Why isn't Blade more prominent in the Marvel Universe? His movies were big and they're fondly remembered...

Why isn't Blade more prominent in the Marvel Universe? His movies were big and they're fondly remembered, but he barely has a presence in the comics.

To this day he has less than 300 appearances in comics.

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he just joined the avengers so its something

And he's leading Strikeforce.

He's in the Avengers what more do you want.

He's in Aaron's Avengers and he's in Strikeforce.

Horror and gothic themed comics are something of a niche, even Ghost Rider

Just be happy Bendis left to DC before he got to replace Blade with his long lost teenage daughter.
Yeah, that was planned

Every time they tried to do something with him, it never worked out. Since the movies he's had several solos but they never lasted.

But like you said, his movies are fondly remembered, so even if it fails they'll try again in a few years.

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by seeley

Who hasn't?

>Horror and gothic themed comics are something of a niche, even Ghost Rider
>Ghost Rider/Blade/Moon Knight fight Mephisto’s army full of Vampires, Demons, Zombies, and Werewolves.

Marvel has literally no fucking idea what to do with their monster and monster adjacent characters. None of em get much use.

I think the main problem is they refuse to just have all their monsters and shit just live out in the open (other than the predatory ones) in order to retain some semblance of similarity to the real world for their society when really they should have monsters and robots and aliens and inter-dimensional travelers and mutates and cyborgs just littering their streets.

Drop the Masquerade, Marvel, it's not doing you any favors.

Most of the X-Men.

Only because there are something like 300 X-Men.

The problem is mutants. If Marvel dropped the Masquerade then they'd need to answer why people are shitting on the mutants when vampires and werewolves are roaming about. And god forbid the entirety of the X-franchise revolve around something other than a poor metaphor for minorities.

sounds cool but it's not going to make them prominent or whatever

A team book isn't going to fix the characters being niche.

>The problem is mutants
X-gene mutants already make no fucking sense. Nobody fucking gives 2 shits about Inhumans despite them also being mutants. In fact, there has literally been a scene where an Inhuman was under attack by an anti-mutant person and then they explained they were an Inhuman and were let off.

And this is on top of mutants somehow making negative social progress after decades of trying to find acceptance. It's basically torture porn at this point. Seriously, the long term message of the x-men franchise is that oppressed minorities will face endless suffering and death with no hope for a better future.
>a poor metaphor for minorities.
All actual minorities have somehow made more social progress than mutants over the years. I don't care if it takes a reality warp or what, but just have them get social acceptance except for a few racist assholes and have those assholes ALSO hate other kinds of mutants.

But as previously stated, this really has fuck all to do with dropping the Masquerade because nobody gives 2 shits about non-x-gene mutants, let alone non-mutant non-humans.

He's a damn vampire hunter. Exactly how bad do you think the bloodsucker problem is? Blade is kind of a niche thing.

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>Seriously, the long term message of the x-men franchise is that oppressed minorities will face endless suffering and death with no hope for a better future.
When you have assholes like Magneto and Apocalypse, yeah.

Blade feels like one of those characters who works better in his own universe, like Punisher

Inhumans literally dropped a WMD on New York and New Jersey, erasing Hell's Kitchen from the map and killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, out of pure LAZINESS of all things, and are still regarded well within the public at large.

Mutants are hated because Marvel civilians are sociopathic potatoes written to hate mutants, look scared, and die in events.

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Doesn't he hunt other monsters too when they fuck with people?

Medusa was using empathy and telepaths to subtly brainwash the population into liking inhumans.

I think Marvel has tried to make him a jack of all trades supernatural slayer but who the fuck cares? He's still going to be Blade The Vampire Hunter to everyone. It's not like Moon Knight or Ghost Rider where they can do other things besides fight werewolves and demons. Blade loses all around, and even Morbius has more pull than him

Even if that would make sense it wouldn't make sense.

The vast majority of telepaths are x-gene mutants. That was literally a plot point at one point (SHIELD couldn't find one to save their lives when mutants got pissy). For some reason that particular superpower skews hard x-gene.

Marvel never knew what to do with their vampire characters after Marv Wolfman left

>and are still regarded well within the public at large.
Are they? Didn't they fuck off to space after that?

I was speaking in metatextual terms but sure.

There have been 2 major attempts by vampires to make a power play against humanity within the past 10 years. Given Marvel's compressed and sliding timeline, that's two major vampire uprisings back to back in less than 3 years in-universe.

With all the retcons that have been done over the years, at this point the only major X-Men adversaries not directly or indirectly linked to mutants themselves are the Purifiers and Mojo.

it's not bad writing civilians, its redpilled.
mutants are minorities, and inhumans are minorities that stay in their own godamn country, or atleast try to.

That's also specifically a retcon. Telepathy is a learnable skill in the Marvel universe, and can be induced both technologically and mystically on top of that.

He wasn't replaced, he was going to be her mentor. I remember some anons were actually interested in it. Imagine a character existing then not not existing because the comic got cancelled. That's a weird type of limbo shit.

