Gets to date the girl he had a crush on and later had another gf and a wife

>gets to date the girl he had a crush on and later had another gf and a wife
>is called a simp by everyone

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He sniffed her ex's sweater.
That's a simp

I don't think you know what a simp is
It doesn't mean you don't get the girl, it's that your obsessiveness over her results in you doing anything for her, even if it's shitty as hell

Why is twitter so prone to randomly adopting words that black people have used forever? Senpai also comes to mind.

Yas Forums does it too. Where do you think based came from?

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He was pretty much cemented as a simp after that one episode where he makes Rigby go on a double date with him, Margret and Eileen, only to find out Margret went so Eileen can see Rigby.

Yas Forums does it because it's full of twitter faggots these days. People still rail on tumblr and reddit as the cancers of this site, but twitter has far fucking surpassed it.

I don't like the term simp, due to it being ebonics. The correct term is "Omega-Level Orbiter"

I've only seen the word simp applied to Mordecai here, occasionally Finn

Senpai is AAVE?!?

>he thinks “based” originated from Yas Forums

I am so stupid I forgot there was a word filter and you typed the first three letters of "family"

The only people who apply simp to Finn are the same people who didn't get that he was a preteen when he had his crush on PB

Not everything has to be "your word".

Black people have the best slang. Close second is old hard-boiled detective/gangster movies.

It's weird because Finn was literally her servant and he was mainly about it because he loved her, even as he grew up. Especially later on because it became less "aw yea jake i love justice" and more "aw shit jake i love women but they don't see me that way... im sad"

Mordecai was an average level one.

>more "aw shit jake i love women but they don't see me that way... im sad"
Well that's a ton of bullshit

> Why is twitter so prone to randomly adopting words that black people have used forever?

I believe a difference would be that Finn got thrown into the dumpster by the writers because they hated him, while the same didn't happen to Regular Show. That is to say, Mordecai always acted like an orbiter, while Finn got worse as the show went because the writers didn't like him.

>while Finn got worse as the show went because the writers didn't like him.
explain futher

He regularly got love advice from Jake during those shittier later seasons. It got in the way of his sense of justice because the episodes were one-note and either wanted to focus on romance or saving the day, and when they mixed it was hell.

>writers because they hated him
Why do people just love to make this shit up?

>It got in the way of his sense of justice because the episodes were one-note and either wanted to focus on romance or saving the day, and when they mixed it was hell.
So now you're just lying.

It's still who his character ended up being because of those writers. I also remember something about one of the writers on RS not particularly liking Mordecai because of how he was treating women (in general he wasn't even being that shitty, the formula of an episode required things to not progress well and it eventually snowballed so it's their own fault for realizing too late that they needed to show some awareness that he was regularly screwing up when it was mostly episodic before girlfriend arcs happened).

Mordecai was retarded with women but he also had a lot of shit getting in his way and confusing him and making it worse. Characters giving shitty advice, supernatural crap happening, etc. The simp compilation with "do you want to... have me pick up that box" was taken out of context for the sake of pushing it harder.

It's shit that RS only gets relevant because some retarded meme buzzword latched onto it to focus on how shitty the male MC was.

Finn getting dumped on for an massive amount of the show because of "muh deep" and "muh bubbline"? Or are you going to tell me that you can seriously watch that vampire miniseries and not see that the writers treated marceline as the protagonist? She got an random backstory that came out of nowhere about "Killign vampires", acted le deep for the entirety of the series and Finn was just the secondary guy who did pretty much nothing but serve as bait.

>The simp compilation with "do you want to... have me pick up that box" was taken out of context for the sake of pushing it harder.
It really isn’t. Mordecai wanted to ask Margaret to go to the cinema but he pussied out and then Rigby asked her instead to fuck with Mordecai.
Also Rigby is actually the one that always starts trouble in Regular Show by being incompetent

I feel like there's an difference between an reasonable characterization and an forced cahracterization. Finn turned into a completely downer retard is not in-character. Mordecai, on the other hand, was shit with girls since day one.

So the writers hated Finn because they let Marceline get some episodes to delve into her back story?
That's retarded

>Or are you going to tell me that you can seriously watch that vampire miniseries and not see that the writers treated marceline as the protagonist?
but user, that miniseries was about marceline, of course they weren’t going to focus on finn nor jake.

Yes, he was going to ask if she wanted to go but he needed something to change what he was going to say and he saw a box. He wasn't going to ask that anyway.

Being shit with girls isn't being a simp, it's supposed to be orbiting really hard which unfortunately mixes with any time Mordecai would have wanted to hang out with Margaret as a friend in general. He didn't only go to the coffee shop to fuck her, it was their space away from home which is also their workplace.

