Who was the best girl and why was it Rose?

Who was the best girl and why was it Rose?

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rose actually mattered to the plot

Guess again.

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Blessed post

Guess again again

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it was karkat

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Dave and Karkat should be swapped, Meat Dave gave less a shit about her being possessed compared to Meat Karkat.

You mistook Meat Dave with Candy Dave.

He was trying to distance himself because he thought his chance to screw that pooch was gone forever.

Look I like DaveJade the most but neither Candy or Meat Dave is a good Dave that deserves her. Meat Dave doesn't bother with concern over her like Meat Karkat and Candy Dave is a gigantic piece of shit.

haven't read hs2. anything worthwhile? karkat do anything cool? has there been a page without lesbian sex?

>concern over her like Meat Karkat
Can that fucker just act edgy and not want her to ever become unpossessed? Fuck that shitty goody-two shoes fuckbitch.

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I know, I'm just making excuses for the fanart.

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>According to James Roach there was a 13 minute pilot episode of a Homestuck TV series made with Dante Basco's help, that was cancelled because it was really, really bad. Roach even visited the set at one point.


I'd hate to see how bad it was if Roach and the others consider HS2 good.

It was meant to be live action? What the actual fuck? No wonder it was cancelled, the only way Homestuck could have a chance getting picked up anywhere is if it was an animated pilot.

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I could do with a live action Homestuck for a few reasons.

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Nepeta is the reason why we were allowed to see Equius in a positive light, if she wasn't around, everything would've been obscured by the void and irrelevance. Well at least regarding Equius.

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She fucks Equius.

>jade has ended up being the best girl in HS^2 so far

Telling off AltCalliope probably had something to do with it and that retarded meta bullshit the writers can't stop fellating themselves over. Rose and Terezi really don't shit on Dirk's meta bullshit, Rose even codifies it, and Jane is so unlikable nobody gives a shit what she feels or does. Kanaya being sad about Rose feels even shittier knowing about the RoseTerezi stuff, and finally Roxy stopped being a girl and became a mega insensitive cunt for it.

Meanwhile Vriska is Vriska and is absolutely irrelevant toting around a dead clown body. Vrissy is a discount Vriska with nothing interesting about her yet aside her design. And I think that's all the semi-relevant female characters we've seen now that isn't totally hidden behind a paywall and even THEN they aren't good, Jasprose is obnoxious as fuck.

>Vriska is Vriska
So, she is still the best?

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Why are all these girls so goddamn LEWDable?

Hussie used to be an incredible waifu-maker.

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How incorrect could a person be?!

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this is true, said so on his discord months ago

Can we get any more info at all. This sounds really fucking interesting.

jade is a better person and i would rather be jade, but rose is much more entertaining and fun to follow.
though the complete fucking chaos of jade's entry was good, my memory is that i preferred rose's entry flash.

James got Hussie to cancel it because Jade was an indian actress and every other actor was white

I feel like you guys are memeing this up a bit, and we’ll soon discover that oh he was actually really inwardly torn up about it all this time. His lack of talking about it isn’t due to his lack of care, but the writers. But they’ll be reminded that they have to write about this aspect of his character when they confront each other, or they’ll just take on a better writer for that segment

Nepeta is the best girl because she made a male character better?

>taking on a better writer
Yeah right

>actress instead of a black transwoman actor for Jade
Wow no wonder they were pissed

that's an odd-shaped cruxite artifact

>rather be Jade
I'd rather marry Jade

John loves Rose and Terezi.

What's odder is the method for activating it.

Why do we need threads everyday


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It’s happened before, like Jade’s route. It’s seems to be a revolving door menagerie of writers

I’m a Rosefag and I think Jade: Enter is one of the best flashes in the comic. The magnitude of “this is how bad you fucked up” and “this is how much it wasn’t Jade’s fault”

That was done by their programmer, who got fired afterwards for the heinous crime of writing well.

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the dancestor seer shoulda been a girl

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i might be underrating jade: enter due to fatigue from act 5.1, while [S] enter was right at the peak of getting excited about how good the comic actually was. i'm currently re-reading so i can re-assess both over the next week or so.

and they should all be pregnant with john being the father.

