Genius Bonus

>Genius Bonus

Attached: TV Tropes.png (512x172, 30.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>when you lurk for 10 years, you learn the secret of writing "bump" backwards

Attached: Channel wishes anon a great day.png (220x288, 41.51K)

>Complete Monster
>Character shouted at the protagonist once

>Yes, this show aired on PBS kids

That's not even applicable to anything.

>Character is Affably Evil
>Character is also Faux Affably Evil

You should check out the Ask The Tropers section of the website:

It's full of people too autistic for the other people who use TV Tropes.

>Nightmare Fuel
>ermagawd teh silly cartoon mad a scawy face :(((

>hey, did you know the Mysterious Mr. Enter and the Nostalgia Critic watched this cartoon, too?
>here's a snarky quote from them, because of course you heard it!

>Hilarious in Hindsight
>someone talked about horses before My Little Pony Friendship is Magic came out

Ya know, you could just accept it's meant for fun reading and not meant to be taken seriously or you could let it's occasional silly content ruin your day.
Personally I use it after I watch movies for fun facts and for something I may have missed.

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I love how the guy who posted about Ready Jet Go so much was too autistic even for the other people on TV Tropes.

The endless amounts of obsessive editing on shows nobody cares about is indeed a disturbing trend.

I hate this website with a burning passion

not just because it's cringe reddit-tier garbage, but because a lot of the info on this site is plain wrong

for example it describes an episode where Batman solves a puzzle that was based on an ancient arabian conundrum, when in reality not oly is it Robin who solves it but it's based on a chinese one

>two guys are friends
>"ambiguously gay"

jesus christ

That's not exclusive to TV tropes though sadly. Fujos are a scourge.

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TV Tropes is a lot better when it comes to talking about actual literary theory. Sadly the large amount of autism amassed over 15 years of existence makes its quality vary significantly when it comes to actually talking about TV.

Example of good page:

my new fun trip is looking up podcasts. so dumb to put them on tvtropes. (except obviously for fiction ones)


TV tropes was great once, 5+ years ago

>show has some minor human supporting characters who get maybe 3 minutes of screentime
>Human Focused Adaptation

>Actor plays/voices character
>Actor does something bad years in the future completely unrelated to the show/movie

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>this trope doesn't really fit this scene and I even kind of admit it but really I just want to include this dumb thing I'm a fan of

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I hated that most of all during the Horse Show boom, people kept finding the most convoluted way of shoe-horning the show into various tropes to the point they were mentioning that certain tropes hadn't appeared yet.

>actor plays character with glasses
>later play another character who also wears glasses

>Movie from the 80's has a character that says they've a fear of flying

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Actual trope:
>Hilarious in Hindsight:
>When Batman beats the Black Glove, Doctor Hurt's line about how "The House always wins" becomes this after the news that Ben Affleck was banned from a casino for the crime of winning.

>unfortunate implications

>YMMV page
>entire paragraphs on how one character is gay/trans/whatever gender

Attached: do you ever shut up.jpg (480x100, 11.83K)

>List if little known fanfictions where this trope happened

I think this is just modern media today.

Any two characters that speak to each other are now assumed a couple.

>Character acts slightly weird
>Ambiguous Disorder: Autism

Attached: admit it.png (333x293, 80.84K)

>mfw I've been editing out autism on actual pages
>mfw I've purged so much actual autism in the entries

Also, the YMMV pages are lost causes when people try to bring up any sort of moral or societal values.

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What’s your favorite tropes?
Dark Lady and Black Knight
Noble Top Enforcer

Is TV Tropes just a bunch of clones of Chris Chan? Who unironically watches shows for little toddlers when they don't have kids unless they have some mental disability?

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No Nonsense Nemesis
Hoist By His Own Petard

I'm glad that there are at least some sensible people there who won't tolerate this kind of shit

>TV Tropes
Today I will remind them

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I'm pretty sure they restored the NC one after I was banned for that tho

Actual trope from eight mile for hilarious in hindsight

> Not only is Papa Doc's "secret shame" of Cranbrook a real school notorious among Michiganders for housing some of the most privileged and spoiled elite, it was also attended by that paragon of financial-sector wealth, 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Honestly. I did most of my TVTropes browsing two or so years ago, it was very entertaining and I learned some stuff. I kinda feel like you have to dig a little deeper to find this autism, unless it got much worse recently.

Noble Demon
The Last DJ
The Apunkalypse

Attached: ready jet go.png (833x544, 47.98K)

>A show has an outcome that is grounded in some degree

>Popular shows like Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc. had tons of entries added to their pages every time they shat out new episodes
>Their pages are now dead and barren ghost towns

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>a show has an episode showing someone getting sick, dieing or with a building being destroyed at any point of time.

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>Retards thinking they can equate "That wasn't very nice" to Moral Event Horizon

>Unfortunate Implications

Aren't we 4channelers though?

>character gets annoyed by another character and tells them to shut up
>Berserk Button: Do NOT do X to character. Just DON'T. It will NOT end well. Seriously, don't. You. Will. Re. Gret. It.

>every minor thing in super is somehow considered iconic

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This society needs more female sewage workers.

It's mostly from before your time that it was incredibly bad

Isn't that the point of YMMV, user.

Look at some of the less well moderated pages and worst case scenario it basically devolves in to a fucking blog that one autist uses to vent everything they love or hate about a show.

>Is TV Tropes just a bunch of clones of Chris Chan? Who unironically watches shows for little toddlers when they don't have kids unless they have some mental disability?
You seriously underestimate the amount of Chris Chan clones out there.
t. been to a furcon

I miss the ThisTroper bids so much