>Didn't they fuck off to space after that?
No. They rebuilt their kingdom in the middle of the blast zone after basically threatening war if they weren't allowed to do it despite that being US soil. This later caused New York City to be invaded by another kingdom of flying feral Inhumans turned into insane monsters by the bomb.

ZERO fucks given by the US government and their fleet of nuclear armed helicarriers and the public at large treated them as the second coming of Jesus for the super power lottery they unleashed upon the world with the bomb despite the fact that it was far more likely to kill you, turn you into a warped abortion of a human, or give you a useless or harmful superpower, than give you anything useful, and even if you got useful you'd probably end up turbo fugly.

You want to know the real reason? Medusa was perfectly willing to sign trade agreements with the world. The X-Men horde their shit, Forge's supertech, Shi'ar tech, future tech, even Mojoverse shit, and won't let anyone but them touch it. Also the vast majority of people were completely unaffected by the cloud, and if you were affected you and your family got to move to a sweet-ass high-tech city.

Because he is mainly a vampire hunter. Same reason Ghost Rider isn't as important nor prominent in the comics. Neither are your traditional heroes and both usually deal with actual monsters.

>Also the vast majority of people were completely unaffected by the cloud
They ERASED HELL'S KITCHEN. FFS, this was 9/11 times a thousand. Do you honestly think we wouldn't have invaded Afghanistan after 9/11 if they promised us future tech? Of fucking course not. We'd have invaded, wiped out their army, killed as many scape goats as we could without turning the public against us, and then pardoned anyone that could give us future technology and secreted them away to new lives in the states in exchange for that technology no matter how horrible their crimes.

America has a system.

Blade is the reason bloodsuckers aren't a problem.

Hell's Kitchen had already been destroyed during Dark Reign, it's what led directly into Shadowland. Also considering the mutants got a pass for Inferno, which makes Inhumanity look like nothing, it's just par for the course.

Blade's like Hellboy. He's not really a traditional superhero. He's good to have on hand if you got a Blackula problem but putting him next to Hulk or Ironman just sort of ruins the appeal.

Hopefully his next appearance is ganking Morlun so there isn't a Spider-verse 3.

Blade's a Spidey fanboy and Morlun's a cancerous vampiric Spider villain so it works out.

China hates vampires and the supernatural and Marvel comics are a testing ground for movie concepts.

>Marvel comics are a testing ground for movie concepts.

I like Blade, but he's a character that should only care about vampires, which doesn't lead into making him anything but C level.

It’s hard to make vampires out to be a big deal when the universe is destroyed and saved by Richards every two years or so.

>nhumans literally dropped a WMD on New York and New Jersey, erasing Hell's Kitchen from the map and killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, out of pure LAZINESS of all things, and are still regarded well within the public at large.
So you're just lying
Xfags man

Do you guys think dc should start a comic book series talking about meta humans?


This is why nobody likes you muties, you're always pointing the finger at someone else.
>aw why you gotta hate me mugga it dem dam moonies from outer space what did it yessir I a good boy dindu nuffin

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Besides, vampires were extinguished from Earth, like... at least twice?

Put in context, vampires have managed to survive two separate complete genocides of their population within 20 years, in-universe. If anything, vampires are the most successful subspecies of humanity in the MU and make the mutants look like chumps.

Inferno had a time reset at the end so that it "never" happened and/or everyone figured it was a bad dream at best.

Wait what? Not him, but I don't recall that time reset.

Canonically everything thinks Inferno was one giant shared delusion, which doesn't make much sense considering its incredibly high death toll and effects that lasted after the event.

That's what I was told the last time I brought that up. I'm not really sure why I never finished reading inferno..
Jesus christ. well now I can at least start bringing up the time the Cyclops being a bad husband literally summoned Hell into New York. Even the first few pages of inferno was the stuff of nightmares. I can only see everyone pretending it was a delusion to stop from going insane.

I mean, the prologue has some blokes getting eaten by a demon elevator.

Also Scott thought Maddie was dead and the writers turned her into a crazy bitch.

It's a shame that Marvel comics has really toned down the bizarreness of hell. Everything about inferno was creepy/disturbing as fuck while nowadays they just dump some brimstone in the background and call it a day.

The thing I love best about Inferno is that it is a major comic event written for the sole purpose of telling readers that it was a good thing that Cyclops abandoned his wife and child to fuck his ex-girlfriend. It'd be like if instead of using Cosmic Cube bullshit to retcon Secret Empire they instead wrote another event where it was revealed that everyone murdered by HYDRA was a child molester.

I wasn't even reading comics back then and even i'm salty about what they did to Maddy. It's just so over the fucking top.

>that tattoo + placement

To be fair, that's Limbo, not hell. I actually can't tell which is supposed to be worse.
Maybe Limbo would tone it down if they had to deal with Ghost Rider as often.

Limbo is a hell dimension with a Hell Lord. It's still a hell at its core.