Why do you nerds love goth girls so much

Why do you nerds love goth girls so much

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For the same reason that you keep making these goth threads.

This is the first goth thread i have ever made

Cody, the simp the fandom pretends is a chad

Fuck off retard.

I said nothing false and you know it

Would they be woo'd by Cody's manly charms?

Because goth girls are losers and loners and weirdos too, so they're perceived as much more attainable than those pretty popular girls.

But also, if they aren't fat and don't have bad skin, most of them are attractive enough to be those popular girls.

Has a nerd ever got together with a goth

I have a 3.14 qt goth gf irl.

Also she was wearing her hair like this years before Billie Irish so shut up.

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No, it has never happened in the entirety of existence. You fucking mong.

Pic unrealted right?

Me but only because I'm a decade older and she has daddy issues.

/blog, don't be hatin cuz you're jelly

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>implying there aren’t people who don’t want someone as disingenuous as a Stacy and want someone more down to earth

How is Cody a nerd?

Damn I don't wanna wait that long to become appealing to troubled girls
I want it while I'm still young and full of semen.

Nerd in the sense he's a dorky manlet spaz.
Then just be attractive.

No way about it I'm afraid.

>posting your actual gf on Yas Forums

Dude what the hell? Don't do shit like that.

Post bare feet.

Bro are you me? I'm 10 years older than my goth GF and she HATES her family. I'm thinking about asking her to move in with me but I've lived alone for so long and she's been worried she's been spending too much time with me and it'll scare me off. I'm debating stripping down one of the spare rooms and telling her to do whatever she wants with it, just so she feels welcome.

She doesn't mind.

I can see a goth guy and a nerdy girl working together

>Then just be attractive.
If I could do that I wouldn't be on Yas Forums.
I'd be posting snapchat selfies on /soc/

>Nerd in the sense he's a dorky manlet spaz.
Cody's not that bad

Most because nerds projecting cliches onto Goth girls learned from pop culture that they're off norm standards will make them both interesting and exotic while more down to earth and accepting of their weird ways. So basically they just want a cool hot chick and deluded themselves into thinking Goth chicks have a lower chance of rejecting them.

Are you in PA?

How old are you two

>I want it while I'm still young and full of semen.
Well actually the testicles will keep producing semen until you die

absolutely give it a try, i know i would take that offer immediately if my bf asked me. and you never know for sure if you're actually a good match until you start living together anyway.

What about a goth becoming less gothy and more nerdy?



Not that user, but quit being homophobic

...uh yeah.
Kind of scary how that's spot on.

Post her tits so we can get this thread back on topic.

I say that when there are obviously women posting as a joke.

Because nerds think Goth girls are outcasts like them, not knowing they do it by choice.

Which side of PA?

Girls can't actually be losers and weirdos, user, especially if they're in any way, shape or form attractive.

Not all nerds are outcasts.
Most are but not all.

Eh, near Philly.
Where I live is close enough that I can get to Delaware in an hour

This post was written by a woman.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha get a life.

shut up f*moid

Not all women are bad

All people are bad.
Women are people.
Therefore all women are bad.

nerds like goth girls because they secretly want to be dominated by hot scary women wearing black, just like you

No him but I sure as fuck don't keep it a secret.

Is this why Spinel got so popular? Cuz she’s kinda goth?

good for you

That's not too far from where I'm at.

Not the user you're responding to, but do you think the opposite dom/sub dynamic (dom nerd) is possible?

How did you know?!

Better get to it.

Contrary to the gif I do actually find that interesting, but I don't actually know a good way to respond to that.

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Don't get me wrong, I liked Gwen but the other girls were super underrated because of her. This goth gf shit needs to stop, it's putting other waifus out on the streets.

But goth gfs are superior.

We all know the real Chad is Harold.


nerds and goths are outcasts who feel ousted by the social dogma.

user, I have a question for you, though: Do you have black hair?

Cody's the Chad, but I respect Harold

seething incel

seething roasties

I'm neither of the anons you responded to and I'm a guy. This is sad


point proven

Ddoes she stomp on you with those bbbotts? Askin for a friend of course hehe

I also have dark skin, you didn't ask but I may as well put that out there.

>This is sad
>allegedly a guy typed this

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