Could have at least let him matter, that's not the best example that user could have used but they actually put in effort to shrug off Finn and Jake and make them look like retards in Marceline and PB's shadow. They could hardly fucking do anything right.

I thought a simp means being a white knight and going above/beyond for average pussy

>Be the one that always create the problems in most of the episode
>But since at least you wasn’t a cuck people will ignore you and focus on your friend instead

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Post the red dead redemption version

We have like 50 words for "idiot"
At this point, ebonics is actually evolving our vocabulary since the words have unique definitions.

>lol lol lolol lol lololol lol
also mordecai was friend abusing rigby by mutilating him and sucking out the eyelashes

oh i get your point now. is mostly that zoomer grew up and remember watching a couple of episodes, but they probably really followed the show at all so they just have the vague idea of Mordecuck from season 1 and 2, he started at least to develop his relationship with margaret in 3 and then the love traingle disaster

>to shrug off Finn and Jake and make them look like retards in Marceline and PB's shadow
I swear I don't even know what you people are talking about anymore.

i know you’re joking but you’re still right. Mordecai always punched Rigby at least once per episode and always took advantage in the “punch game” due to rigby being a manlet

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>Remember laughing at faggot that liked MarceBubble
>mfw last episode

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Would you really call all of the shit that Mordecai did for Margaret normal? Killing his friend, travelling in time multiple times, that god-awful speech that he did because Murghuret, the sweater-sniffing...
Have you actually watched Stakes? Finn and Jake were just the retard sidekicks to marcelines "epic vampire slayer QUEEN who is also a vampire and also a dyke because yaaaas"

>epic vampire slayer QUEEN who is also a vampire and also a dyke because yaaaas"
The use of buzzwords make your agenda pretty obvious.

>Killing his friend
If you just didn’t way this you would be right. I’m tired of retard saying he killed rigby. He obviously didn’t intend to do since they were in space and rigby started to punch him, later after he rigby became dust he says “oh no come back come back” touching the microondes
watch the episode instead of the sim compilation on youtube

He said, "I'm gonna kill you", and then pushed him off the microwave he was holding.
While they were racing through an empty void. That's like pushing someone off a cliff and then saying "I didn't know he was going to die!"

When its used by cringy faggots and unrelated to lil b, yes that started on Yas Forums. It has always been awful.

That was season 1 and 2 were we the writers were trying to set up a strong friendship.
After season 2 they never punched again.

Is it not, however, a right expression to describe it? Marceline's sudden "epic" past as a vampire slayer,the future visions, her being the sole protagonist while Finn and Jake are the funny sidekicks at best?

>goes as far as kill his best friend just because he was getting was getting along better with her than him
>drove across the state just to deliver a sweater to her after she left him
no, that's peak simp

I’m watching season 3 and he still punches him BUT i don’t remember any punching in season 7 and 8 so you may be right

>killed him by accident
>didn’t gave her the sweater in the end

Senpai is Japanense you useless fuck stick

>killed by accident
except he was such a simp he throw literally anything with a clock in it to avoid him from meeting Margaret
>didn’t gave her the sweater in the end
a last second change of heart after he got violent with his friend who tried to speak some sense into him

Wordfilters were implemented because twitter faggots kept spamming their shit here you newfaggot fuckwit

wow user is almost like...mordecai got...character development

The only one who got development out of the two was Rigby, Mordecai just got more beta and whiny as seasons went on

he stopped being with CJ and talked with Margaret about being only friends because he finally started to being obssesed with girls for five minutes, that’s why season 8 have no mordecai relationship episode and why he ended up with a who in the end

Rigby literally shoved him first

Didnt the ending montage showed him on his art studio painting a figure resembling Margaret though?

Rigby couldn't have forced him off even if he tried. He didn't try to actually push him off the microwave. Mordecai, on the otherhand, should be smart enough that if you forcibly push someone who's like half your size off into an empty void, something bad will happen. And, once again, he said he was going to kill him, even if it was a thing of the moment.

The real question is why has it taken 30 years for the word to become trendy, it was used an insult for fucking ever, it's why the simpsons are called the simpsons for fucks sake, it's not new. It'd be like if daffy came back into fashion.

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Same thing with the shortened version of family, it's existed for literally decades and twitter only just picked up on it. "Rustles my jimmies" is another one that dates back to the 1920s, in reference to ice cream sprinkles being regionally referred to as "jimmies". People spout old shit and think it's new

Yea, indeed.

There were things here and there.

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It would have been more ok if they just simply weren't doing much, but they were doing stuff and just being retarded when they did. It felt like suddenly they were fucking 5 with hardly any experience in being heroes.