Would this oddly be considered a kid transgender character?

Would this oddly be considered a kid transgender character?

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>wanting to mutilate yourself to pretend
>magically transformed completely and fully

plus I'm pretty sure it wasn't even a choice, which is what transgenderism pretty much is.

>Everyone affected by the ritual is returned to normal, and it is revealed that Heinrich is really a beautiful young girl named Henrietta Von Marzipan who is Abigail's best friend and former candy hunting partner. Their friendship is restored and they bid each other farewell, but the other members of Sector V are understandably confused and grossed out by this relevation, except for Numbuh 4
woah maybe it really is

>sacrificing a piece of your soul for candy

Nah, she knew WHO she was, it was curse that changed her. It only took the part people admire about themselves, but she let greed get the best of her.

Wasn't the genderswap against her will?

Warburton had hella cute designs for females.

It was.

That's kind of shallow that the thing you love most about yourself is your gender.

Technically it was her beauty

>person who gets themselves cursed for their selfishness and lack of control is also shallow
who could have imagined such a thing

True, but for the reveal we're lead to believe she's always been a boy. Hell, 5 even calls her by male pronouns before this episode.
I'm just wonder what would happen to Stickybeard if he let the curse get to him.

He'd just be sticky

Wouldn't she turn into an ugly woman then?

Not trans but it was probably implicating that "boys are stupid and ugly and girls are smart and pretty" trope.

FtM character plots are rare.

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Come on, when I was a child I liked candies

I mean, technically yes? The analogy falls apart once you explain that she was always a girl she just got turned into a boy, but genders did change so I suppose it counts.

that was not a trans shit, you cum eater, she was literally cursed

Dilandau was fucking cool.
The genderswap reveal would have been better if she hadn't become a typical shy quiet anime girl and had still acted like Dilandau

Magical gender bend is different from trannies

Attached: ranma 100.gif (500x378, 952.5K)

If she decided to go back to being Heinrich, sure

[/Spoiler gay [/spoiler]

>fat boy turns into a qt girl
>pie crust made out of pinkeye crust
>an Xmen Christmas episode
>underpants assassin
>the fucking GWAR episode
KND was a weird show man.

breasts are so great i dont even mind getting ranma wet

>lose his beard

Aye, a fate worse than death.

Yeah, just like transgenders.

I think you mean fucking based.

Girl isn't as fat as boy

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low T levels i reckon

Aunt Pleakley is the obligatory first transcharacter
1.they did it to themselves
2.it wasn't done for laughs
3. it wasn't done as a disguise
4. it was censored in some countries

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ftm is hot

I kind of liked that the luck manipulation experiments basically rewrote her fate completely and created a separate person altogether.
What a scary concept for a weapon.

Whats the deal with this guy?

What's the QRD of their character?

>become a typical shy quiet anime girl
Sounds awful but completely par the course for animu

Remember when they made a parody episode of that violent and disturbing Animatrix short?

Attached: Animatrix-Second-Renaissance-Part-1[1].jpg (740x370, 32.54K)

>qt robogirl in lingerie

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Bascially, he was one of the main character's sister. Got stolen away as a child. Was subjected to experiments in altering fate. Altering her fate physically transformed her from a demure, unassuming little girl into a male blood thirsty nutcase POS who loved nothing more than getting in his giant mecha and killing as many people as he could

So this altering fate thing basically rewrote reality so it was a different person?

Pleakley doesn't have a gender

Oh yeah, that was a thing. I completely forgot about that.


Isaac Newton was a bit of a dick.

>it wasn't foe laughs

She's cute
post art

>>wanting to mutilate yourself to pretend
It's not pretend, their brain i literally of the oppsoit gender.

And it's no more mutilation than magical body mod.

>Nah, she knew WHO she was
And so does trans. they know they are of the opposite gender than their genital and so was she. She was a girl trapped in a boy body.

>their brain i literally of the oppsoit gender.

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It IS pretend. The ony problem with the person's brain is gender dysmorphia.They're literally mutilating their bodies.


Sorry for the misspelling.

who's the cuter blonde, Henrietta or Rachel?

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>It IS pretend.
Most of the neuroscientists and people in the medical body disagree with you.

Sorry, dude but you are like an anti-vax, there.

