When was the last time a Dr. Doom book made into the New York Times best sellers?

When was the last time a Dr. Doom book made into the New York Times best sellers?

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Where did Dr. Doom touch you?

Funny how a book about Harley Quinn being madly in love with THE JOKER is a big success among woman.

That's downplaying the narrative of the book. The book is about Harleen's descent into being a villain. Of which the Joker is the catalyst. But he was only taking advantage of Harley's deteriorating mental health brought about by her social atomisation and her job which routinely put her in contact with insane people. It's no surprise that this is a best seller. This comic book touches upon a lot of the same issues that Joker did.

This is 50 Shades of Green

Nice try.




It's just a Mad Love retelling isn't it?

It's a more in-depth retelling of Mad Love but it's still very well done. Also Tommy can go fuck himself with his Doom autism. Nobody cares

Pretty much this.

Meanwhile, what Dr. Doom offers? Silly Doomwank with DOOOOOOOM beating up Mephisto, in hell, using brazillian jiu jutsu.

And Yas Forums wonders why the world doesn't worship Dr. Doom like this board does. Who in their right minds would waste their money on garbage like this?

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This is what your life has become.

It's surprisingly well-written and has so much more than that. I'd say the Harvey Dent stuff is a bigger focus for most of the comic.

Ignoring OPs Doom faggotry, Harleen is indeed deserving of the praise. It's actually one of the best Harley stories out there, as well as the Dini mini "Harley Loves Joker".

It's because it celebrates being a perv watching mentally ill in their sleep

Not nearly enough BDSM for that.

Being a NYT bestseller is like winning the championship belt in an indie wrestling fed

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"Isley" comes next. I wouldn't be surprised if it sell just as well as "Harleen", Ivyfags have outgrown Harleyfags, believe it or not. DC is sleeping on Ivy.

Stjepan leaves messages on "Harleen' reviews on Youtube. His english is still mad broken. Whoever is editing his books is doing a damn good job.

>Being a NYT bestseller is like winning the championship belt in an indie wrestling fed
Well, then what's Dr. Doom's excuse for not being able to achieve that?

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I think it shows people love the character but you need to write her well and its more about normal women turning bad than being intentionally comedic or wacky, her sense of humor is only part of her character.

>"Isley" comes next.
Is it about Harley and Ivy being a lesbian couple? Because if it is, it won't sell as much.

You are so sad.

that never happened though, because we all know Mephisto was locked up in Las Vegas

It's also about the Joker being sexy and driving her into becoming a bad girl. Don't kid yourself. If Joker wasn't there, this wouldn't be a success.

>I wouldn't be surprised if it sell just as well as "Harleen"
I would. People legit don't care about Ivy if she's not Harley's doormat.

Sejic is a hardcore Harley/Ivy shipper. I expect things to be more than just friends between them.
You mean sell more. It's one of the most common ships for the past 20 years.

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Nice try at what?

Wait is Isley the chapter where Ivy helps Harley get away from The Joker?
Well maybe he'll finally write it competently for once

>You mean sell more. It's one of the most common ships for the past 20 years.
It's also the thing that is making Harley Quinn less popular. Only the LGBT crowd care about this ship, but they won't pay for shit.

You know it's gonna flop. Only the internet cares about Harley and Ivy together.

Sejic also wants to do a bunch of shit about Ivy and the Green, it's gonna be a fucking mess.

Let's not kid ourselves, Harleen was great but Weirdly Hot Joker played an enormous part for its success.

Shippers are good at talking but they don't buy shit, see BOP's failure. An Harley/Ivy book would crash and burn and somehow they'd blame it on homophobes.

He's not a bad artist. The Swamp Thing shit with Ivy is weird though

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The thing is DC's woke talent, LGBT "fans", and Harley/Ivy shippers don't want to face is the fact that the one keeping Harley Quinn popular is the Joker. Without the Joker Harley Quinn's no one.

Which is why a lot of Harley Quinn fans are worried as fuck about Punchline being a thing that exists.

Sejic has said he wants this to be a trilogy, with the 2nd part being harley and joker (the first was harleen and joker, not harley). So. We still have time.

The book was all about how the Joker took advantage of a somewhat mentally unstable Harley, not exactly a story celebrating their relationship.

It's still hot, you idiot. That's pretty much every women romance novel.

True. If you really, absolutely, remove the Joker from the equation, Harley is screwed.

>The thing is DC's woke talent, LGBT "fans", and Harley/Ivy shippers don't want to face is the fact that the one keeping Harley Quinn popular is the Joker.
This is why most of Harley's stories involve Joker in some degree

Women don't fantasize about healthy relationships.

Exactly. It was really about Sexy Joker, and the user above was right about 50 Shades of Green. Imagine a movie about this shit, women would flock to the theatres.

