After today

After today...

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I like it. This would actually be a good way to explain why Roxanne isn't mentioned in AEGM. She realized that she was more interested in the idea of Max, and was actually in love with Stacy the whole time. She broke it off with Max and they parted on good terms.

I wouldn’t have been overly surprised.

So do I, then Lisa could have swooped in and Max would have hit that seven ways from Sunday.

I wish I had a high school romance.
I missed out on so much.

I figure most of the people here missed out on what fiction told them was a natural thing and then grew bitter afterwards.

Nah I was pretty bitter during too.

Trying to date as an adult has given me more bitterness than missing out on high school romance ever did.

Painful that it's true


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This is why the Coming-of-Age genre in films and Tv shows fills me with inhuman rage.

...Disney will never put us in another film, TV show, DVD, or even mention our existence in the Disney family of characters.

The only real good thing about high school romances is that they allow to recognize and fix all the problems and baggage you bring to a relationship while you're still in an environment where finding a partner is rather easy. The high school dating scene is basically nothing more than a practice field.

Bildungsroman leaves me with a strong feeling of contempt because it's fucking retarded. Everyone grows up, why the fuck would I want to learn about some fucking nobody's faggot character, his thoughts and feelings? Who the fuck cares? Everyone has them. Meanwhile, the deeds of Beowulf or Siegfried or Hercules or Gilgamesh or whoever other great mythological figure will continue to be told because the /feats/ of such giants are worth telling, even if fictional. Action, great deeds, will always be better than words, thoughts and feelings.


Does a kiss from someone of the same sex as you magically turn you gay?

I didn't. I just highschool lesbian romance is cute.

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No. But it's not immediately uncomfortable either. Just surprising because you don't expect it. Afterwards it is what you make of it.

After today, i'm gonna be cruisin

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Any good fan fictions about a Max and Lisa relationship?

>She realized that she was more interested in the idea of Max
This is the most retarded fucking cop out for anything, what kind of retard came up with this stupid bullshit?

I bet your the type of guy who thinks that Superman stories are boring because he's too strong

Probably someone who only watched the film after it gained cult classic status. My memory of the film is that Roxanne was head-over-heels for Max. But was too shy too approach him. Stacy played wing-man because she was a good person and a great friend.

I don't just mean for this I mean "in love with the idea of X". It's the stupidest fucking sentence I've ever heard and only serves to spackle over some dipshit's piss poor logic of relationships.

>be autistic nerd
>latina version of Lisa all over me a couple times
>tism flares up each time, totally ignore her
>she loses interest, no doubt goes off to fuck Chad
I still regret it. Yeah he was a slut but she was hot and probably nice, who knows. However I mostly regret it because I learned nothing.

>implying you've never been disappointed when someone doesn't live up to the preconceived notions you have of them
user. Come on now.

No because I'm not fucking retarded.


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Some people put people or concepts on pedestals. I can't tell you how many times I've seen men say that they only want a person who's smart. Only to avoid smart women like there's a prize to be won. Because they didn't want to date a smart woman, they wanted to feel like they were somebody that would only accept dating a smart woman.

You are either sheltered, retarded, or have no self awareness whatsoever.

>"in love with the idea of X"
Not the same thing that's being discussed, but you can love the idea of something. I love the idea of "The American Dream" despite not liking America that much.

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>met a girl online and we fell in love
>we would talk on discord, watch movies together, and text constantly
>after 3 months she flew from Wisconsin to meet me in California
>I mentioned to her before we met that it's hard to know if we're really in love or just caught up in infatuation and the idea of love
>she got upset and we had a minor fight, but we solved it and she visited me
>she arrived and had great sex
>afterwards she told (not ask) me to clean coffee that she spilled
>told me to buy her a hairdryer since she couldn't fit hers in her suitcase
>during the time I realized that she was slightly selfish and generally bossy
>we got really high the last day and I couldn't keep it together and didn't want to be with her anymore
>she was completely devastated of course

I still feel like a ginormous piece of shit, but I wouldn't have been happy. And the whole thing happened because she didn't live up to my expectations. I don't know if I lived up to hers.

The thing that makes dating harder as you get older is that depending on your job you can get yourself into a situation where it's nearly impossible to interact with young single women.

That's what happened to me. As I got older I resigned myself to my fate until I lucked out and married the daughter of my mother's neighbor. We're pretty happy together.


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what the hell is he even filming from that angle?

You sound gay.

I kinda want to experience that now.

The bottle of soda being dropped. It’s gunna be a wicked cool shot for a music video later


Gay fantasies of straight characters turning gay.

This has taken me back to the thread which drew me to Yas Forums originally.

Really great hypothetical sequel thread about Mickey and Donald on a road trip during the same time as Goofy Movie.

The duality of man.

Confirmed cuckfag

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The first step of trying to turn kids gay, is to turn every single fictional character into a faggot.
You keep pushing your luck and you'll suddenly find yourself at the end of a noose.

Edgyness aside. The fantasy of turning a straight gay, with sex, is the same fantasy of a straight turning a gay straight; with sex. Like any fantasy. It's okay until you try and make it a reality and then it's fucked up.

It can work, but to no surprise they will show that they have no idea what they are doing.
>for gods sake. i keep telling you, stop trying to play with my nipple, it's doing nothing. If you're looking for a guys G-spot, it's his dick. just concentrate on the dick.

>But it's not immediately uncomfortable either
Nigga you gay.

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I'm actually asexual. I just know, from experience, it's really not that big a deal.

>I'm actually asexual
Nigga you poorly processing getting molested.

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if you actually are asexual then you have no fucking word on this matter because you lack a sexual drive to feel things.

Sexual drive doesn't come into it. The fact of the matter is that people, such as , are so unused to physical contact that they find a kiss from someone that they're not attracted to to be repulsive. When, at the very most, it's embarrassing. It's like the difference between English people and French people. English people are so distanced from other people that they are put off by a simple kiss on the cheeks. But the French don't even think about it.

why are they always creating new ways to say retared?

Are you drunk, right now?

not enought it seems since i care enought to repond

This thread's gay, post more of the cute Goofs.

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No, if anything it reinforced my straightness

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>or just caught up in infatuation and the idea of love
user, love IS an idea.

You actually are.

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>Dragonball Z > Crime and Punishment
Back to your cave, primitive