Kevin Smith BTFOS ClownfishTV for lying and trying to create fake outrage

Kevin Smith BTFOS ClownfishTV for lying and trying to create fake outrage

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ClownfishTV is the biggest fucking liar in town and one person who absolutely deserves to be dragged by creators and other industry people.

When no outrage just make your own.

>way metal
Already lost a letter grade.

When I think Kevin Smith, metal doesn't really come to mind. Not even stoner metal.

And then clownfish made a nearly 20-minute video over this tweet and made himself out to be the victim.
Some people are just fucking maggots

Are you fucking serious.

I hate to give his videos a view but LOL.

Or Clownfish is right and Kevin Smith is deflecting like the Witcher writers did when they got accused of making The Woker.

Fuck off, Kevin. Nobody likes you ever since you went full "woke".

>an insider gave us a rumor
>if this is true...

To be fair CFTV did ammend the claim.

>Or Clownfish is right

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I trust Kneon and Geeky way more than I trust Kevin Smith .
And usually they are right on their videos .
This woke nonsense must stop .
lets see what Smith will really do with Teela on his He-man version ,.

Retards like Clownfish don't know anyone who's actually in the industry.
They just make shit up for views.

Kevin defended Birds of Prey. His concept of "metal" and "not stepping aside" may not be on the same wavelength as the non-woke.

Except for the 99% of the rest of their content which has a proven track record.

>I trust Kneon and Geeky

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Will this version of Teela suck 37 dicks?

This. For He-Man I'm cautiously optimistic.

I'll admit that's possible, and I'm not a fan of Kevin Smith at all, but Clownfish's record in regards being correct and not totally blowing things out of proportion is 0%. There's like five videos right at the top of his page right now with thumbnails depicting Disneyland on fire accompanied by Mickey Mouse recoiling in horror, all because the parks are closed due to Coronavirus (like every other non-essential place of business is) and that their stock value decreased dramatically (like everyone else's stocks did). It's just so exasperating how relentless he is about making shitty fake outrage clickbait bullshit.

Like what?

Yeah, a soiboi fake outrager has a "proven track record".

>retard screams at other retard on twitter
>somehow this is Yas Forums

It's funny how everyone defending clownfish keeps using buzzwords like woke.
You know like the channels comment section

Who the fuck is Clownfish?

Are you doing a bit, or are you seriously, se-ri-ous-ly defending Clownfish content. He's the lowest of the low, even silly people like Mr. Enter are at least honest when they ramble autistically about how much they don't like a Spongebob episode.

Did ClownfishTV touch you in the wrong places?

>triggered over comedically over the top thumbnails on a YouTube video.
Careful. That Pewdiepie thumbnail with his eyes glowing doesn't mean he's actually turning into a demon, user.

some e-celeb. this is why hiro needs to make an e-celeb containment board for threads like this.

I notice how you didn't answer any of the questions

Looks like Disney found their way to Yas Forums. I'm sorry that channel has been dogging on you the last few months. To be honest though, the Star Wars films were garbage.

So we have either autistic fanboys of clownfish or the people themselves here.

The video regarding the stocks has a title claiming the decline in value may have been due to "INVESTORS CALLING OUT DISNEY'S HYPOCRISY?!".

It's not done for comedy's sake you grotty little weasel.

Which entertainment news YouTuber do you recommend then?

Should you really be insinuating that you molest people?

Yeah he's a total faggot and on his twitter he tried to hide behind those CNN fake news style ways of saying, how he didn't lie, that that was why he used words like, "alleged". He's such a fag and I'm glad Kevin shit on him.

>"Also, @RealClownfishTV? Instead of posting your faux “insider” info, here’s a *real* story: @Mattel made a behind-the-scenes video featuring our actors recording. So a fan took some of Mark & Lena’s dialogue and spliced them into old Filmation clips. "

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the only thing kevin smith has ever btfo is his heart

It's almost certainly them, I can't imagine one of those children or mentally stunted 30-somethings from their comments section lurking around here waiting for the chance to defend the honor of their industry insider LARP videos. Fascinating, honestly. They showed up quick as a wink.

It was a video on how some shareholders called for more transparency in just who Disney is giving money to and the SEC whistleblower.
It's thumbnail is Mickey sweating.
It's an appropriate title to the video. Why so triggered? You have a lot of Disney stock, sadboi?

>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Mattel Inc.

Technically that didn't BTFO since he managed to get to a hospital in time for it to be saved. And now he's been eating healthier and working out and all that jazz.

>Kevin's Twitter reply pointed out old Filmation edit that had absolutely nothing to do with what they were talking about
I think whatever made him drop 300 lbs is affecting Kevin's brain as well.

I notice that's worded very similarly to the video description, and also carefully ignores why the stock was actually declining two fucking days ago during a worldwide virus pandemic trapping people inside their homes.

How do you miss the point that hard?

>people who frequent Yas Forums like cartoons
>follow a popular channel that complains about people ruining classic cartoons

They did mention the pandemic in the video. It's just that in other videos they can't mention it by name because they're afraid that the videos may get demonetized or something like that.

Fuck up Kneon you dickless reject.

What was the point? They were talking about the cartoon possibly being woke regarding Teela and Kevin pointed out in his follow-up tweet that someone took dialogue featuring Skeletor and a henchman and stuck it to old cartoon footage.
They had nothing to do with one another and everyone was confused wtf he was even bringing that clip up for.

Yeah, I'm sort of surprised why a chunkful of Yas Forums hate them.

Then again they also love She-Ra and Carol Danvers.

>fuck up Kneon you dickless reject
Getting so mad, you can't even type straight. lol
Stay mad, shill.

They mention it and claim "yeah we know that's happening but Disney stock is plummeting WAAAY worse, Disney is like 12% and other people are like 10% wooooaaaAAOOOOAAAOOOOAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

he touched my recommendations and wasted 10 minutes of my life with his "videos"

Shouldn't you be breastfeeding your child?

Yeah, a lot of Yas Forums who would trash on that channel are faggots into the new She-Ra garbage and various woke nonsense.. Likely why they're illogically losing their shit and started this thread.

You must be one of the people who think the flu is worse than the coronavirus.

In a row?

So yes you're confirming you're a retard.
The point was there was actually official stuff of the series released and instead of talking about that clownfish wants to peddle rumours

I believe you misunderstood me. Perhaps you should make a video about it.

Give it up we know it's you.

clownfish btfo

Who the fuck am I shilling. I told YOU to FUCK UP.

go back to posting your shitty clickbait cartoon videos

Wait I'm confused. Doesn't Clownfishtv constantly call out woke bullshit regarding stuff like She Ra, Doctor Who, and Terminator? I'm assuming here they just took shit out of context and assumed Kevin was doing the same usual bs?

But he had King Diamond songs in Clerks 2!

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Every She-ra video was lies about it being cancelled. New season came out like days after the last time he made a video about it lmfao.

I' m all in for a metal version of MOTU.

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I'm surprised that came out straight as it was likely pounded with your fists into the keyboard through your tears. lol Jesus

>Doesn't Clownfishtv constantly call out woke bullshit
You mean do they trash things for presenting views not their own and try to sell fake outrage?
Because the answer is yes.

That's an unusually sexy King Hiss...

Ooh, it really got to you.

This. ClownfishTV also has ties to some Yas Forums-tard toy collector named LioConvoy85, who is himself a toady of the youtuber, Michael from Retroblasting, who's a major /cow/ that people talk shit about on /toy/.

Michael and Lio hate new things exclusively no matter what.

Yes, that is the case. The user who started this thread is just ultra butt-hurt over that channel.


>Calling out retards make you butthurt
Sure kid.