Has Yas Forums seen the cartoon Our Cartoon President?

Has Yas Forums seen the cartoon Our Cartoon President?

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yeah its pretty good

Enter's video right?
it's kinda surprising this cartoon didn't get much discussion here.

I like Amy Klobuchar in this, it portrays her psychopathic tendencies very well

No. Around 2018 I cut out pretty much all political nonsense from my life. The deluge of it was too obnoxious.

it makes fun of our god emperor so we don't talk about it

It makes fun of everyone though, hell most of the current season has been about the Democrats.

Really it’s a smart move and gives the show a better chance of staying power

I do wish the episodes were more easily accessible though

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>oranje man bad
>war criminal lady married to child rapist would be better

The orange man is a child rapist.

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>10. DC Super Hero Girls
>9. Mr. Pickles
>8. Brickleberry
>7. Bunsen is a Beast
>6. Our Cartoon President
How much do you suppose these irritated people?

You really haven't watched the show, have you? They shit on everyone.

>our god emperor
This is Yas Forums, not Yas Forums user.


Only Superhero Girls infuriated waifufags. No one cares for edgelord shit, randumb shit or political shit. But I am surprised he's put SG below TTG. I think that for all his talk about how you should never apologize for opinions, this is him deliberately backing down on his TTG hate so that people stop associating him with it.

Why is DC Super Hero Girls on the list?

We all know he has Corona, right?
He's not looking that healthy.

I’ll be honest I’ve skipped zero good Trump jokes outside of John Mulaney’s Horse in a hospital bit, so I wasn’t interested in this out of the gate.

Honestly, I don't he hates TTG enough to put it on the list. When he inevitably puts nu-PPG on the other half, I wouldn't be surprised if he mentions Go's alleged impact though.
He accuses it of being sexist on top of poorly written.

Apparently the doctor said he didn’t contract it... but that is most likely bullshit as it just doesn’t add up considering everyone he’s been in contact with has it

You do know they make fun of Hillary as well

Well, his doctors have also said he's at a healthy weight and in perfect health, so I don't really trust them.

Is this the same personal doctor who proclaimed Trump "the healthiest person I have ever examined in my entire life?"

>He's not looking that healthy.
Yeah, he's always looking so healthy.

He's raspy, talking slowly and wearing a huge ballcap low on his head indoors.

I've lived it.

Yeah, he does that sometimes.

liberal political satire sucks so much ass

Nah that guy resigned, he’s the one who had them hide vegetables in his food

the problem is that Trump is such an enigma that he might actually be fine and just wants to do all of that

Remember the 1/2 Hour News Hour? When Fox tried to make its own Daily Show?
Conservative political satire is absolute cringe.

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When does Biden appear?

I know people who have met Klob several times. Apparently she's a generic Boomermom.

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Admittedly if Wall Street suspected he was dying it would probably jump a few thousand points.


>Trump is such an enigma
Trump is about as complicated as a 3 yr-old.

You forgot TTGO and Thundercats Roar

Xir Gxd Emperxir

He seriously thinks DC Super Hero Girls is one of the worst cartoons of the decade?

He’s been in it quite a bit as of late he’s played as a cocky nonsensical old man

Incorrect. He didn't address either show in the video. Whether he will in part 2 is yet to be seen.


How much do you bet these shitters will be on his list? Robotomy was good, but the other shows are fucking garbage.

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Only part 1 is out

conservatism is functional satire so I wouldn't even consider it

It probably won't be long now. Give it a week.
Then again, people usually post a video in two parts so the first part tides them over until part 2, so who knows.
Problem Solverz, definitely. It is the show he claims gave him myopia.
The others, I doubt it.

No it's not.
No he is not.
No it isn't.
No it isn't.

All I’m reading from you is

>>Wah Wah I’m a giant baby who has no sense of humor and believes the rantings of a fake millionaire serial rapist con man

Not an argument x4.

>"congratulations to senator Sanders on his victory tonight, it's clear now it's a two man race between me and Donald Trump"

It's surprisingly funny and less #Resist than I would've guessed from just looking at it

Dumb Biden story.

My doctor and him were bros in the 70s when he was the county coroner. I don't know how that adds up, but whatever. Apparently they were best buds until he caught Biden taking kickbacks over some kind of zoning thing for a Post Office, and when he got called out Biden just kind of laughed it off.

Just sharing that.

Does Colbert voice Trump? I want to give the show a shot, but I can't stand his Trump voice.

It's funny, but they have to rely less on vocal humor. People talk too much in this show, and really loudly too.

>implying conservatives can make jokes that aren't raciest or sexist

>I can't stand his Trump voice.
It's rather close to the real thing.

All boards are Yas Forums, tourist.

>Does Colbert voice Trump?
Nope, the only voice Colbert does on the show is Wolf Blitzer

The guy who does Trump is Jeff Bergman, he’s been the voice of Bugs Bunny for the most part since Blancs Death

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>being this new
Sure kid.

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Reminder that if you came here after '06 you don't belong.

It's got the airy quality, but it's not harsh enough, it goes too much into like, retard voice territory. While he's a retard, he needs to be more nasal and like he's kind of pissed at you no matter how calmly he speaks.

Kill yourself, faggot. Nobody likes your stupid board and your guy will be dead of Coronavirus in a few weeks.

My reply will be deleted. Yours wont because the mod here is a batshit leftist. Screencap it

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Then why are you here?

Because I've been coming here since before you were born.