>so do trans
something something 41%....

>The ony problem with the person's brain is gender dysmorphia
Gender dysphoria is literally when your brain is the opposite gender from the rest of your body.

Your brain expect hormonal feedback from a gender and receive the other one instead. That is the source of the painful experience of gender dysphoria.

No, it's just nonmedical academic and activists spreading this bullshit. I would say you're more like the antivaxxers, because you can't stand reality.

when not treated.

Hence people who are against transitioning actually want to maintain that suicide ratio at 41% by forbidding them to be who they want to be.

That doesn't make them the opposite gender though. They have mental/neurological problems. That's it.

>would this oddly be considered
This ESL shit is making me want to die

>No, it's just nonmedical academic and activists spreading this bullshit

you are not making a point when you make up bullshit, user.

>I would say you're more like the antivaxxers, because you can't stand reality.
I accept scientific studies and respect the recommendation of medical organisation. You are the one rejecting it because "it doesn't eel right to you". You definitely are the one rejecting reality and acting like an anti-vaxer.

The only thing that truely determines the sex or gender of a person is the set of reproductive organs that they’re born with. Unlike frogs, humans cannot naturally change their organs around without the aid of medical science. Just because someone has a mental disorder that forces them to believe a delusion doesn’t make said delusion real. People with a mental problem can believe they are and behave like a wolf, that doesn’t mean they are in fact a wolf. They can believe they are an orange, that doesn’t mean that they’ll naturally produce extras quantities of Vitamin C.

>No, it's everyone else who is wrong
Cope Reactionary, hiding in pseudo science only comes naturally for your ilk.

True facts, suicide ATTEMPT rate falls substantially with support. It's why all you dipshits deserve the pit.

>It's not pretend, their brain i literally of the oppsoit gender.
So this is the power of US brainwashing...

>That doesn't make them the opposite gender though.
It does.

>They have mental/neurological problems
If the brain, as it is, would work in a perfectly healthy way in a body of the opposite gender, then the problem is not with the brain.

You arbitrary decide the rest of the body get to determine the gender and say the gender of the brain doesn't count. you have no rational justification to dicatate want stump the other. Especially when you reject the literal siege of the identity, what make a person who they are, the brain.

Nah trans are mentally ill period, when they finally mutilate thier gentials they realize they made a huge mistake and off themselves.

Instead of getting them the mental help they need SJWs and other hugbox feed into thier delusions making it worst

>The only thing that truely determines the sex or gender of a person is the set of reproductive organs that they’re born with.

Scientific studies ans the medical body disagree with that statement.

>humans cannot naturally change their organs around without the aid of medical science.
And a good amount of human can't heal from cancer without the aid of medical science. Is your point that we should let people die of cancer because it's more "natural"?

Are we reading the same literature? Because from what I can tell, the scientific and medical consensus is that the proper treatment for dysphoria is hormone replacement therapy and ultimately sex reassignment surgery, because those allow transgender people the best chance of happiness, not because their feelings are based on any underlying biological reality.

>suicide ATTEMPT rate falls substantially with support.
Support include transitioning and hormonal therapy.


shut up

>So this is the power of US brainwashing...
No, it's the result of actually looking at studies and research on trans people. US brainwashing get you to reject it because "it doesn't feel right".

>and a good amount
Notice how this implies that some humans are capable of fighting off cancer cells, whereas Zero humans are capable of changing the sex they’re born without without the aid of a surgeon. Nice attempt at a deflection tho.

>because those allow transgender people the best chance of happiness, not because their feelings are based on any underlying biological reality.
One doesn't exclude the other. And there is effectively an underlying reality. Brain studies on trans have showed that.

>he compares saving lives to helping perverts indulge in their sick fantasies
You really do have nothing to say here

This triggers the tranny.

So just out of curiosity, do you guys think it would be possible to have a show or comic whose main premise is gender bending and not have it turn into fetish bullshit?


>Notice how this implies that some humans are capable of fighting off cancer cells, whereas Zero humans are capable of changing the sex
Notice how it means that some humans are not able to fight cancer cells AND need medical treatment. Not everyone is a trans. there were no deflect.

You failed to make your "you can not transition without medical aid" argument have any meaningful weight.