Could Amelia Bedelia work as new cartoon show?

after Carmen SanDiego and Where's Waldo? could the idea of Amelia Bedelia work as a cartoon show?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You'll be getting the current-day teenage girl incarnation, you know.

Also Happy Pie day anons

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Yes but Yas Forums would hate it.

Amelia is one of the most transparently obvious cases of autism in fiction. So the only way to make that work is to lean in and make it about her condition. Yas Forums will call it SJW pandering.

First you have to find a simple formula that works. One that incorporates an A-plot and a B-plot in some way that both come together before or at the end of each episode.

For example, the A-plot would be Amelia being tasked with completing a simple chore or some kind of task. Naturally, she misinterprets the wording of the task, and finds that this misinterpretation further escalates into a problem that could threaten the normalcy of wherever she's working. Thus, her new goal is to try and make things as they were before, whether it be recognizing the problem and trying to fix it herself, or trying to cover up that there is a problem.

The B-plot could be as simple as whoever is working with Amelia being asked to distract the client from coming back too soon and see what Amelia has done.

thanks also happy birthday Bedelia user

Attached: amelia pie.png (2000x2000, 3.39M)

I feel like it could work as an educational show if you showed her doing her usual antics and then redid those scenes at the end showing what she should have done instead.

Also: Middle Amelia, best Bedelia.

Wallace Tripp run was the best, fite me if you say otherwise

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Amelia Bedelia reminds me of Cositas in the 80s

Attached: cositas.jpg (820x461, 57.43K)

dont mind me, only doing my obligatory part

Attached: Usual Amelia thread.png (1883x1102, 770.68K)


Attached: What Emilia loves.png (626x674, 370.84K)

Attached: amelia_bedelia_be_a_maid.jpg (614x614, 113.13K)

based and androidpilled

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Emmy is a nanny and Amelia is a maid, there's no need to choose between them.

A maid can be a nanny
Depending on how many you had some would have to multitask

How many I had would depend on if you can impregnate the robot too.

imagine hiring both and having them make out

So they knocj a hole in the wall to build a new exit?

Amelia knocks a wall while Emmy tries to shove her robo tongue down her throat

Same set of instructions:

Amelia takes them literally and does random tasks to "fulfill" request
Emma takes them figuratively and keeps trying to have sex with Amelia

sure, here is how it will look like

Attached: cursed Amelia.png (1178x2046, 888.79K)

Amelia, dont let the thread go

Attached: amelia thread.png (996x780, 132.53K)

Simple, yet effective. I’m surprised that nobody has tried adapting this series on something like PBS.

happy birthday, OP!!!
i don't have any OC (ATM), but here's a piece that a nice user drew for me

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God damn I fucking hate calarts

this is her first and last animated appearance

Attached: 1510304364683.jpg (640x360, 31.38K)


Attached: Amelia and the baby.jpg (330x499, 50.29K)

>nice user drew for me
Aww, t'weren't nuthin', user.
I recently added the nude version on Newgrounds,
if anyone wants to check it out there:

pic your poison

Attached: Amelia Bedelia Calarts v2.png (4096x2048, 2.18M)

3 please.

Not exactly.

Attached: AB filmstrip.png (1172x559, 623.52K)

Is that one actually animated, or just a slideshow of the illustrations from the book?

Sounds excellent to me

Only if she has a muscular black boyfriend and a scrawny white man chasing after her

no please no

1st is unironically okay

3rd. Final answer.

Actual warmth on her face beats tits any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

3, I'm willing to forego tits for a non retarded looking face.

Casual Amelia is good too

Attached: 1490975088570.png (397x1000, 196.6K)

Attached: Amelia grab my dick and run with it.jpg (600x800, 221.83K)

I actually kinda like the third design. That design also feels like a decent enough midpoint between classic Amelia and kid Amelia; she's young looking enough to be full of energy but old enough that her misunderstanding common wordplay is funny.

The Hanna-Barbera eyes don't hurt either.

3: A little simplistic in body shape, but I like the face. I hope she doesn't actually do that pose much though, it looks awkward. Clear winner

2: It's okay. The face is a little blank. I guess this is the one I'd pick if we were doing a DEEPEST LORE show and she's gonna turn out to be a gynoid or something.

1: Go back to hell, please.

Smack dab in the middle for me

Can anyone actually storytime some of these books? I never read them as a kid (guessing they're an American thing) and I have the burning desire to know the sequence of events that led up to Amelia being dressed as a Napoleonic war solider at a baseball game.

>people are mostly choosing what was a fast shitty paint edit
damn you guys really get triggered over bean face

I vaguely recall that she's wearing that because they told her to come in uniform, but didn't specify that it was supposed to be a baseball uniform.

You're right about them being a mostly American thing, since most of the jokes would be lost if translated to any other language.

Okay she definitely took one of the bases or home plate and like stuffed it in her jacket or something right? There's no way you to a literal-interpretation gag baseball game and don't do that joke.

If people were picking 2 over 3, I could see that but there's a lot more differences between 3 and the others than just the face.

That's number 2, surely? That's the one with an MS Paint face drawn over 1. Everyone is picking 3, which is obviously completely redrawn.

Well, I found this. There's no sound, though. Just them showing the book page-by-page.

>There's no sound, though
Did you forget to turn your speakers on? She's reading the book out loud. Thanks user.

The fuck? You're right. My speakers are on, but they're not working. They were fine earlier.

Thanks for the heads-up.

>Por que no los dos.gif

Attached: Amelia Emmy mix.jpg (1488x1713, 503.71K)

Hey bros I gotta go, it will be great if you could keep the thread alive for a while if possible, that will be amazing, thank you

Attached: Do It for Amelia.png (1400x1000, 718.83K)

Aha, a loose wire. That was the issue.

>In fact, I am hot
She knows.
>Please Amelia Bedelia, please hit the ball hard
The next page is her cracking a kid in the nuts with the baseball bat, isn't it?

Wouldn't a Emmy-Amelia combo just be R. Dorothy?

Dorothy mostly sarcastic and deadpan when She is not overthinking if what she is experiencing is some type of love feeling

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I'm off to bed, too. Hope it sticks around for a while, I always love a good Amelia thread.

I should rewatch the show now that I remember

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no promises dude

Didn't she pick up the sarcasm from Roger? It's been a long time since I saw the first season but I thought she became a lot more snarky as time went by.

I've watched several of these now and I'm not convinced Amelia isn't just putting on this act to fuck with her bourgeois employers.

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Sure, but she does it to everyone. At what point does it stop being an act and start being a lifestyle?

She has some relatives like that as well so it's not just Amelia in that universe. Other relatives aren't like that but don't seem to think she's all that weird either.