Which of these two is supposed to be the main character ?

Which of these two is supposed to be the main character ?

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Sam. She's the smart one.

Sam's the leader, but Clover is the main character since she's, like, totally a valley girl and stuff?

It felt like Clover was the person we followed most but Sam was the protagonist.

There is no main character, it's not that kinda show

>leader and main character usually wears red

You can't have both

>Tfw Clover makes you rethink your choice of waifu
Oh god, this is insane, how am I falling for her like this? Is it just my dick?
What are some good Clover episodes?

Smart one doesnt get to be the leader, ask Donatello

I guess they never miss uh

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They can both alternate. I don’t even know if the people working on the show even knew who was meant to be the leader lol.

I'm 100% certain you don't know what protagonist means.

All the turtles were smart though.

Well, attraction deleted, sorry Clover.

Who got a foil?

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But more preferably, i think its Sam. Since she i like the Blossom of the group, and the spies are often compared to the PPG

How was she as a main character?

When you're a kid you're infatuated with Clover

When you're a teen you're crushing on Alex

When you reach adulthood you realize Alex was the best girl all along

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Clover, obviously. She's almost always the main focus, in the spotlight, has the alpha-bitch fights with Mandy and is literally the mascot of the show and in all of it's advertisements.

It's Clover.

Tell me about Alex, she's a ditz but I like her.

Sam is the one who is named first in the intro

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Alex is your friendfu.
Clover is your slutfu.
Sam is your waifu if you're into good girls.
Mandy is your waifu if you're into cunts.
Britney is your waifu if you're a weeb.

Big titty tomboy always wins.

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Do you not know what a foil is? Are you the same user that doesn't know what a bit is?

>He doesn't know Mindy was made into a main character late in the series

Aren't all of them main character? With some episodes focused on one or the other of the 3.

Clover's hotter and always did more for my penis and had the more rounded and interesting character. Sam was just bland.

Are you responding to
Cause Mindy was 1000% a foil. She even had her own Sam and Clover, although they became way less prominent as the series went on.

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Protagonist doesn't mean person who the camera follows. That's why some people can argue that Darth Vader is the protagonist of Star Wars. He drives the story and the other characters react to his decisions. Similarly Sam's decisions drive the story. But we spend most of the time with Clover.

>She even had her own Sam and Clover

So uou're saying Mandy = Alex ?

That was in response to I only remembered her as an occasional foil, I didn't remember she became a main later on.

Yes, all of them are protagonists. Arguably the show follows Clover more than Sam more than Alex though, but they're still all "protagonists'. None drop to deuteragonist level.

Meant Sam and Alex.

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For me? Sam.

>All the turtles were smart though.
Who is Mickey?

>Protagonist doesn't mean person who the camera follows
Yes it fucking does. That's why Notre-Dame (RIP) is the protagonist of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame despite having fuck all to do with the story. The author intentionally dwells on the structure throughout the book and the entire fucking point of the novel was a bid to encourage architectural preservation centering on the church in the first damn place (and to make money).

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what is a bit?

I just want Clover to be my overly affectionate valley girl mommy.

I think that in the first 2 seasons, the focus was put more onto Clover. The from season 3 onward, it started to shift more towards Sam.

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Thank you user.

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The camera doesn't follow Notre-Dame though. It follows the hunchback and several other characters. Yes, Notre-Dame is the protagonist. But we're following the lives of the people within and around the structure. Your own example just proved my point.

Are you two doing a bit?

>The camera doesn't follow Notre-Dame though
An obscene amount of the book is just describing the architecture. The fuck it doesn't. Shit has more page time than any individual character. The plot is window dressing for the church.

Can we all just really talk about why we're here?
This is a think veiled Clover appreciation thread.
help me anons am I in trouble for these feelings I have for her?

Sam is the leader, but Clover is the main character. Clover's real world drama stands out in my mind more than the other two girls', but maybe the life of a slut is just more memorable than that of a nerd or a tomboy.

I've always been most into Clover. She seemed fun, and just the right amount of bitchy.

Yeah, we spend a lot of time with the architecture. It is the protagonist after all. But we don't follow the church as it moves around. We follow the people. You seem to associate camera view with camera time.

you know as I rewatch the seasons multiple times i have grown an appreciation for clover i used to hate her when i first started watching.

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I'm fucking terrified I'll waifu her, that's silly isn't it?

Tell me everything you know about Alex's pubes.

>You seem to associate camera view with camera time.
By this logic, Lucas wipes are the main character of Star Wars.

The church gets the most camera time. View point LITERALLY does not matter. View point characters can easily be completely inconsequential and get little focus. It's by no means routine, but you can easily follow someone in order to keep an eye on who they themselves are following. They exist only to establish a point of view, not out of importance. In fact, Hunchback contains an example of this too, Pierre Gringoire, a character so non-essential to the story that he is often cut completely despite being ostensibly a major character.

>Implying Mickey isn't clever guy at Disney

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Waxed for speed.

Only if you tell me about Clover's pubes.
>Inb4 she doesn't have any
>Implying she wouldnt be into pubedomming
Alex has a nice bush, it's plentiful but can be sparse, very easy to run your hand through them, her bush also has a nice scent to it.

You're right in that viewpoint doesn't matter. Time spent with the protagonist doesn't matter either. This is what I'm trying to say. It's the actions of a character, and how it effects the story, that determine's a characters status as protagonist. Notre-Dame is a protagonist, not because we spend time with the structure, but because there wouldn't be a story with Notre-Dame. It is the existence of the church that gives us the story. The protagonist, whether they are proactive or reactive, is the driving force of the story and the focal point of the narrative. We could have spent less time with Notre-Dame and it would have still been the protagonist. It just wouldn't have been the main character.

I love this girl like you wouldn't believe

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How much speed?

Clover is the one I want to fuck the most, so her


This but then you realize she's too good for you and you end up with Mandy who was the sleeper best girl the whole time.

>kind of a tomboy
>probably secretly down with vidya and comics
>not the village bicycle like clover
>not an unloving count like sam

Here's an image of Sam just for you

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noun: protagonist; plural noun: protagonists

the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.

noun: character; plural noun: characters
the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
a person in a novel, play, or movie.

when your a teen you want to be with alex because she is spunky and knows would be into the same stuff you are

when your in your early twenties you want to be with clover because you know she would make a great wife/girlfriend and get lots of kinky sex out of it

When your in your thirties you want to be with sam because you know shes the most stable one and would make an excellent mother and give you lots of kids

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*Although you could probably still make a case for it. Wiktionary > jewgle, but I used jewgle's.
But according to the wikipedia page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunchback_of_Notre-Dame
>Esmeralda (born Agnes) is a beautiful 16-year-old Gypsy street dancer who is naturally compassionate and kind. She is the novel's protagonist and the center of the human drama within the story.

In any case, Hugo was a liberal twat and I really do not want to read his works, even if I absolutely should.

clearly the leader is the one with the bigger penis

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Clover is the Usagi. Sam is the Makoto. Alex is the Ami.