey gonna do with the MCU?

>if it's something like harley quinn
Harley Quinn is shit though.

have mcu guests
still better than what marvel is putting out atm

>What kinds of cartoons would you like to see?
Avengers Academy cartoon. That series was always ripe for a cartoon, but for some reason they never capitalized on it. You can introduce kids to new teen characters, and you can draw them in by every episode having popular characters come in to be their teacher for that episode.

>have mcu guests
That's not even a reason, superhero shows have team ups all the time.

Is the Marvel Rising stuff still going on? I honestly don't understand the format of it.

>a bunch of 4-minute shorts about Spider-Gwen
>television movie about Kamala
>22min special about Spider-Gwen
>44min special about Ironheart
>22min special about Spider-Gwen
>22min special about Shuri
>44min special about Inferno and America Chavez

Why not just have a normal TV series instead of a randomly airing series of Youtube specials with differing lengths?

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that comic is so great, one of the best teen team comics ever made.

Yeah but they will only use a) characters already in the MCU, with the exact same appearance and characteriztaion they had in the MCU b) POSSIBLY a handful of characters so obscure the MCU gave them the go-ahead for since they will never use them

I heard they're planning to make Avengers Academy the next big MCU Avengers movie.

Holy shit Hit-monkey's getting a cartoon? Why didn't anyone tell me that sounds fucking great!


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Don't call me a retard you fucking bitch, but regardless if they've been fired I and many other's highly doubt that's going to suddenly improve the quality of Marvel's animations.

Is Ultimate Spiderman worth watching until the end? I remember I either stopped right before the Spider verse arc or right after it.

What ifs?... problem isn't just being another shitty MCU show for it's that the What if's themselves are lazy as hell

they seem to boggle down to What if this character was THIS character

All the episodes are stupid what if Steve was Iron Man or what if Tchala was Star-Lord with the ladder just making Star Lords costume purple!

Then there's the zombie one which is just well zombies in MCU?


Marvel's line up is horrendous because it's made to sell MCU stuff, we haven't had an X-Men show in so long and when we do it'll just be MCU shlock with shit animation

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>characters already in the MCU,
Oh please, most of the characters in the MCU are already the ones who regularly made cameos and teamed up with characters.

>What ifs?... problem isn't just being another shitty MCU show for it's that the What if's themselves are lazy as hell
We know the plot of like 3 episodes, and they're already fulfiing of what "What If" is supposed to be.
The most well known "What If" stories are the ones that ask simple questions like "What if Peter Parker didn't become Spider-Man".
You just want to bitch about something.

No X-Men any time soon, for one thing.

>The person single handily responsible for the quality of the cartoons being gone won't change anything
That's retarded

I want the What If Ant-Man cartoon to be about Hank and Janet in the cold war

Who is in charge of TV now?

Now Feige is, Marvel TV got shut down and folded into Marvel Studios

You got too much faith in Marvel cartoons. Another moron could 100% take their place and screw up like they did.

i don't know why EMH fans haven't tried to campaign for it to make a return like the way Young Justice did.

Fiege we all know how mind numbing the show will be and how uninteresting the concepts will be, stop coping and fuck off back to the Mouse's office

Still has a high chance of fucking up like the predecessor.

DC and WB are not the same as Marvel and Disney if it's not profiting off the MCU or whatever the fuck is going to come out in 5 years it's not getting anything

Now you can't even make an argument, you're defaulting back to "mouseshill"

That's not even a real reason

We already know the plot to a bunch of What if's episodes from trailers, which are pretty much what I said earlier and based off the track record it's not going to go beyond dumb MCU AU's and very generic ones at that

MCUdrones please leave

Reason or not Marvel cartoons haven't been good since Disney bought the rights.

>We already know the plot to a bunch of What if's episodes from trailers,
We know the plot of literally 3 episodes and barely that,

>it's not going to go beyond dumb MCU AU's
Well now you're bitching about the central premise of "What If", you just want something to whine about because you don't actually have shit to say

And now shifting goalposts.

What if Peggy was cap?
What if Tchala was Star Lord?
what if Steve was Iron-Man?
What if ZOMBIES?! wacky huh!

and again based off how poor the other cartoons and even shows are it wont be any better


Nah, just I don't have high hopes for their animated shows to just suddenly "improve".

It's just the 1 drone

>What if Peggy was cap?
>What if Tchala was Star Lord?
>what if Steve was Iron-Man?
>What if ZOMBIES?! wacky huh!
You're not giving any reason why these are bad other than you being a pissy bitch about it.
And Steve being Iron Man is apart of the Peggy what if


EMH was a lot less serialized than YJ was, by my recollection. Generally to get that obsessive sort of fanbase you need a consistent strong subplot, or "lore" going on in the background, which EMH didn't really have to the extent of like, steven universe, or something.

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Fuck outta here drone.

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See can't even say anything other than drone or shill.


Every single marvel cartoon out now is trying desperately hard to
Shove characters in that nobody outside of tumblr cares about.

Proving my point

Not them, but holy shit you're pathetic.

The SJW and "Agenda" have ensured that Marvels movies cartoons and yes even games are 100% fucked forever.

What's pathetic is samefagging to agree with yourself

All your proving is that you suck dick.

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You're retarded, seriously you people can never say anything other than SJW and agenda and pretend it makes you right.

we will never get a fun Janet like this again
why live?

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See you can't even make argument, so all you do is shout shill and pretend that means something

>You're not giving any reason why these are bad other than you being a pissy bitch about it.
They're lazy as shit?

Ultimate is trash loaded with forced meme humor.

Shill please I only take so much laughter in one day.