Jade's probably better wife material than Rose for sure at least. It just depends on what you'd rather deal with: a girl who is SUPER affection starved and basically needs to be treated like a really lonely rescue dog, versus a girl who's going to see everything you do as some passive-aggressive slight and can't be straightforward.

Yes that is the implication.


Because she allowed us to have that view of Equius at all. Without her, he'd be just a sweaty joke. Then again the narrative already treats him that way, but with Nepeta, a glint of goodness can always be observed in him when he's around her. They rarely appear without each other, and Nepeta's role seems to hint towards being the one who can free Equius from his cosmically coded pathological problems.

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Damn, Nepeta really is Equius' fucktoy

All Jade requires is a daily intake of semen, headpats, and affirmations and she's putty in your fucking hands.

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/newhomosuck/ on vriskachan for those interested

Fuck no.

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Nah, I'd rather have Mituna manpregnate Kankri.

Lalondes are best Girls, for ever.

Charming, charismatic, and felt real like no other.

I'm interested, .moe? .top? google isn't helping me at all to find this site

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You know what? Rose never got to have any revenge against Doc Scratch. She got played by him like a fiddle and did everything he wanted. He won. She never had the upper hand in anything. So I'd really like it if this story, this second chance, ends up with her breaking free and rebelling against her manipulator, against the fate that she's become so resigned to. That was her whole character before Scratch made an example of her lack of agency - she was all about rebelling against the forces that be, against God. She was subdued when she discovered that very rebellion was in God's plan, but fuck, I want her to take back that defiance and succeed.

I want HER to play the fiddle. I want HER to be the author.

And what better way to redeem herself? She basically started this shit by wanting to play sburb to resurrect her cat. She carried the GCAT code. She recklessly let herself get duped. She sought the knowledge, she took the leap. Curiosity killed the cat. What better way to make up for this mess than to wrest the reigns from various orange guys? So I hope she's either playing some long game or will come to her senses with the appropriate amount of rage.

I don't really give a shit about Dave's stake on his head. He already got to cut it off, and he got two defeats of Lord English. And I think that might be a red herring. What's the fun in a villain telling you who is going to take him down, and it ends up being exactly that? Granted, he probably will end up decapitating him again, but I don't want him to be the ultimate cause of his defeat , y'know?

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That would be the same thing as shipping Bro and Dave or Dirk and Roxy, sexually. Wrong. Not like that ever fucking stopped the HS fandom... but still

No, Nepeta's connection to Equius is so much more significant than just trying to get in his pants, like some silly little slut like Jade. She is the key to free him from LE's claws and influence. She is a guiding light in his miserable, angsty, lonely life. She might be the only reason why he didn't snap and go on a murder spree, or potentially kill himself, because as we learned in his PQ; fighting his robots is basically a form of self-harm, and he doesn't like hurting other trolls.

Nepeta is the purest, most lovely little troll lady, who's completely selfless and adorable and fucking FIERCE. Who, like Equius, has more depth than meets the eye. Just because she doesn't appear much, doesn't mean she doesn't have an impurrtant mission.

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Equius fucks her every day.

Again, that's your qualification for a best girl? For how they enhanced another character?

Hopefully Rose will fucking kill Dirk or something, and become the one who controls the narrative.

I'm sure she would be the best possible author for ''Homestuck'', she surely revives John and makes Roxy and John have sex in all timelines and makes the whole story more sexual, with tentacle pranks.

It's something Rose would totally do, however, I doubt anyone working in Homestuck 2 understands the character, so meh, it's not going to happen.

Does there have to be a single "best" girl? There's plenty of good girls.
Who's a good girl? Yyou are! Yyes!

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Nobody's going to go there bro.

you multiply this websites' number by 2 and instead of the japanese pronoun for girls you use the pronoun for boys. dot top.

Rose+Dave stuff doesn't weird me out as much as Equius+Nepeta stuff. The former may be human genetics incest (if they reproduced), but the latter feels like the perverse intimacy we mean by incest. Unlike the humans, these moirails love each other like family, they grew up together.

The equivalent would be Jane Sassacre and Jake Harley jumping bones, or Jade English climbing Mt. Crocker

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>giving a shit about classpects

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