>there is still doubt that Harley has become one of the three pillars of DC

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>Shippers are good at talking but they don't buy shit, see BOP's failure
How do those two things correlate exactly? And people avoided BOP because it was poorly advertised and Sonic was the good bad movie of the year.

Even in spite of BOP's failure, suicide squad 2 is probably going to make up for it thanks to James Gunn. Harley's got this weird thing going where she can shake off any failure and just move on to the next attempt.

>And people avoided BOP because it was poorly advertised
It had no Joker, was about Harley Quinn striking on her own as an empowered woman, and was seen as a "girl movie" with all these broads trying to fight the patriarchy.
Meanwhile Suicide Squad was about thugish men and sexy women being bad people and Joker and Harley Quinn being madly in love.

>Even in spite of BOP's failure, suicide squad 2 is probably going to make up for it thanks to James Gunn.
I think that James Gunn's version is going to make less money than Ayer's original Suicide Squad movie did. Gunn's aesthetics is more about colorful characters and zany humor. Things that won't jive with the casuals that loved the Hot Topics version of Suicide Squad that started this whole thing.

It's going to be funny the end-result.

>Harley book FEATURING THE JOKER is a success
>Suicide Squad FEATURING THE JOKER is a success
>Harley books by herself sells poorly
>BOP bombs
>B-b-b-but she's a pillar

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Feels like you're trying to downplay Harley's success by convincing people that it was actually the Joker's influence all along. But, until fairly recently, you could make the same argument about Batman. It really just comes down to you cherry picking.

It's like saying Batman would still sell, if Bruce Wayne quit being Batman and the book was about him being a skier.
Harley sells. Also, Harley's core is being the Joker's bitch. She's connected. You can make a book fully without him appearing, as long as she's pining for him and it'll sell.

Checked, but don't tell them. Harleyfags will deny this on their deathbeds.

>That's pretty much every women romance novel.

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Harley Quinn started to become a huge success with the casual audience thanks to the Arkham games where the Joker was a huge presence and Harley Quinn remains madly in love with him even after his death in the first game.
Suicide Squad movie made men and women fall in love with her because she was sexy as fuck in that and because the movie made hers and Joker romance as something truly romantic where both are crazy for each other. Jared Leto's Joker acted as your typical tsundere male character in an otome game where the character is inexplicably in love with the main character, but tries to deny it because he can't handle the idea.

Now BoP movie, which is the first major outing Harley Queen had as an independent and empowered woman who's trying to break free from the awful Joker in something that isn't comics was a huge bomb. Even the recent cartoon isn't talked much outside of here.

Is he the lesbian bondage guy?

Good ol' Sejic.


That's not like saying that at all. The only comparison to your example would be if Harleen Quinzel stopped being Harley Quinn and got a job as a waitress.

>Harley's got this weird thing going where she can shake off any failure and just move on to the next attempt
That's pretty much DC in general

True but Gunn's movie might make more because the movie will probably actually be good

No, it'd be if Harleen Quinzel got over the joker.
Or if Bruce Wayne kept being Batman but repurposed Batman to be a costumed themed waiter.
Harley Queen is her jokerlust. When that's gone, she's only Harley in name.


Skipping straight from Arkham games to Suicide Squad is cherry picking. Do you think there weren't successful products, with Harley Quinn, outside of those? Small success to be sure. But they add up. Which is why they keep pushing Harley Quinn to begin with.

It will get good reviews like the Guardians movies

You keep trying to push a weird analogy that doesn't work.

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It doesn't work in your mind because you're being deliberately obtuse or a genuine idiot.
Harley over the Joker is Batman not fighting crime.

Before the New 52 relaunch Harley Quinn was very much still Joker's lover. The Gotham City Sirens ends with Harley Quinn telling Poison Ivy to fuck-off because she's just as controlling as the Joker and Harley would rather be with the Joker, because at the very least Joker's still her love. The reboot happened in 2011 and this was when the Arkham games were already a success and Harley Quinn was growing in popularity, which is why that for the relaunch they had her as one of the main characters in the Suicide Squad comic.

BoP got good reviews too.

Harley Quinn has more commercial appeal, since she first appeared in cartoons and doesn't have a lot of hard to get into backstory, plus she allows girls to cosplay as a female Joker, and Joker's one of the most popular comic book characters and is always one of the best villains in Batman movies and media. Anything with her prints money, except the Birds of Prey movie, because nobody cares about Birds of Prey and the movie seems convoluted for a way to tie into her as solo movie when it's not really a solo movie.

No. Batman not fighting crime is Harley not doing crime. You're trying to force an analogy that doesn't work inside the context that was originally given.

The analogy is dumb anyway because Batman doesn't need to be tied to any other character, whereas Harley Quinn entire character is being a normal girl that turned crazy and bad because the Joker was THAT charming.