Shhh, Eda is sleepy. She's a sleepy little owl

Shhh, Eda is sleepy. She's a sleepy little owl.

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I want to cuddle with her and call her mommy while she's asleep

>EDA, I'm ready for my first (official) day of school! Don't let Hooty flop around in the mud again!

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Too late!

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Me and my wife.

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Eda's owl habits in this episode remain the best jokes this show has done.


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hey Eda write PEN15

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I would cuddle and kiss her younger version

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Maybe if the curse is ever broken she'll get that firey red hair back.

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I thought owl demon Eda was terrifyingly cute.

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yup, her tiny ass is great

can't wait for the other students to flirt with her "as the joke" under the showers. She should be molested in that locker room so hard.

next episode promo shown during a TOH rerun

Attached: The Owl House mid-season finale promo 3152020 - YouTube.png (850x480, 374.49K)

Yeah! I would love it.

me on the right

While Gus grew on me since last episode, I'd prefer the original trio with King and Eda. Mostly since Willow is trash.

>Beast Eda
At least the B-plot will actually be interesting and important to the story.

>Owl Eda and King B-plot
Nice. Also Owlbert doesn’t deserve any disrespect Gus and Willow are leading Luz down the wrong path. Shitty friends.

100% team spirit

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looks boring af to be honest. Are there really people who watch it for the plot and not for the sexy brown loli?

>Eda AIDS monster again

Even with a sub-plot the crew is that zero creativity?

Fuck this show

>Mid-season finale
At that point just call it two separate seasons.

More like Tight amirite?

My balls.

Yeah Gus and Willow are bad eggs. Amity is right to look down on them.

>splits Eda and Luz up AGAIN
>even though it involves Eda's staff
i hate this fucking show. give us teacher & pupil shenanigans already I don't fucking care about Luz' stupid classmates at all.

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this show would be much better if it focused on Luz and Amity with Eda and King being just suppor characters


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Tenchi just got back from school!

Uh hello? Based department?

God I hate the fact this is gonna be a school show now.

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>vore AND mind control
They get it.

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any art fags want to draw Luz dressed like this?

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Luz is supposed to be a witch remember?

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She just has to stop trying to vore her friends and foes and her Demon form would be a massive improvement on how she normally acts.

Nice to see the Bat Demon again. Looks like shes going to be about as important as that one guy.

Replace the voring with the maternal drive to keep Luz and King in her nest for their protection.

I now wish to see owl demon Eda in a falcon's hood crushing Luz's arm as she sits on it.

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Am I the only one that wants to see Hootie lynched? I don't even hate him, I just want him to suffer.

Ciclops are for bullying.

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He just needs to shut up and learn how to read a room.

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Cyclops are a mistake. I'd spend hundreds of dollars to buy her a VR headset just so I could laugh for a couple hours straight.

I want Luz to suffer, she's a little shit and she deserves it

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Is anyone else a little disappointed that the writers dropped the "weirdos don't have to fit in" theme of the show by letting Luz go to school? Seems really early to just abandon the whole premise for Eda and Luz's relationship. Especially since we have yet to see Eda even once attempting to sit down and train Luz.

If her vore fetish only rears its disgusting head because she's hungry, maybe feeding her would allow those maternal instincts she (re?)awakened with th Bat Babies.

So... the ones with dark skin are dark elves?

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Seems like it guts the premise of the show. Might as well call it "Hexside" instead of "Owl House"

They'll do another 180 probably. Just because Eda got Bump to not rat them out doesn't mean others wont. All it'll take is for amity to transform into a tomato or lilith to show up and their cover is blown.

I always knew Gus was evil.

So now we have orange bush as well as green bush, what colour do you think is next?

There is no orange bush.

Young Eda is rocking it and you can’t convince me otherwise

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Young Eda doesn't count till there's a time travel episode.

Has the writing improved? First 6 episodes were bland and retarded, don't know if I should watch further

It's only gotten worse.

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it's a bad show