So what do you expect from the upcoming Animaniacs reboot?

so what do you expect from the upcoming Animaniacs reboot?

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Shit ton of porn and good music

Shit. Just terrible, awful shit.

A wave of off-model Dot porn and a couple months of Yas Forums spam because an episode tried and failed to be "woke" with a trans/lesbian/whatever character being put on a pedestal.
I like to keep my expectations low.

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I just want Katy to go back to making more Camp Weedonwantcha strips.

It's gonna be shit, isn't it?

I expect them to remove Hello Nurse, Minerva Mink, insult Trump, and shit on fans of the old Animaniacs.

Animaniacs was never good


If all we get is a calarts version we will be lucky.

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I want Yakko to lose his original pants and temporarily replace them with overalls. He temporarily changes his accent as a result.

>Implying the Old Animanians wouldn't have taken the absolute piss out Donald Trump being the President.

Rub that salt out of your eyes, bitches, don't act like we don't have Looney-Toons tier CEO in the White House. Everything else is spot on though, I'll miss Mink and the Nurse.

>don't act like we don't have Looney-Toons tier CEO in the White House
I won't mind a little gentle ribbing or even a cutaway, but if there's a skit where they just spend 10 minutes roasting Trump, then I'm going to be sick. I'm just tired of Trump in general and the same old jokes about him being orange and having bad hair. Plus, any Apprentice jokes would already be outdated.

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The mods to delete this and any thread referencing it.

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Dot upskirt

Wakko and Yakko to kiss passionately while Dot watches

One of the characters is gonna be LGBT

If they have to do this and assuming it has to be one of the main five bisexual Pinky makes the most sense to me
Hope it wouldn't be Dot as "another lesbian" is boring

Please tell me that this is fake

user use critical thinking of course it's fake

I expect Pinky and the Brain to be gay married.
Rita to be trans(species) and Runt to get VERY upset whenever someone calls her a cat.
The Goodfeathers are now a diverse set of birds.
Skippy to be in love with a non-squirrel.
Buttons will still chase Mindy but instead of keeping her safe everything he does only results in his own pain.
Ralph will be a Trump or Expy of Trump supporter. Red hat and all.

I mean the original show was so loose and had so many dips in quality, it's pretty hard to fail rebooting it no matter how lazy you are.

Plus the whole reason for the reboot is to cash in on nostalgia, and that doesn't exactly set a high bar.

Ralph the Guard is already a cross-dresser at least. In the original show and Tiny Toons there was a bit of that Ren & Stimpy-esque homoerotic stuff with big fat guys, but I'm sure that won't carry over because cute lesbians and cute twinks are the way to make money.

What;s the sjw aspect with the warners

I hope they make Yakko trans.

Dot was born male.

>of course it's fake
For now.

I expect not to watch it because reboots are trash by low-IQ swine who cannot come up with anything new, original or interesting which is why they cling to tired old trash and force sailor moon and 8-bit shit into everything if they can.

I don't.



more frames of their cute feet for me to do you know what with

I like how Yas Forums automatically assumes the worst with politics and trends

Safe, sterile and unoffensive jokes. Somebody will get offended on behalf of someone else anyway.

I expect Famicom to come back at some point.

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Yeah. It would be really bad if they had an episode with 11 minutes of the warners just stalking and harassing a celebrity. That would be a total betrayal of everything Animaniacs stands for.

I expect the Animaniacs reboot pander to the WOKE crowd via by what this user said Though, I hope this doesn't happen.

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We're zany to the max, while The Donald pays no tax!

It just be the Anamaniacs/Pinky and the Brain show (And Slappy and the Goodfeathers if we're lucky)

I expect and hope for the segments that nobody watched or liked to get tossed
>Katie Kaboom
>Hip Hippos
>maybe Rita and Runt but that’s just me being a tasteless bitch
>Goodfeathers since it’s basically one joke
>that kid that comes out of the house to say shit then says I bye

Would that even be a bad thing?
Some people care for slappy but how many people cared for anything outside the Warners and PATB

I expect they'll remove Minerva Mink and the Nurse and they'll use the "Too problematic" excuse and then act like they don't exist.

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Trump jokes and other liberal drivel

at least two characters will be gay

>at least two characters will be gay


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They're probably animating it right now.


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There's one person here who claimed Wakko was going to be into men while still also being his typical hello nurse chasing self
I'm thinking it was a larp but hey who knows what can happen

>because an episode tried and failed to be "woke"
If you can predict it then why be a massive faggot about if it happens?

Pinky & the brain will finally get married

What's going to happen is there's going to be literally no sjw/political messages but Yas Forumsfags aka famicom will try to find any little detail and blow it out of proportion and out of context just because tms isn't animating this

The what?

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Yas Forums's known about this for a couple of years by now, supposedly it's releasing at some point in 2020 on hulu.

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Reminder Yakko supports transgenders

More black and Hispanic characters, Dot is now the only competent and cool one, and the art style makes everyone look like a hipster. Also muh slice of life.

>Plus, any Apprentice jokes would already be outdated.
do you really think that’s the only thing worth mocking about him

The reason why everyone is sick of Trump roasting isn’t because he’s some sacred cow, it’s because it’s a low hanging fruit that overtakes literally everything. I didn’t even vote for the guy and I immediately give up whenever “muh bad orange man” shows up anywhere because it always details everything.
Look at the Harvey Birdman special. They made Bush jokes before but still kept the show going, but that special was just embarrassing.

>cute twinks
They already have one on Animaniacs, user. You’ve seen Pinky right


I could see this honestly

Don't forget Yakko

The same people that whine about Trump jokes being “low hanging fruit” are always the same fucking people that complain about comedy being “too PC” because you can’t casually throw around the word “faggot” anymore
pick one

Were there any 11 minute segments of them mocking Clinton? I don't mean like a small gag but a full segment? If so, then I retract my previous statement.